Why don't you want to save these Syrian refugees?
Because Swedes are much better at taking care of them
Also, we have enough legal welfare leeches in this country
We don't need their murderous, culturally backward pets as well
Should use one of those soil ships that open the bottom to build up river beds
>you will never pilot a boatload of rapefugees on your semi sub and ballast down when the coast is just visible on the horizon
because they are pussies that did not stay and fight to make their country better, so what reason do I have to believe that will come here and fight to make my country better?
Because you and Hans are willing to do it
Someone go through and circle the women and children.
Ah yes, the African Kingdom of Syria, how could I forget?
Unsolicited shipments should be returned to sender.
sent them here to germany, i love how butthurt germs are :D
Too bad there wasn't a suicide bomber.
Poseidon needs them more than I do
Because Aussiefags do it right.
What the fugg is that thing and why does it somewhat submerge?
A.) Not Syrian.
B.) Not refugees.
They have to go back.
I don't see a single Syrian in there.
carries oil rigs to their destination
How come these "Syrians," look like they came from the heart of the Saharan desert?
I'm pretty sure this is what a Syrian looks like.
we Need a laconia order 2.0
It's a shitboat used to lift up other boats and shit. Similar to a tow truck.
rare flag right here
i mean if you kind think about it, if the illegal immigration problem was actually put to fucking rest and all the illegal aliens were btfo, there might actually be room to fit these people in
>black syrians.
look at the boat sven do that look like syrians to you?
no there profiteers who are using this "crisis" to come here for gibz.
It's a semi submersible ship meant to carry semi submersible production platforms to their installation location.
Because other Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE should take them in.
I want to save them though. We are so privileged its fucking ridiculous. Try live one year with them and I think our views about them will change. Not even trolling desu!
They offer nothing in return.
>most of them are young able-bodied men
>Replace mostly non-violent shitskins from a Christian upbringing
>With shitskins licensed by their god to kill our religion and culture
You're onto something, leaf... we need a northern wall
Because unlike your dumb ass I would prefer to focus on the "Syrian" Gays and Christians instead. You know, ACTUAL refugees.
Bomb the boats, support European fisheries.
well theoretically we'd just be keeping them there until we rebuild their homeland, and we could just monitor all their shit.... right?
That's not how's it going to work mate. If most of what could have constituted as a fighting force them are counted among the refugees, it leads to two possibilities: they have no intention of going back and will manifest destiny our asses like colonials did to native americans, or they truly are cowards. If the latter is correct, whoever reclaims Syria is theirs now, and chances are they won't give it back for free.
Atlantis can take them
>Why don't you want to save these Syrian refugees?
We already have enough unemployed black people....don't need any more.
This. We already take care of the South Americans who come begging for scraps at our table, and at least they have the common courtesy to not blow our shit up afterwards.
Refugee status should be given to young women only
Depopulates refugee country, leading to increased peace as everyone has more shit
Lowers value of western women, leading to them potentially curbing their behaviour
Could even lead to a rise in western birth-rates (though of half-breeds)
Though they'd be a massive drain on government spending (just like those fighting-age males in that boat)