Trump allows 12hr purge night once a year

All weapons class 4 and lower are allowed to be used.

Would you go out purge or would you stay at home with your arsenal to protect yourself from the purgers?

Who would actually go out purge at all?

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Considering the defensibility of my position, I'd just stay home and shitpost all night like I do anyway.

living in NYC, i'd falseflag as a liberal and destroy them from the inside

I'd probably market myself as home defense for rich liberals.

>vacation out of america every purge night

>all right wings gather outside the cities
>pledge not to shoot each other

Best answer, but only if you have some extreme home protection or insurance and literally nobody on your kill list

All home protection must be non-human and powered off-grid. Trusting a bodyguard is a death sentence.

wow, where did all the black people go?

I'd say I'd fuck all the women, but I could just as easily move to Sweden and do that any fucking day of the year. I'd just have to pull a really good blackface.

homeless folk have lots of experience hiding in sewers and forests; good luck finding them in 12 hours of darkness and not getting killed in return

I love the way in the movie the hospital works the next second its all over
Like everyone is friendly

>character in the movie is really rich
>has a sick home and defence system
>doesnt just spend the purge day in Canada with his family


Well I'd imagine the moments immediately after the purge would be at an all-time high for hospital profits. I'm sure they'd have some sort of system to get the doctors and nurses immediately back to the hospital and processing the hoards of people who were injured for that $$$.

Do you statists actualy believe that people would start randomly killing each other without law and police?

>there are living organisms right now legally defined as human beings who believe this movie is in any way feasible

why not?
I'd do it, and I'm a leaf.

>would start randomly killing each other without law and police?
Not "randomly", itd be because they want to kill that person, or to take their stuff, since now theres no law or police to stop them or deliver consequences

>Canadians werent the first to be purged during the very first purge

Canada built a wall

You would do it because you're a leaf, not a human.

What do you think the death toll for detroit nig violence is from just this week?

>but his NAP!
what if his child consents tho

Shit in India you would get killed for transporting a cow

I got liveleak proof

You would put your own life at serious risk just to kill some random people? Or do you think they are not going to defend themselves?

Then go literally anywhere else, the guys rich, take a flight and spend a weekend in Spain or something

The first people to get picked off would be Commies.
I would consider helping out.

Purge tourism would be big. From all around the world death tourists would stream to the US to "get some".

>trump announces purge
>nukes world

There's no consequence for flying to Zimbabwe and killing somebody. Why isn't tourism there immense?


Come on we all know it would turn into an annual day of the rope.

desu, I'd probably go into a park in a big city naked and hide in the bushes and watch people kill each other. Plus imagine the adrenaline kicks you'll get when some psycho with an axe walks past you looking for people to slaughter.

most americans have been conditioned to be psychopathic

kill the fedoracucks

i would just get a rifle and purge from my roof.

God the last movie of this serie was so fucking lefty propaganda

coming as a tourist is the worst. you wouldnt make security improvements to a rental home so obviously no space space for you. Your only option is to attack other more well armed ppl. Given that you cant import arms or buy a gun as a foreigner... death awaits.

>and America paid for it

>walking around with an axe
>in gun filled America

fucking idiot wouldnt make it 10 minutes

I'll go purge some degenerates

Might go as a tourist to kill niggers desu.

Have you seen real life poltards? Literally every picture is some skinny underage faggot.

Someone post the pic of the cuck in a kilt

Pol would be best to stay indoors

>implying none of your neighbours has the same idea

Going double spas-12 with butthooks and ripping the front doors off jeep.

t.dies first

how was the movie? I like the idea behind but so many people said it sucked donkey balls

Just pointing it out...all crime was legal so most of Sup Forums would be out raping and then bragging they lost the virginity the next day.

In the first quarter of 2017, 66 people were murdered and 195 injured by gunfire in Detroit. Jan 1 to late March.

If that's true then I'll be just fine

bring that shit on

Would rape some young girls and kill some blacks.

hiding in their basements then bragging they lost their virginity the next day


Get best insurance, and I live in a house with 3 other vets and we're all armed and have 2 German shepherds (one dude used to be k9 bro in army). We'll be fine.

It was awful, the only thing the the cool idea is there for is to give a reason for "why dont they just call the police"
nothing interesting is done with the idea, its just some killers attacking people in a house

all gun fearing democrats will be killed in 1 night?

Count me the fuck in!

>weapons class 4 and lower are allowed to be used

What does that mean in English?

>english teaching weaboo talks shit about underage faggots

But user, every night in Europe is Islams purge night

This is fucking amazing.

>I would be the killer because im the protagonist, there's no way that I, an untrained, lone gunman would get shot in a country full of guns on a night when everyone has a hair-trigger and is jumpy as hell.







then the next day its all good and we go about our lives. with a few less of the aforementioned filth BECAUSE I REMOVED THEM.



>live innasticks with brothers
>we all have gats, loads of ammo and food
I'll be fine

No explosives allowed, but theres no cops around, so whos gonna stop you even if you do decide to throw some grenades into windows?

>3 grown men living together with 2 dogs?

What did he mean by this?

I live in a wealthy neighborhood so i would be installing steel plating on all the windows and loading the AKs

>would build multistage nuclear warhead and truly purge

not elaborated in the movie but presumed to be demolition explosives i guess. No tanks no bazookas no A-bomb

Until the novelty wears off. If it was all the time, no, but if it was just one day...

Makes it cheap to go to college? I mean what's the problem here?

It would certainly happen, but it wouldn't be the primary thing people would do.

I would imagine that most people would commit lots of white collar crimes though.

Why not just leave the country for 12 hours instead?

Investing in a battle tank or bunker would be a good idea

Absolutely childish. Do you know what would really happen? Giant corporations would hire mercs to clear out whole areas to be able to purchase valuable land cheap and don't think the politicians wouldn't sell you down the river either.

>tfw antifa destroys everything because there are no laws

I live in NYC so I could have some good targets but I'd probably just stay in my 16th floor apartment and let nigs just kill each other. Why should I do the work if they'll do it for me.

Idea :
The purge is only announced 8 hours in advance.
Every year, it comes at a different date.

Can you trust your bunker manufacturer not to sabotage it?

squatters rights

Criminals do it even with the law. Its just most people that want to do it avoid it so they don't get caught.

guess what happend in the movie

Also close the airports.

Why naked? Fucking German perverts, can't we murder each other without being naked?

flag checks out. you will have a daughter who will be raped because of this statement.

I'd invest in portable bunker companies

Plenty of time to get to the wilderness, dig a hole and hide in it

Anyone got any silver bullets?

In the movie this isnt possible

It is implied that the US got refounded and the connections to the rest of the world are gone/unwanted by the government

They should make purges legal in certain cities like Detroit, Chimpcago, and Apelanta. A natural thinning of those populations would make the country great again.

Becasue i want to feel as helpless and fucked as possible knowing that if someone finds me I'd be absolutely fucked.

Add nyc to the list. I'm tired of dealing with niggers on the subway

Americans and americanised first-worlders think this is how people react.
Every thread about stuff like this has some LARP'er talk about how gun control would mean that he gets incarcerated by the jew state and whatnot - and that without his guns he'd be a defenceless working drone.
I don't understand how this thinking can flourish in the first world, but it's pretty common for Americans.

I don't think a purge would make too much a difference here.

First one was just your standard home invasion film. It's not terrible but not anything good either.
Second one expanded on the concept a lot but was still mediocre overall.

Don't pay money for it but worth a watch if you're bored.

>buy boat
>the day before the purge sail out into the ocean
>do some fishing
>come back when its over

You'd still be just as fucked if you had some trousers on. Fucking degenerates, you're like that German guy a few years ago who let that other guy eat him.

It would basically turn into a civil war. All lone wolves trying to rob and kill will themselves get killed extremely quickly by militia groups, you'll have your Antifa and other left-wingers attacking all their political opponents, then all the right-wingers unite and purge the lefties with the only place doing the purge correctly being the black ghettos where niggers will kill each other like usual but at an even larger rate unless the right-wingers try to exterminate them.

The civil war of course will keep going as everyone will try to seek revenge for past losses and the military and police that's supposed to keep the order will probably take a side as well.

Basically this although you should probably put all the nogs in an arena so it doesn't spill over everywhere.

It would just be a big rapefest. Imagine having the possibility to rape anyone without risking jail.


Enough time for quick preparations, not enough for armies to organise, for rich people to get to their underground bunkers...

Other idea : Shut down telecommunications.