How can White wombyn be so cucked

It's high time SJWs lose their biggest ally and white wombyn join white gays on the list of too privileged to be ally.

Push it as HARD as possible pol and let female ego do the rest...

#White women in non-white world

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi POL. I've got great idea.

You know all the recent actions where you co opted sjw signs etc. ? Good work, lads.

You also are aware how with increase of niggers of all kinds in our white countries former 'allies' of communist SJWs are slowly but surely getting rejected by them. Like gay white males are now too much priviliged cause their whiteness outweights their faggotry and so on.

Biggest ally of SJWs have been WHITE WOMEN. They have been also recently slowly spit out and reject by them but they still need them too much. One of them had a slip of tongue and bruttaly honestly said to white women what non-white women think about them and what future white women deserve.

This tweet went viral:

Wew lads. Frog was supposed to be cooked on number 7 heat for a while and they suddenly turned it to 10. Golly Gee, frog might jump out if we don't decrese temperature... NO!

Let's use this and push it as HARD as possible under name #Future for White women in non-white world

Let's redpill our wombyn. They are wombyn. They might be naive and dumb but when other nigger wombyn start calling them out they'll find the biggest enemy in them (female ego) and we'll find once again biggest ally.

Together we would be unstoppable.




Bump for visibility


Thanks m8, much appreciated.

Why no?


if minorities stay in their countries then they can buy all the black dols they want and get pedicures from their own people

Bump for a good cause.


But they want to come to ours and then bitch how in white countries majority of dolls are white!

WEW, smack my ass and call me a fuckking faggot.

NO shit!?

Let me guess in China majority of dolls are black?
Right? Right?

Because women have a tendency to ruin everything they partake in.
They ruined my video games.
They ruined my TV shows.
They ruined my micromachines.
They ruined my GI Joe action figures.

And now you want them to ruin the alt-right? Are you daft?

You are right about all the things you listed.

No, I don't want to ruin us.They have been doing that for far too long.

I just want to pit them against other nigger women and stop making by default majority of 50% of white population sjws.

tl dr



Women of all races are creatures of vice, slaves to whim and owners of huuuuuge EGO.

It doen't take to pit them against each other much. And they hate each other already too, it's just that we need to make it racial now instead of later when it's gonna be too late.

I think that's sort-of the point. OP isn't saying necessarily that they are part of us, but more that they fuck up the ridiculousness of the left with their ego by tearing it apart from the inside out to give them less substance and direction than they already have.

Also, Sup Forums isn't alt-right, faggot, it's just Sup Forums.

This is autismwell, no?

Power of weaponized autism have served us well so far.

we get white women back and there's no stopping the movement.

theyre fucking idiots. also if there are too many white dolls that means theres a gap in the market no? a smart person would think, hmm let me start making black dolls because nobody is selling them right now. if black girls really want black dolls then you are sure to make a killing, if you dont get rich then that just shows nobody really wants them they just like to bitch about non-issues.

also, what happned to not fueling gender streotypes, i thought we were suposed to encourage little girls to play with cowboy guns and action figures now


Invite more white women to join SJW causes.
They'll fuck that up on their own, really - they've already begun doing that.
Just in general let women join everything you don't fancy.
And kick them out of your boys clubs, every time and all the time.

Pretty much this.

Can any of you make a thread with this topic actually to catch up and bandwagon cause I'm pretty shitty at making my threads noticable.

We need to use this like we already did with rainbow flag and other shit.

>Biggest ally of SJWs have been WHITE WOMEN, tho.

White women literally voted in Trump.

They also voted in Macron and communist in Austria etc.

Also those were old or middleaged white women who were married.

This is not aimed at them. It's aimed at daddy's princessed millenial cum buckets who think that non-white people and women will help them as much as they helped them to smash white patriarchy.

It's time we smah into pieces that illusion they have.

What did you expect from a serb on Sup Forums...

Serbian mass genocide when?

Well, user, the big thing that Sup Forums is usually good at doing is exposing the fact that these little communities aren't as goodie-two-shoes as they think they are. They're inconsistent, and all these movements working together, unified for... What reason?

A lot of them can't even agree on a goal except for gibsmedats and hating nationalist symbols. Yet they push for equality and being the same. With the flag bullshit, it was Sup Forums calling them out for being retarted and hypocritical.

All in all, I think you got the right idea, OP, just maybe execution needs to take a different route.

Arbanian shitskin, Bosnian muslim larepr or Croat cuck detected! lol


Yeah I'm really bad at making catchy threads though I don't need more then flag to catch a few Arbanian triggered faggots.

Have you noticed on pol today that anyone else made similar thread about this? As you csan see it tweet went pretty viral.

Paul Joseph Watson also shared it. I hope it picks up the steam.

women and the young generations. we need to find some way to get through to them.

Youre not thinking right. Women think with their pussy not their brain. The left is bribing them with BBC and Justin Trudeau while we offer what?
Put handsome men in positions of power and watch women flock.

You dont know what you are doing, you need to STOP your little prank RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Why do you think so many white males are sjw's? Hell, most of Antifa are upper to middle class white people. You know what attracts them? Its exactly this. You tell them they are privileged shits and they say "look at me im not like those other white people please give me attention and good goy points xD". You are not ending the movement. You are giving them a badge of honor; to stand with the oppressed despite being privileged.

well it's prob not gonna be weaponized autism and nazi frogs..

It's gonna have to be normie tier tactics. I think we need Goebbels for this one.


is where you belong, boy

Reading the twitter comments makes me happy. It's just poc women and faggots. Nothing scary like strong military age white men agreeing.

t. projecting male who thinks with his dick

No. I'm showing them that little innocent minorites (who make more then 80% of world population) who they champion so much will as soon as white sjws and women help them win our countries turn their backs on their fellow allies and make their lives more miserable then niggers had it in 17th century America. Or modern Africa.

Understood?We jews now...

NEVER underestimate female ego. With things like these non-white women are directly attacking white women's ego.

White women now face dillema,

Virtue signaling (which is artificial and thought to them)

Or protecting their ego and destroying chink and nigger women.

Tough choice for them...

I'm sure in Crusader Kings this activity which one of your councilmen can do is called: Sow dissent.

That'c precisely what we're doing with all these things.

>Let's redpill our wombyn. They are wombyn. They might be naive and dumb but when other nigger wombyn start calling them out they'll find the biggest enemy in them (female ego) and we'll find once again biggest ally.
name me ONE time this was true

Name me one time this was tried?

One of the reasons (except attention whoring) why right wing young girls are more prominent is because shitskin girls are treating them more and more bad.

If only we could somehow make sure that white feminism (as called by black femninazis) and poc femnism go to war aginst each other that would be great. It doesn't take much.

Black feminists are already placing them in same group as white faggots: too privileged.

Oncee they lose common goal fraction and infighting is bound to take place.

Or simply pur when white feminsts and white women at large realize that shitskins are no longer fighting with them to get them more rights and priviliges but instead asking from them to step down they'll find us once again only remaining and natural ally.

And we'll know how to punish their betrayal while at the same time embracing them,,,

better to let them eat themself. It's their own fight with feminism, there is nothing to "gain" for us since that group still think every white male is privileged root of all evil.
And your reddit spacing is showing

Agree to disagree.

Btw I truly hate plebbit and almost never go over there.


Well done roasties.


3/4 of millennial white women voted for Hilldog. A solid portion of them are not marriageable and irreversibly so. What happened with Trump will never happen again, especially not in your country. Stop putting them on a pedestal.

So much this. Statistics need to be fully grasped and this is how things stand.

That everythingisfine.jpg reaction they have to white women borders on cuck tier. It is not (NOT) redpilled. You made a solid point today OP.

I'm not trashing all of them, but the pedestalization of them is fucking repugnant.