Does this make you think?
Does this make you think?
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Makes me think we should build two walls.
What is this? Vancouver?
does this make you think?
white people are to blame for this
>zero work ethic
>want everything
>get told they are the superior race and get treated like Kangz by hollywood and media
>mass delusion among white people
>guilt ridden
>again absolutely zero work ethic
meanwhile in china:
>lets sacrifice entire generations for the greater good
>oops 300 workers died building this bridge
>well better throw another 30000 in there to complete it faster
>traditional male/female roles
lmao white people are so fucking RETARDED
legit red pill
It makes me think that the inferior races should stop having power fantasies and go back to work. Chop chop Chang, easy on the grease, make it quick Pablo is coming to mow my lawn for three dollars an hour.
It's high time SJWs lose their biggest ally and white wombyn join white gays on the list of too privileged to be ally.
Push it as HARD as possible pol and let female ego do the rest...
#White women in non-white world
Hi POL. I've got great idea.
You know all the recent actions where you co opted sjw signs etc. ? Good work, lads.
You also are aware how with increase of niggers of all kinds in our white countries former 'allies' of communist SJWs are slowly but surely getting rejected by them. Like gay white males are now too much priviliged cause their whiteness outweights their faggotry and so on.
Biggest ally of SJWs have been WHITE WOMEN. They have been also recently slowly spit out and reject by them but they still need them too much. One of them had a slip of tongue and bruttaly honestly said to white women what non-white women think about them and what future white women deserve.
This tweet went viral:
Wew lads. Frog was supposed to be cooked on number 7 heat for a while and they suddenly turned it to 10. Golly Gee, frog might jump out if we don't decrese temperature... NO!
Let's use this and push it as HARD as possible under name #Future for White women in non-white world
Let's redpill our wombyn. They are wombyn. They might be naive and dumb but when other nigger wombyn start calling them out they'll find the biggest enemy in them (female ego) and we'll find once again biggest ally.
Together we would be unstoppable.
Gook detected!
You're wrong, whites are the most humble and least delus
>whites are the most humble
HAHAHAHAHA ... how is your first day on Sup Forums ?!
Go back and read my post again, it may surprise you.
Look like life in south africa
I would immediately think they are living in a country where the majority population is represented by the picture
would look like africa or something
I had to remember I was looking at propaganda first before I knew what they really were
White people shop online now.
>white people
>zero work ethic
>get told they are the superior race and get treated like Kangz by hollywood and media
wrong. kikes push multiculturalism on hollywood and media.
>guilt ridden
kike divide and conquer tactics, only normies fall for it.
>again absolutely zero work ethic
you clearly know nothing about whites ahmed.
>oops 300 workers died building this bridge
whites build that same bridge with 0 casualties.
It makes me think that foreigners are more entrepreneurial than whites and that's why we need then in our societies.
>lives in a 3rd world country full with lazy white people
jealousy from the lesser races gets me hard
>move to a white western nation
>bitch that's it's too white
Yeah it makes me think we need to bring back ethnic genocide tbqh lad
this is one of the most bitter pills to swallow. damn.
no. does this?
Whites built this country you fucking little bitch.
We need to bring back segregation.
sure .. just sit there and wait and talk about the past while the chinks are builDING right now
mmh I feel toxic whitness in my veins
Looking at Rockwell paintings hurts my soul. What was once, and could have been, but instead we didn't send niggers back to Africa.
>Yeah lets die to keep this totalitarian dystopia as the 2 biggest economy in the world even though our life standards are third world tier
These pictures don't make sense in the context of a majority white society, but they wouldn't be so strange if placed in the right context.
For example, the first picture was of a Swedish Pedicure business in Korea or the second picture was of a kid in an African toy store.
Looks like a scene from a horror movie or a bullied white girl's nightmare.
That photosynthesizes my Brussel sprouts
Good. I would rather see the Chinese succeed rather than a pack of ungrateful shitskins who hate whites yet love to move to our countries.
I would rather make sure your ungrateful faggot ass gets nothing than pretend that diversity works.
It's almost like they shouldn't have racially mixed the population leading to this degrading scenario in the first place
For some reason this makes me more attracted to the white women. Is it because they're in a submissive position?
Hey man, I don't see color.