Pic mildly unrelated

Pic mildly unrelated

When I was ~15, I thought I was bisexual. I believed that I liked men as well as women.

While I was believed myself to be bisexual, I also thought that I was trans, for about a month.

And then I finished puberty and It was all over.

When people are going through puberty, they feel weird shit.

Giving children hormone blockers and stuff like that only messes up them.

When they grow out of it, a process delayed by hormone blockers, they can't handle what they've done to themselves.

And it destroys them

and they kill themselves

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Oh really, tell me more.
Bears shit in the forest, Water is wet, and the pope is chri-

Giving a child hormone blockers because they might be transgender is child abuse, plain and simple
But the problem with liberals is that they think that it's the right thing to do, that it would be abusive to NOT do this to children
How many hundreds or thousands of children have to go through this before leftists realize there's a very good reason post-op trannies have higher suicide rates than pre-op trannies?

let these people do what they want, when their kids start killing themselves off they will see the failure in their logic, hopefully fallow suit and off themselves as well.

But they feelies can't be wrong it's in dur hearts

According to canadians, trannies they kill themselves because society denies them their uniquely-chosen pronouns tho

I agree on children, anyone below 18/21 clearly has no grasp on the long term consequences of those drugs

but you seem to not like trans people? I would recommend actually talking to a trans person and a psychologist


implying there are only 2 genders ... dropped

dunno how that is in monkeeland but in north america, trannies are often an extremely vocal minority that makes itself hated

this is a problem I've seen in videos of the USA, here they're usually chill, it's rare to see anything in the news trans related, and when there is, it's the journalists who go after them to interview them and stuff

probably because there's a much bigger stigma here

You're alright, Kraut.

I was avowedly heterosexual throughout puberty

Finished puberty early, genes from my dad meant my voice dropped octaves in grade 7

By early twenties I realized I had been repressing my bisexuality.

>still lean towards women for the most part
>still extremely picky from either side
>still criticize the shit out of most people who think theyre 7s or 8s

It's just life dude. You were fucking weird if you thought you were trans for a month.

I have a friend who always thought he was just straight just like everyone else.
Never gave it some thought really. (this was in the early 70's)
Until the day that he took home a girl after a late night party.
They took off their clothes and he was so disgusted about what he saw.
He found out there on the spot that he was actually gay.
back in those days it was pretty normal that you didnt see the female genitals (other than boobs) before you actually had sex for the first time.
Has been gay ever since, never touched a woman again.


i don't fucking care about you or your creepy fucking problems. this isn't a fucking blog. this is not your self help forum. don't waste our time cunt.

I remember telling my dad I was gay when I was a boy. He told me that I wasn't then showed me a picture in a catalogue of a man and woman and asked which I liked better. I pointed to the man. He asked me if I wanted to be the man or have sex with the man. That helped me realize I was just confused.

>He asked me if I wanted to be the man or have sex with the man

Your dad sounds like a pretty cool guy. Either that or a perverted weirdo.

He is mildly perverted, but who isn't. He would always describe things as being "smooth as a fox pussy".

>blaire white
im going to give this shit thread, and that attention-whoring tranny, a massive sage

>When I was ~15, I thought I was bisexual. I believed that I liked men as well as women.

Maybe you're just a faggot. There was never any ambiguity about who I was attracted to because I'm not a degenerate, poz-seeking scumfuck. There is quite literally nothing to be confused about: You are either attracted to only women or you're not.

If you're confused and your dick doesn't spike up at every whiff of pussy you get maybe you should continue to question your sexuality while kindly walking off a bridge.

don't cut yourself on that edge

>I thought I was bisexual
You are gay. Gas thyself.


Bisexuality isn't really a thing.
It's like being a vegetarian who also eats meat.
If you're a dude and you fuck dudes, you're a faggot. No exceptions
If you're a girl and you fuck girls you're a dyke. No exceptions.



So all women are dykes?
I've never met a single girl who didn't "experiment" at some point. And never dated a single one who didn't have a friend they were OK with having a threesome with.

all canadian women, maybe

Yes, i've always had a little autogynephilia. I remember being a little 7 yrs old child trying mom's stocking and it became wilder throught middle school.. I also liked femenine males, in elementary school i liked a chad dude who had a girly face...
But i never thought it was a fucking big issiue, or a social issue, i just liked it. Then i went to college and i found pre sjw and queer stuff and get seduced, i thought i probably was trans too, then i found Sup Forums.
It saved my life. Yes, i am still a degenerate, but i don't make it an identity/social issue. In my day to day life i'm a conservative guy, But sometimes, in the intimacy of my room i turn i to a bisexual succubus.