Thanks Merkel
Thanks Merkel
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lol. the kikes reeaaally fucked you guys
This is a sick fucking joke, r-right guys? G-guys?
the fuck
On the one hand bombing Germany was a mistake, On the other hand...
what the fuck?
Video gave me cancer, thanks op.
Literal photo from their twitter
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
What the fuckin' fuck? This c-can't be r-real.
(And the faggots probably made this shitpiece of a film from a fuckload of EU money)
So beautiful. Almost made me cry.
>captain sweden ended up becoming reality
this gave cancer to my cancer
racists watch out
TIL: Reject immigrants, accept refugees.
Fug you are right :DDDDD
>long live europe, thank you so much
While in reality, these people come to us
this is fucking cancer.
Down with the faggotry!
holy fuck , who finance this shit.
Based refugees. Racists BOILING
>no likes
they are afraid
>Long live Europe
They're already referring to it as a country
I saw with my girlfriend this shit at the cinema yesterday. We looked at each others and said : It's seems that propaganda is still strong, France is fucked....
I've never been so fucking angry wtf?
*Kills pollock then eats a curry* REEEEEEEEFUGEEEEEES OOOOOOUT!
>They show it in cinemas
holy shit.
I also like how they shit on Eastern Europe too
What the fuck is this shit.Sometimes I have my doubts about being on the right,sometimes I think "am I really just a cunt and should we help these people".But then I see shit like this and it gives me faith.
Oui oui mon cher béret sentant le fromage, à Nantes au Gaumont avant Alien Covenant. Paye ta neutralité dans les espaces culturels (lel)
Vivement la guerre civile
I want this nightmare to be over.
This type of shit really reinforces the darkness within.
Should have voted Le Pen.
i wish i could gas them
>posts this from sub-60%, polluted, gay, mongrelized, social Darwinist zog war machine
Putain de merde !
the first comment on jewtube has it :
" Go fuck yourselves."
Reading the comments I see Sup Forums was informed of this hours ago. Carry on lads, you're doing Keks work
>but it's their right
I lost my shit right there
Okay, that it. I'm a right-winger now. No more centrism. FORTRESS EVROPA!
Well, you allies thought you were doing the good thing but maybe the nuke on Berlin wasn't a bad idea after all.
>depicting Arabs flying on a magic carpet
this is even more cringeworthy