>You can go from southern point of Argentina to Canada by just talking spanish
Why haven't you learned spanish yet, Sup Forums?
>You can go from southern point of Argentina to Canada by just talking spanish
Why haven't you learned spanish yet, Sup Forums?
You can't speak to much spanish in america though
because anglos are #1 best friend of the jews and they decided to dump spanish for english as a global language
Because I don't want the Falklands to fall to the
fucking los negros again.
It's an ugly-sounding language, t b h.
Muh "empire"
Sounds better than English desu
Because they're all irrelevant countries.
beaner spanish sounds like shit, castillian spanish sound very noble
>Did you know that if you learn indian, you can talk to people?
Why haven't you learned shitspeak yet, Sup Forums?
mexispanish sounds crude and masculine while castillan espanol sounds sophisticated and gay
Because french is where the future is
>New European Caliphate is mostly french speaking
>Africa, the most developing continent and the future, is also french speaking
Why haven't you learned french yet, Sup Forums?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Whatever relevancy Spanish has ends at our Southern border.
Very noble? castillian sounds like a million of fags shouting, beaner neutral spanish with no idioms is better.
>Implying I'm not a Mexican Refugee.
>castillan espanol sounds sophisticated and gay
kinda like british accent
I have. It's pretty useful
lol, no, why should we. it's as useless as german.
Pero se hablar en castellano
esta seguro señor?
eternal anglo
Nah, if africa will ever develop, they'll be speaking chink. The chinese are even breading with them to create some useful african population - it has to be wonderful to have so many people that you can spare 100 million to create a new race.
"donde esta el aeropuerto" is all i need.
>Africa speaks French
About half the African countries, especially the larger economies, speak English as their official language.
Because I took German
>Pero se hablar en castellano
Uh huh.. Tell me more
why german?
>castillian sounds like a million of fags shouting
bit rude tbqh
why i would go there in the first place...oh.
spanish is my first language
como que?
>face looks like a mong
>pussy looks tight as fuck
That's a predicament
you r way 2 fussy
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey you is en no compadre si saynyore???!
t. gringo
I don't think I've ever seen an asian nigger (with chink eyes, not the "british" asian)
British tourists are by far the worst
>Eternal kraut comes to America and speaks spanish in the wrong small town
>gets btfo worse than dresden.
The top 4 speak french
Too lazy to check the rest though
You can go all the way from Kalingrad in Europe, to the Vladivostock near North Korea just by speaking Russian. What's your point.
Habla una pequito espanyol...
I fucked a Nicaraguan chick at a hostel in Barcelona that didnt speak any English at all. It was fucking hot when she did the whole "¡¡papi...mmmmmm...papi!!" thing though. She's still a dirty whore, wetback slut. But I got to cum on her face, so I got that going for me I guess.
I do speak Spanish
Because i speak portuguese and i can understand most of their gipsy/moor language.
Whenever I see the option for your language, it's usually marked with Brazil's flag.
Spanish is my 3rd language but eventually I figured out it would be useful only if I decide to become a drug dealer or something like that.
I said larger economies, you post a list sorted by HDI instead, nice try. Here's the top 4 by GDP.
If you expand beyond that top 4, you are right, there are a fair deal of French countries high in the list but Nigeria and South Africa tips the balance in favor of English due to their huge GDP.
But I've heard that Argentine Spanish is the prettiest :(. Was I lied to?
In my original comment I said developing, sorry I thought you were answering that, not making a new statement
Best online resource to learn Spanish? Slowly working on actualizing my dream of being a gaucho.
ok i get it now. i was surprised that French is so widely spoken in Africa, tbqh
because everyone else has agreed to learn English as it is the superior language for communication of all forms short of math
No, it is. Spain Spanish is autistic. Mexicsn is nigger tier
Fucking Bean Speak
People here get their dicks hard posting the british and spanish empires, but the french were also a superpower once, too bad they got invaded
Get me some tacos Paquito.
I was trying to think what the hell you eat, but all I can think of is Brazilian stuff and how you're not Spain.
Because I had to learn italian
The Spanish Empire was the conquest of deserts and mountains, a pathetic amount of people lived in the Americas compared to places occupied by the Brits.
Best online resource for language learning?
Duolingo is good for getting vocab for free, but if you actually want to learn you better whip out your wallet for some program elsewhere
Belgium also had an empire, oh wait...
Cry harder Franco.
We survived longer then you did.
>talking spanish in USA
such is the ignorance of g*rmans
>Parts of Canada
What? I thought people spoke French and English and Mandarin over there.
Our food is shit, not woth coming here to try.. our people is not kind and you will get robbed. Stay out.
You used to be cool in the reconquista. What happened to you, tiny country?
It would be rather depressing to learn a new language, exit my basement for once, and make friends with people who speak that language just in time for them to all be catapulted over the [metaphorical] wall the next day.
Spanish is the language of the poor.
I speak spanish already, I'm a B2 level in German, which german is an excellent language to have for central and eastern europe.
I want to learn French though, you can communicate with africans from morrocco all the way to madagascar. Not that I would travel there but it's cool skill to have
Spanish power ranking
Spaniard: beautiful
Colombian/Venezuelan/Cuban/Mexican (girls): cute
Argentine/Uruguayan: "ok".
Chilean/Puerto Rican/Mexicans (the rest): not as bad
Bolivian/Paraguayan/Peruvian/Ecuadorian: weird
V império virá
Why is South Africa lumped with the BRIC countries and not Nigeria?
Spaniard spanish , has a shit tier lisp, stop being a eurocentric cuck. Lisp automatically make this accent below beaner tier
You got me curious about how Paraguayans look like.
Sheshh, to many Niger ians
>t. Wenceslao Morrison
Spaniard Spanish doesn't have a lisp because the actually how it's supposed to be spoken. South Americans lost it because we sent literal scum and prisoners to the colonies.
Also you don't have a lisp because your language descends from snow monkey pillagers and doesn't even have official rules.
because i am a lazy idiot
knowing how to speak Spanish would do wonders for me
living in SoCal