What's wrong with Barron?

What's wrong with Barron?

He's gay

I don't think he's French.

It's a progressive disease called being a 10 year old kid. It is always fatal but takes 75 years to kill.

He's gay, deal with it dude

i bet he jerks off to Mommy + Son porn all day that degenerate fuck

Slide thread. Sage in options if you can't help yourself from falling for the bait.

his daddy wasn't there

I don't know but the Trumps are the most ridiculous presidential family the country has ever seen. An idiot 70-year-old illiterate as the president who continuously misspells "honor" as "honer" in his Twitter rants, with a trophy wife as his first lady. Americans are insane for electing this guy who believes in God but not in the climate change. This is like a bad dream.

Say something in Finnish.

How many hours on pol do you spend spewing bullshit you commie?

haha yeah what a degenerate



He is just a kid who is being watched by freaks from all around the world 24/7, thats what's wrong with him.


I remember some Slav anons talking about the mother son relationships out there. Fascinating shit desu

His mom gives him handjobs when he spergs.

people think that he's an immature or autistic teenager
in reality he's a regular 10 year-old kid

he's 10
10 year olds are goofy lil' shits


He's an incest baby.

Semmoset psykoosit sitten sieltä... Trump on Jenkkien historian ainoa pressa, jolla ei ole minkäänlaista poliittista tai edes militaristista taustaa. On aivan idioottimaista valita tällainen ihminen maailman vaativimpaan hommaan.

He's an autistic shithead that needs to be euthanized.

Typical german

Do you remember when you were 10?
More importantly do you remember being 10 while your dads the president and all your friends and classmates are manlets?

You've seen how she gropes him and her face lights up for barron, but can only manage lukewarm absent gazes for Trompf? Shes cucking him with barron.

Literally didn't ask ever at no point in time did I ever consider requesting you to speak never every post on this board again you fucking faggot

Autism with a side of retardation.

did you forget who he was running against?

During his first presidential debate Barron is going to spend his first 40 minutes arranging and re-arranging all the items on his podium until he gets them in absolutely perfect order and then he'll unleash the most concise and eloquent 2 minute destruction of his opponent ever delivered in politics and be elected America's first autistic President in a landslide victory.

took me a year to get rid of
i dont think youre doing it right

Its probably because Blompf was always fucking Ivanka. She's getting revenge

i guess it takes one to know one.

He's 10 you stupid faggots. Go outside once in a while and interact with people.


Why do you retards act like nobody here has ever met a 10 year old kid? I know plenty of them who aren't autistic retards like Barron.

That's the reason because the father didn't take him in the white house yet. he's a fucking shame lol


When a 60 year old sends he sperms he's not sending his best.

He has autism.

His real mother is ivanka, and since Trump did inbreeding with his daughter the kid is now mentally challanged.

How exactly does one get pussy while living at the white house as a teenage boy? The secret service always cock blocking you. when you're trying to run game on some foreign prime ministers daughter the news media catches you smiling at her and immediately blows shit out if proportion speculating that you are somehow breaking international law with your awkward teenage flirting, so you have to testify before congress that you didn't give away any top secret documents to her and are made to admit live on C-SPAN that you've never even kissed a girl . Then you get blue balls from some hot conservative girl winking at you and flashing her panties under her skirt and making sexy faces and blow job motions to you while you were going through some airport or public event, and when you passed by and shook her hand she leans in whispering she is going to diddle her clit thinking about you tonight and how much she wants to suck your dick off, just to fuck with you. Then you try to look up some porn when you get home just to relieve the tension but you just know the CIA is monitoring and 3 other govornment agencies are watching you beat off. Then you finally break down and Jack off in the shower which sets off some fucking biohazard drain alarm and the entire place is on lock down until they can find the source of the specimen and you end up getting debriefed by the joint chiefs of staff about your masturbatory habits and how you almost created a national security issue with your dick. Then wikileaks leaks your search history showing you looked up penis enlargement techniques when it was actually just some click bait you'd accidentally clicked and TYT spends all next week talking about your supposed micro penis and you're dad had small hands so...... So you end up squirming a little since you are so wound up and being judged constantly and now people are saying you look like a fucking mental patient and you start to think you'll never get any pussy.

Most 10 year olds aren't constantly on camera, knowing that at any time they could end up as front page news for doing something wrong, and not even knowing what that something might be.

If he so much as scratches his ass and it gets caught on camera, he'll have the media followed by legions of idiots like yourself making a big deal out of it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you are a faggot and will always be one, whereas Barron won't always be a 10 year old coping with celebrity.

You're forgetting Clinton was getting blow jobs and the SS just had to stand around and watch

His dad was like 60 when they had him. He's a fuckin spaz! Sad!


Fuck off back to le_donald, aspie waste.

That's pretty alpha desu.

I bet you were happy to sit at some shitty rally for hours when you were 10

He's like ten. Leave him the fuck alone, faggots.

Stop being an apologist for autism. He is sub-human and needs to be gassed.

Exactly! Right on fellow leaf!

He's a pimp, that's what. You know he fucking hit that.



so here's a provactaive thought.

If oyu're a man your index finger is shorter than your middle finger by a lot.

if you're a woman, your index finger is generally the same length as your middle finger.

so by this logic, it can be conjectured that melania trump, and ivanka are indeed transgendered.

He` 10
Also sage. Shit thread

best answer iv ever seen

wtf this is kinda weird
like if he was 6 it'd be okay i guess but hes 10 here