BLM comic cancelled

BLM cancelled due to poor sales. Who'd a thunk it? I guess violent militant blacks aren't a large enough demo to support a comic series. This is a very shocking revelation.

>No one is buying Marvel’s lineup of social justice-themed comics. It’s no surprise, given that few readers want politics to be forced down their throats. Thus liberal darling Ta-Nehisi Coates and Yona Harvey’s Black Panther & The Crew is getting the axe after poor sales, just two issues after its launch. Its cancellation comes just weeks after a Marvel VP revealed that comics with forced messages of “diversity” were responsible for the publisher’s sales slump.

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Storm is way above joining some little super hero gang.

Or maybe comic book fans are just racists. (There's a lot of overlap with gamers and other nerds, so that's no surprise.)

or maybe the book just sucked donkey balls

>mfw awaiting *blocks your path* threads

Everything niggers will ever make sucks donkey balls.

>no one buys media prominently featuring niggers
>not even niggers
>keep doing it anyway

This makes much more sense. I think we need to have Ta-Nehisi speak in front of the UN about the problematic purchasing trends of consumers in general.

Anyone know how much more regular milk is sold vs chocolate? Dog whistles everywhere.

is it actually BLM or just black characters?

Coach was a superhero before he got fat?
That kind of makes sense.

You tell me.

Pic related.

Name a good game with a black protagonist
>impossible mode: no GTA

So much art talent wasted on this filth ...

>I guess violent militant blacks aren't capable of reading and commie pinkos are too poor to buy comics
Shoulda made it nigga wizard school. The harry potter queers woulda lined up to take Louqatious T. Dumbledore's magical BB.

Niggers don't spend money on comics.

Nah, Marvel is reverting all the race and gender changes and cutting out political shit from their comics since they don't sell well

Too late. I won't toss them one bloody shekel. Not for their shitty pandering rags, not for their movies.

*blocks your cock*
say no more familia

Blade is alright, but they never point out he's black

SJW is cancer

Where is Ezra's father?

Lmao I have no doubt Quinteesha and Lamonte go to Dizzledope's community center for Wizzledry would actually sell like hot cakes. I'm not even kidding. The death eaters could be out to absorb their essence so they can be the kangz.

Niggas don't read.

well I guess marvel learned the hard way what many video game producers where facing years ago.

If you abandon your core audience for pandering to sjw you lose everything.

Hey, I'm sure if they could they would.

Except for music.

The best black filmmakers, writers, and artists have always been obsessed with blackness above all else. There's an entire world outside of themselves, but they'll never see it. That's why the far east was able to modernize so well, while africa will always be shit.
>We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek homos ever got around to it. - Al Sharpton

There's always reason to be suspicious of authority figures, and the justice system doesn't always work, but even so, these dumb niggers point and spout at every case where a black guy gets shot by the police, even if it turns out he was attacking the police.

Claudette Colvin refused her seat months before Rosa Parks did, but the civil rights people didn't take up her case because she was a pregnant, unmarried 15-year-old, while Rosa Parks was a nice light-skinned older lady. BLM today refuses to pick their battles and we're all worse off because of it.

Indeed comic boys tend to be your basic white/racist neckbeard. The racism in the Marvel universe is purposefully based on how bad our real world racism is, and fan boys eat it up

They use data from Facebook a Google to find what kind of thing people are searching. Then they found that a lot of cucks are speaking about BLM, but turns out that they are only pretending to care about BLM in order to get virtue signaling points and are not going to buy a shitty comic.

This. You can find an honest narrative for a black super hero group without creating forced unreal situations for them.
I wouldn't be surprise if this was made by a white or Jew.

The goal isn't to make money it's to brainwash the children. Google shows that Disney owns Marvel. Do you think Disney really cares about the small amount of money Marvel comics bring in? It's just a useful tool to brainwash some young people to allow themselves to be ethnically replaced. Disney also owns ESPN and has pushed social justice hard despite sports fans hating it.

Was not the first nig an inhuman?

>Quinteesha and Lamonte go to Dizzledope's community center for Wizzledry
Ah fuck, that's good.
>Dizzledope's CC only instructs in the dark arts


They are going to have to basically cut everything they have right now. Also fire all their writers and hire she with talent.

That is a longer term issue though.

>>We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek homos ever got around to it. - Al Sharpton

That's an awesome quote.

Spot on.

>There's an entire world outside of themselves, but they'll never see it.
In a culture obsessed with size, their smallness is quite ironic.

It was written and drawn by white guys, but they had two niggers advising.

Media darling Ta-Nehisi Coates, who derives all black suffering from housing redlining in the 50's and 60's, was one of them.
>ayo nigga, we's poor and criminal because they wouldn't let us into nice suburbs like Ferguson used to be

>niggers rob you in a real life
>niggers are super heroes in comics

White Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make brown women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can (and has) claimed entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the MVP! (Massive Vanilla Penis)

When black bois see a White Man coming, they naturally lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentally ill wrecks they are in comparison to a White GOD.

No matter how much you autistic "civic nationalists" here on 4chinz bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that blacks get weeded out of existence by genetically more fit Caucasians!

He's rather handsome. Too bad about the 'is a raging racist' part.

>lives in one of the most affluent countries in the world with rights and privileges not extended to white people, especially white working class
Gee, what a surprise it failed.

I liked shadow warrior II

>Dizzledope's community center for Wizzledry
Thanks. I needed that.

Why would a literal KANG like Black Panther care about american niggers?

I'm starting to think for every 20 detestable canadian posts I see, a profound, almond-activator rises from the ashes.
nice quads


Blacks are a united people you racist shitlord. When even one of them suffers injustice it's felt by ALL of them.

Well he don't care about african niggers, his father said to the other negros "fuck of we are full"

>Average comicbook fan is a white male
>Niggers belive they care about blm and sjw shit
>Niggers think they want to read about how whites are shit

All they want to do is read about superheroes. Not fucking nigger supremacy

Comic book jews BTFO

>a united people
Heh, yeah. Monolithic as fucc

Truly. It was a profound observation.

>get a job Tyrone
hahah >.

>Disney also owns ESPN
That would explain why BLACK GUY #1538 is so much more nervous than BLACK GUY #874. I was watching BLACK GUY #2365 haul ass down field but then he was oppressed by some white guy. Ref threw the flag and called it how we ALL saw it. Gave the poor BLACK TEAM #145 10 yards advantage. Take it away, Tyrone.

I'm getting some old blacksploitation vibes from these comics.


The comic was bad, no need to make a celebration about it.

It's true they are obssesed with blackness tough.

The grammar is awful too.
>I should have made the connect
>I was police




>playing video games on the job
>playing video games when a customer is in the store

She should be fired.

Those blacks are race traitors. Why would they care about BLM.

Is this real lol?

When they call you "nigga" you know you're in for life.

>sjws cunts and feminists don't read comics
>niggers don't read comics
>basically only white teenagers read comics
Why do jew comic writers keep forcing this shit?

Damn that comic was funny.



>They're using ebonics
Sheeeeeit Who wood a thot :DD


Dude, you think we could make this shit up? There is no way we'd make a black comic this bad.

No, todays comics are just that bad. Guardians of the galaxy comics written by Brian Michael Bendis have had a relaunch like 5-6 time because few people buy them

Nigga, he does not even care about his nigger neighbours. They keep all that sweet cancer cure and famine solutions for themselves.

What kind of shitty news site gives you fake skype popups?

holy shit the artists actually believe that Black people just walk around with 80's hair styles and still believe in that brief Africanization fashion style that went for like a year in the 70's before everyone realized that they didn't care about kwanzaa

wow, this is just chicago.

>Le blacks hate Mayo meme
I'm honestly still surprised I saw "merked" in the previous panels. I wasn't expecting them to know about that. I was around when they started saying it but didn't know it was so wide-spread.

Only because the racist ass writers refuse to let him share with his people. They want to keep the black man down, even in the comics.

Disney owns Marvel like they own Star Wars and ESPN, but the big mouse don't really care about what the smaller mice do as long as they bring home some cheese. Marvel does it with the movies so the comic division doesn't matter and can do whatever they want. SW just prints money and as long as the people working there don't fuck up things too much there won't be a problem (like Rogue One's director comparing the empire to the nazis, you don't do that when your most popular character is part of the empire, the director won't work with Disney for a long time). ESPN is fucked not by their politics (which is actually hurting them) but by their business model, if you pay $10 for your cable package $4 of those are for ESPN alone, that's fucked up

>make black comic
>character isnt sexy enough
>give her lighter skin
>add platinum blond hair
We'd all get along a lot better if they'd just admit they wish they were white. Shit I wish I was 6'2, but I don't go protesting about it ffs.

>Yellow and blue buttcheeks because they use the sweet flag as TP

As a Sup Forumsack, I'm torn on great black music. I want to hate it, but it's just too easy to get into.

That being said, it's no Beethoven

Does Morrowind count, since you can change the race of your character?

>wow, this is just chicago.
It is glorious, isn't it? Once you bear witness to it all, you can't not watch.

is there a specific reason why squatemalans keep coming here? they're somehow even runtier than mexicans, no offense.

This kind of shit is what makes me think that the jews are actually evil sacks of shit who want to destroy everything nice. They don't even make money out of this branwashing shit, so it must be that they do it out of spite.

I'd say yes.


>ESPN takes that much of a cut
Another thing I didn't know. That's fucking disgusting. I'm glad I have literally never accepted an ESPN package in my life. I'd rather play sports, anyways. Watching seems lazy and retarded to me. If I wanted to watch, I'd get the full experience and just go to a game.

SJWS BTFO by the culture industry

no, no character creation games count

I'm 6'2" and it's nothing to write home about. If I lost 2" I don't think I'd care. I'm out of college now and no longer playing rugby so I wouldn't miss the height.

well shit

It's a white woman writing it. It's just her own BLM fanfic that involved marvel characters.


Since jews see themselves as morally distinct from non-jews, when they ask "why does inequality exist in the world" they think some goyim neanderthals are oppressing other goyim. It is a moralistic rather than a naturalistic mindset, like Bernie Sanders lecturing us that we need to do the right thing because it is right thing to do, without any regard to circumstances, context, consequences, or chromosomes.

glad i live 100 miles from the shithole.

In that case what about those old "Game and Watch" games? Some are good but all had a black character.

This is the evidence american society is racist.