Sharia Blue trying to turn us against eachother

>How stupid the alt-right looks with their meme flags! Go back to r/the_donald amirite?
>Those kissless mgtow virgins are so beta, I don't want to be associated with them.

Don't fall for the shilling. No patriot would troll his freedom loving brothers fighting for your rights on the front lines. Sharia Blue wants to keep us goys out of the streets so their personal paramilitary force of communists can help coup the president.

Right wing protesters need our support now more than ever.

Other urls found in this thread:

no you faggots have jumped the shark and are as delusional as sjw now


HAHAHAHAAHA nothing says "white trash" like partying on a dumpster

At this point it's only becoming more dangerous for the optics of the "right" or "alt-right".

We've shown all the sjws we are able and willing to defend our rights. That was the point of all.

You're just helping create the anarchist environment

No you faggots are an embarrassment, nice try normalizing your reddit tier shit.

Are you pic related?


>Sharia Blue
could you be any more of an obvious redditor?

Look OP, its you


I'm not shareblue.
You look retarded with your memes displayed in public.

>Holding the bible while spazzing on a dumpster
>Wearing Infowars shirt
>Drinking pepsi
I wouldn't support these fucking faggots even if my life depended on it.

More photos of OP

Whoops, OP here are you and your faggot brothers

Charlottesville was more my speed, I have literally nothing in common on a personal or ideological level with those people up in Boston this weekend.


More of OP, who is probably underage and most certainly a faggot.

>don't fall for the shills
yeah nah, you and your kind are a joke.

I can really tell at this point, who is shilling who here

I cant really tell at this point, who is shilling who here

Hey OP, take a peek at this you faggot.

It's funny how several years of literal paid shills were not successful in destroying Sup Forums, but redditors were
You truly are the world greatest cancer

no seriously fuck off back to lebbit and fucking kill yourselves, in that order

posting and not sageing in a shill thread, you're the only faggot here

Do you not think that these people are professionals?

This 110%. Stupid reddit faggots are the reason this place is shit.
>muh praise kek
>muh based civic nationalism
>muh /ourgirl/ threads
>muh twitter posts
>muh anyone with a criticism is a shill

heres another donald faggot, neck yourself

OP is a shill/troll and shills/trolls are responding to him, literally just one big shill/troll thread.

True embodiment of nu-pol

>Right wing protesters need our support now more than ever.

hahahhaha fuck off. you kids need to stop larping


don't give them the ammunition by acting like cringey retards then

This. Sup Forums has not been the same for the last years.
Miss those times with really unique threads.

Jews and Zionists are actively genociding the Aryan race.
Jews and Zionists have enslaved the Americans with debt owed to themselves.
Jews and Zionists plan to enslave the whole world.
Jews and Zionists will instead destroy the whole world.
Everything you're seeing on TV, from the wars and their rumors, to the fight between Nationalism and Globalism, has been manufactured in advance for the sole purpose of increasing the odds that you, the regular Joe and Jane, hold a specific political opinion.

If you don't wake up today, tomorrow will not come for anyone.

Damn, we really should have more threads like this.

Fucking Burgers...

>this is what you reply to
>this is what created this thread

I'll take share blue, ctr. CIA , FBI JIDF over any of you shit skin wannabe nazis anyday of the week

you're the largest faggot on Sup Forums right now, including Sup Forums AND Sup Forums.

You call that trolling Sup Forums? r u fucking serious? You might as well just get online and post "I'm a huge newfag, how do I troll, please fuck my face."

If I ever see a gay nigger choking on a gay sand-nigger's dick, salivating and moaning in delight, I'm going to smile and think to myself at least he's not as big of a faggot as you.

Then I'm going to jack off, but even then I'm still not as big of a faggot as you.

Any questions?


True Sup Forums users stand with KEK! PRAISE KEK! SHADILAY MY BROTHERS!

Thank god someone noticed their shilling agenda too. Its tok fkn obvs

>Almost 2 million people have been visiting Sup Forums since the election
>Some of them are cringy, let's use it to rip apart the people that managed to vote against what they were told to

Same bullshit the kike media does all day long, focus on whatever you want no matter how insignificant it is until you can meme it into an issue for your masters.

>Said the cuck
If we've jumped the shark, you've fucked the shark, the sharks friends, brought it home to the parents, married the shark, and then got cucked by a bigger, more attractive shark. You, Achmed, have literally no argument here, since you are currently the absolute biggest cucks on this blue and green marble that we call Earth. And what's worse? Instead of facing up to it, you pressure other countries to behave in a similar manner, so you can feel less shitty about it. You're the worst. Your conscious make India's water look healthy.



no one cares Sup Forums is always divided on things

the one thing Sup Forums ever agreed on was Trump was better than Hillary and that is still true

So much this fellow pedes.



You are right OP. I considered making a thread like this but decided against it.


MGTOW is a Jewish trick make men lose interest in procreating


Eat a dick, sageblue cunt.


man, they find the dumbest cunts to be shills, don't they.

kys as soon as you can, faggot.

This centipede knows what he's talking about!

tired of these slide threads



back to Sup Forums

Does this word make anyone else cringe?

I always think of redditors, fat boomers, and civic nationalists when I hear it.

dat gif gives me hope!

Don't forget liberty and freedom, does words and concepts also make me cringe fellow 4channer.

kek. CivNat spotted







Seriously. Germans are now worse than Canadians on this board.




American Flag = Good
Kekistan flag = Bad

Shariablue AMA

Sup Forums is overrun with leddit larping as oldfags

>Tfw you can't go back in time and rename your image file
I am just like you! Haha NIGGERS! Haha, accept my views XD

Hitler was a bad man but the Nazis were stylish! I wish the Nazis didn't have Hitler because he was bad! I totally love the Nazis though! Very snazzy dressers and passionate people that care about their country! If only Hitler had not corrupt them. Maybe the Nazis and Jews could have been friends? :D

Shariablue AMA 2nd thread




Sup Forums should stick to the Internet.



I think you are finally being woke to how faggy these protest are. If they were that important you'd have groups of black kids fighting you. .

It isn't a divide and conquer.

They ARE giving us a bad name. It's blatant dishonor to be vocally conservative but look like that because those who aren't like that are then given a similar reputation.

This is how you lose a culture war.

For those interested, this is a Sup Forums self-improvement server. Weekly book reading, biweekly film discussion, fashion, fitness, etc.

It's time to put a stop to this betaness and retake the reigns of influence!

Go back to killing baby seals leaf.


germans are like the old rednecks,acting like muh country,muh strong genetics,muh QI,durr racemixing,muh flag,muh white family

germans are closet fags,their blonde womin never deliver and instead run for the BBC so they need to show us how supreme they are fucking other men,white men.

No, every regular here hates your t_d bullshit, it isn't shareblue.

It's not them you retard, the kekistani shit is just cringy

I hate leddit too but I'd take their cringe over shariablue any day.

I don't care i'm just here for the lolz

sweden yes,this shit is annoying as fuck,dahnald,milo,hairy armpit slut (cowtits),shoria blue,all of this shit is annoying as fuck,and that kekistani faggotry,jizuz.

T_D fags are kikes in disguise,and i bet they practice bestiality with frogs.

Call them cringy all you want, at least they're not destroying property or looting businesses.

Fuck off with your concern trolling.
Purity spiraling does not help.
Let the commies do it themselves.

>implying r/the_donald isn't the worst thing to ever happen to Sup Forums
This influx of kikeloving newfags is solely from there

I dont think I could call these alt lite faggots allies in anything. They are sjw. Muh based nigs, spics and jews


