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This fucking traitor.
Are all you T R U M P F A G S happy?
Holy shit Trump is actually finished
Who is this lady?
wow it's over
drumpf is finished
asking the important questions.
this is actually big since it's concrete evidence that trump is colluding with russia
honestly I'd be embarrased to be a trump supporter now
Wtf i hate Trump now
Donald is too friendly for his own good.
Remember kids, if you're a woman, you should be thrown in jail when your aides email you classified information.
But if you're a man, and you share classified information with foreign adversaries, the deplorables will defend you to the death.
lol who cares, what's wrong with Russia?
i can only roll my eyes so many times
(((Washington Post)))
Trump is finished!! Said the increasingly nervous man for the 5 millionth time.
many things
have you fucking seen the manlet king that runs the country now?
Fucking Trips of Truth
Yep, this is it.
Wait, it's nothing? Again? Oh, dear!
What is it with leftists and this obsession with genitalia?
A love nectar producer.
He disclosed how to get two scoops and only give CNN one.
But we want Russia to help us right?
Trump is ruined, there is no way he can recover from this.
Asking the only question any non shill would bother with.
Kikes bugged the Oval Office now?
Is it Unnammed Officials™?
What is this, like the 500th he's finished?
You would think these retards might begin to step back and question if it's them who is wrong.
>Is it Unnammed Officials™?
Washinton kikepost. So probably Israeli Intelligence.
>be an alt-righter and hold a double standard against women
>whenever someone makes this point, call them out for being focused on gender
Is this the logical supremacy of the white race? LOL. No wonder whites are so worried about losing out on the race war.
fuck off cunt, can't label everything you disagree with fake news
H-how do they even know this
I cant even read it because of the paywall
Shut up schlomo. Fuck you and your kike fake newspaper.
Wow it's almost as if the US and Russia have extremely similar goals in the Middle East and have been more or less collaborating this whole time
>For most anyone in government discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
because unlike rag tabloid garbage like Fox or Breitbart, the Washington Post journalists are real journalists who work hard to fact check and investigate
I just read everything I could on this. Unfortunately it was extremely substantial, and Zrumpf is on fact finished. No need to look into it, Clump should be impeached and executed by firing squad in 4k slo-mo video by morning. So tired, it's almost 5:30, getting very late fellow anons. Close your computers, we must all sleep now.
"For most anyone in government discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law."
jesus christ but they never stop
>trump shares info about ISIS with only other country fighting ISIS breaking absolutely no laws
we don't just call it fake news when it's unfactual, we call it fake news when it's deliberately misleading
OH GOD LOOK AT THIS. DUMFLET IS FINISHED!!! Jesh guys i'm really regretting my vote right about now. Gonna go burn my Trump hat be right back.
Wow how retarded can Drumpf be?
>Next time in Drumpfy Toons: "Oops I just declared war to NK"
>anonymous sources.
Posting in a sageblue thread.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Is it illegal, though? I read the whole thing and it said that it isn't illegal for the president to do this.
That's not possible. The president acts as an arbiter of what's classified--as soon as a president reveals it, it is no longer considered classified information.
Foe fucks sake cunts what should i type up to get that girl to come up on the internet
>the Washington Post journalists are real journalists who work hard to fact check and investigate
Anons, who wants to play a game of...
Ten (you)s for the winner.
>The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said that Trump’s decision to do so risks cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State.
Was it our greatest ally?
everybody stfu
who is the girl in OPs post?
>an ally that has knowledge on the inner workings of ISIS
So Saudi Arabia or Qatar, the brains and financiers behind ISIS.
kek, the propaganda is unreal at this point
The shill has arrived.
Gonna say both.
No he isn't done because actually there is no way you can impeach him or do anything about.
And that's a good thing, yes maybe he leaked classified information, it's probably no the first and will not be the last.
And in 4 years we will shill hard with our fellow trumptards to get this guy reelected. Because that's the best thing that has happened to the world since a long time.
A retard was elected president of your country and in 8 years you will be weaker than ever, deal with it.
Oh ok moving on
The washington post didnt predict Trump losing. They based their data off of Nate Silver's Flawed methodology
The role of a journalist is to report on the news, not make shit up like Breitbart or Fox
Isn't he allowed to do this if he sees fit, anyway? He's the president, but it seems like that office has no powers from the media coverage since he was inaugurated.
Don't care
Sauce on girl?
>Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for the I-aint-clickin-that-shit-nigga spam, but enquiring minds need to know who dat durr semen demon is and can you post some more?
.01 cents has been deposited into your accout
A bit of searching has revealed she goes by the name "Little Berry Cosplay".
Cunts who is the bitch
Yeah about your suorces and level of reporting..
>For most anyone in government discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
Lel, it'snothing.
Yes, as far as classified information, the president can share/declassify as he sees fit, as many have done so before and will do so in the future. It's literally nothing.
>not make shit up like Breitbart or Fox
>Washington Post
>Believing (((those shills)))
Nigger, I hope you're being ironic, because this joke sucks all kinds of ass, and it total bullshit.
The role of the Washington Post is to be a mouthpiece for Likud.
Thanks burger Thanks brother i was getting desprete
>a shill
A random cosplayer, most of her pictures are locked behind a paywall though.
If you mean the character she's cosplaying as, it's Anna from Shimoneta
Oh my gooooooooooood DRUMPF is finished! Washington Post is the most credible and reliable news source ever, this is the end for DRUMPF. I am LITERALLY SHAKING in joy!
Washington Post literally is Fake News though. May as well have posted Breitbart.
Anyway...more pics of ops lady?
Impeachment incoming. Fucker couldn't even make it 1 year.
A retard who act "semi serious" so is always hard to tell that he's was being honest when wrong.
i can't even tell if these threads are serious anymore
This thread is just shills shilling shills.
You arent going to sway pols opinion on trump.
Why bother trying? Shit, why am i bothering to even comment..
No problem.
>being this innocent
because why not just share highly classified information with a country we have been opposed with for how long now? Also havnt a shitton of russias bombs been dropped on american allies instead of isis?
Kek. The same "journalists" whose "highly placed sources" are ukrainian teenagers on reddit? They're literally National Enquirer tier.
Oy Vey! You need a subscription goy! Don't you want to find out for the 467th time how Drumpf is finally finished this time!?
According to their model (and the model most, if not all, the major news orgs used) chances were approaching 0. The 538 model was obviously far superior, giving him like 30%.
But yeah, because they used a bad (and common) predictive model, that tells us they have bad investigative journalism. Because that makes sense.
also you're a fucking retard, Nate Silver was closer than ANY of the other poll aggregates.
Exactly this. Trump is never finished.
Russians should not have intelligence on ISIS even though we are fighting them together. Trump must be a soviet sleeper agent.
nice try trumplepotomus, cant wait to hear colbert's savage yet intellectual takedown tonite.
Just read the article. It's fucking nothing. Saged, but kinda deserves a bump for being absolutely nothing.
This was all i wanted to know out of this shitty circle jerk shill thread