What does Sup Forums think of Howard Stern?

What does Sup Forums think of Howard Stern?

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Bluepilled degenerate kike.
I listened to him everyday before he went to satellite.

Peddles degeneracy to the goy.

O and A was better. Only good moment he had was the 9/11 broadcast.

I like him, besides his Jewishness.

Same here.

It's such low Jew-level crap that it becomes extremely frustrating when he has an interesting guest on, for instance Billy Corgan, and all of a sudden it's a legitimately insightful and high quality interview.

Most of the replies are just people getting mad over his Jewishness lmao

self-hating jew who's only enjoyment in life is making others as miserable as he is


>blast degeneracy through the airwaves
for decades

He should be hung the highest on the day of the rope

Markets degeneracy on the radio.
Shame he also happens to be one of the best interviewers of all time.

I fucking love old Howard Stern. I had a shit job as a janitor several years ago and used to walk around listening to archives of his shows from the 90s to keep from slitting my wrists.

How can Sup Forums not find something like putting Daniel Carver next to some negress and having him rank a list of races from best to worst?


Stopped listening after Artie Lange left.

>Artie Lange
how is he not fucking dead yet


>unironically disliking howard stern for 'degeneracy'
you have the morals of a cunty mom

At this point if he dies he will have lived a long life.

He used to be funny and pro free speech.

In the 90's


"I wonder what the Jew is on about this time"
[Press on XM100]

Daniel Carvers definitely my favorite wack packer, I also loved his bit on the Hollyweird Squares thing they did with Gilbert Gottfried and the Westboro Baptist Church chicks.

O and A were vastly superior. Ant was probably the most redpilled guy around, shame Sup Forums doesn't seem to know him.


checked. isn't he still on heroin and coke? he was arrested back in march for that shit and he's still a fat fuck. he's been testing fate for years.

hoho robin I invented walking hoho everyone is a clone robin hoho I'm the first being to do radio robin hoho

He always tries to talk about his guest's sex life, I loved it when Donald shut him down by saying he doesn't use porn

i honestly feel bad for o & a fans. they are bitter, jealous people.

Howard is a unfunny hack who thinks he owns talk radio.

> typical Hoo Hoo fan in action


If this isn't Sup Forums approved, idk what is.

In 1990, when Nelson Mandela visited New York City after getting released from prison, Howard Stern did a bit where Billy West played Mandela as a Wild Turkey-drinking, Kool-smoking typical nigger.

He also sent someone out to do street interviews with niggers and challenge them to explain what Nelson Mandela's accomplishments were and what was so great about him.


I miss Artie and ETM.

Opie is such a douche

What show of him did you listened the last?
If you can't name 3 you made a pointless thread.

literally degenerate jewish media personified

like 60% of his show doesn't work unless he's on regular radio with people attempting to censor him

O & A is better.

Used to be much funnier because he surrounded himself with funnier people.

He is bluepilled as all fuck tho and his crew is even worse.

Howard Stern rules. Listening right now actually.

he's not that funny anymore now that he's renamed all the wack packers to be inoffensive. Richard Christy is still awesome though.

I like the idea of a talk-radio host who "tells it like it is" and pulls no punches, but seriously....he's a degenerate kike.
>Robin Quivers- intensely loud, can't shut up, has to insert her opinion into every bit, Dr. Drew labeled her "off the chart" on the narcissism scale
>other idiots are clinging sycophants
>flushing model's heads in toilets
>saying "bababooey" every five minutes -- entire show is a series of inside jokes

Never mind.

ive stumbled upon a HS show from the 90's were he sais he does not like mexicans coming to the US and that they should build a huge wall on the border

>What does Sup Forums think of Howard Stern?
I don't think about him at all.

degenerate kike. what else is there to think?

I sage his threads

Selfish jew. Fakest person out there.

Even if he were 100% goy, he'd still be an obnoxious, incredibly easy-to-hate prick.

That's him playing a character. He's not a Vietnam vet either.

Best part is when Howard pretends he gets the joke, what a fool

Filthy shock jock kike

Some of his old stuff was pretty funny, he is quite entertaining for a dirty Kike.

what about his obsession with women on sybians?

good for freedom of expression, bad content for slovenly degenerates. it was possible to push boundaries without being a filthy slob. Maximum kikery.

Thought he was cool but then realized how much of a hypocritical and elitist douche-bag he really is.

He's Jewish


>He should be hung the highest on the day of the rope

Good thing this is a free country. If you don't like it, get the fuck out.

>entire show is a series of inside jokes
>posting on Sup Forums

Seriously, have people here only seen him post-2000? His stuff from the 90s was brilliant and totally unique. There's no way anyone would be allowed to say the shit he'd say on the radio these days.

When he left terrestrial radio and became ridiculously wealthy, he began to change, though. As great as money and therapy are for your peace of mind, they're not great for comedy. He's become an old man who's a member of the upper-class and is totally out of touch now.

A degenerate even by jewish standards

I strongly suggest you to search for his radio host on 9/11. You'll learn turbo zionist propaganda.

Howie Sternbergstein is a fucking isarlei zionist kike who splurts propaganda on the gullible goy.

sure gas your life

I watched quite a lot of Beetlejuice, high-pitch Eric and the KKK guy last summer for a few weeks or so. Then I got tired of the show. Just degenerate and braindead.

first in line to the chambers

surf sirius XM
go to indie channel
>and then this woman grows a penis and its the most amazing movie I've ever seen
switch channel to little stevens garage music
>so Rebel Without a Cause was really about the budding homosexual relationship between a young teen and his father figure, it is profound and important
change channel to Outlaw Country trying to escape degeneracy
>and he was the first black man in Nashville, it was probably the most important moment in Nashvilles history, he smoked a lot of weed with Willie Nelson too

turn radio off

Old jewish men turn into women at a certain age.

It's like I always say about the Jews. The curse is inherited through the mother.


That dude was living on borrowed time as it was.

That being said, however, he was the best wack packer Howard ever had

Not funny at all. Alex Jones is about 100x better comedy.

I only listen to the 90's stuff when it's with Gilbert Gotfried. And you are true it was so UNPC back then.


I agree. Alex Jones is underrated as a funnyman.

Howard was worth a few chuckles though, back in the day.


This. Howard lost his balls and refused to pay anyone with any talent after Artie left. It became totally unlistenable post 2010

Billy's negro voice was amazing, especially the growl he did.

And Howard's coverage of the OJ trial was perfect.


Most accurate description so far this thread.

Fun fact: Stern's rising fist logo is a direct, but esoteric homage to the Stern Gang, the Zionist bomb throwers.

>pic related

Stern arguably did more than anyone to mainstream and legitimize porn for the current gens of young whites. Jenna (((Jameson))), (((Vivid))), her biographer Neil (((Strauss))), he created the ecosystem before the internet.

Dressing up like a Jewess and titling your book Miss America. A slap in whites' faces. Yeah, he's really /our guy/. Remember when he ragged on Lena Dunham as an ugly slob for a week. Then Judd (((Apatow))) made a call, and he was suddenly a huge fan. *snort*

Billy West was amazing on the show. It was at its absolute best in the early 90s when they had him and Jackie together.


I like Adam Carolla much better

Are there any archives of the show between 90 - 95?

little talent helped by jews who owned sirius and other jew tv producers.

Has others write jokes. 95% of his own contributions the same lame lecherous handful of comments.

I believe he did get arrested for it. I listen to his podcast. Artie is funny as fuck.

nah he's sober. He tried to kill himself by stabbing himself a bunch of times and drinking bleach if I remember correctly. He still gambles though I think

The ones I used to use all got shut down. I'm sure you can still find some if you know where to look, though. There's a bunch on youtube, at least, you just have to be specific with your search and filter for >20 minutes in length. The show would run 3.5 - 4.5 hours depending on commercials and whether they went over their time slot (which they often did).

Yeah their used to be an open FTP server that had a lot of the old shows but I only grabbed 1996, I think the previous years were incomplete.

I thought the old shows were part of his Sirius deal so I was sorta hopeful they would be restored and re-aired on Sirius.

Who me?

I never understood why Beet hated Gilbert so passionately.


He got arrested with heroin and coke like a few weeks ago.

So fucking Jewy but actually kind of funny.

I haven't listened to him in a while. What's he saying about Trump?

Literally just saw a video of him interviewing Arnold about his father. His kike attitude was fucking insade, i dont know how Arnold didnt snap his neck in two, he was probably still salty about the holocaust since Arnold's father was a Nazi.

He got off on a technicality. Wtg Artie

that depends, is this 1998?

Never cared for his material, hated the very thought of his radio shows with topless chicks doing stupid shit for no reason.

Saw some of his movie, thus hearing some of his writing, and suddenly, his "beef" with Marilyn Manson started to make sense: He felt threatened because of their similarity.

>(((howard sternstein)))
degenerate kike filth

good times :(

kkk guy omg i died laughing

He got REALLY bluepilled when he apologized to Lena Dunham's fat ass after saying nobody wanted to see that ugly troll naked.

Last 5 years it's just been him bragging about the Hamptons, "Jimmy" (who clearly isn't his friend, just using him for free plugs), Jennifer Aniston, and Beth's annoying animal obsession

Bluepilled degenerate

This. He unironically likes Ellen and James Corden..... Dude has lost his edge.

My dad gave me his book in the 90s and I was a fan.. Haven' listened to him in literally 15 years though

Used to be anti-authority and funny. Now "Hampton Howie" just talked about cats and his made up issues he talks to a therapist about. The show fell off a cliff when Artie fucked off and stabbed himself on a drug binge.