Laci Green "Redpilled"

Alright, which one of you spergy alt-right weaboos got to my Laci? Which one of you mountain dew drinking pedos did this to her???

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Hitler has a way of making even the staunchest lefty's underpants moist

Stop following Jews.

Glad to see those boobs weren't wasted on her.

She's ugly like every typical leftist girl. She has realized that the left males are pussies and now searches for a true alpha mate which she will only find on the right side. But you can have her nobody on Sup Forums is into weird looking, degenerate jew whose main profession is sex advisor.

This is nothing. literally nothing, not her refuting her decades of bullshit or commenting on how the wind is changing for her nonsense. good clickbait video for 10 minutes of my time on some fat mouthed whore.

This guy did.

Kek is that her? Defo looks like.

nose shapes doesn't match

don't*, sorry my medical condition doesn't allow me to ignore my typos



Not sure, man of course it will not have the same shape when sucking on a dick.

What did she mean by this?

/pol should apologize unleashing Laci Green on people...

nose nearly matches, can't tell because of the bj face, but the eyes are damn similar. this one's cheeks might be too slim and narrow for it to be laci, even if she is doing the sucking face...

That's a big guy.

For you.

but you can't ignore that travesty of a sandwich?

I seriously think that's her. Younger her, but still. And where is porn, there is more of it.


Did you getted the herp from her OP?

I know this is bait because no antifa faggot would ever use the term spergy buuut...

In the picture posted, she's doing that of her own volition, as for her wanting to engage in debate? Maybe her choice alone.

What happened to you liberals and respecting the choices of women? OH WAIT.

I need to know if this is real
and I need to know if it's heroin


Oh fuck. Again.
She's is not ours and never will be, back to /nupol/. She's not "she didn't name the jew", "she's a whore" etc, etc, being a faglord never acomplishes anything.
What she is now - a tool, perhaps a useful one. She has subscribers and anything that makes people think and question their little echo chambers is of use to us. This is what (((they))) fear the most. Thinking is a potent drug, you can't go back from it.


It is real. There are multiple videos of her taking hard drugs. She used to be a drug fiend.
These have been posted a hundred times already.

Never heard of her.
Looks a like a fat Riley Reid

stop posting this disgusting skank, fucks sake

i gave her a good dicking last week and dropped some redpills during the post-coitus cuddling

Five seconds. I played five seconds of her video and cringed. There will be a FEMA camp for youtubers

It's 90 + % probable match.

Jesus. I'm not surprised she used to do hard drugs bc she's a fucking degenerate. But why anyone would want to put videos on the internet of them doing it is beyond me. I guess her drug usage and her feminism are all just hollow extensions of the fact that she's nothing but an attention whore

Not really its taken on an angle to make his gear look larger.
It's a not well known photographer trick...

neither are real you dumb mong

It is real, you dipshit. She even wears the same necklace.

>be SJW
>say SJW shit
>views go up
>Trump 16 happens
>Open war on SJWs
>views stagnate
>consider non-SJW shit
>views go up again

wow dude, a giftshop sharktooth necklace from the bahamas

so fucking rare

>Literally 1:1 Laci including some of her personal items
>hurr durr fake
k faggot. This is old news anyway.