Political Compasses

Alright, lads, let's post Political Compasses! (Because roasting lefties is always fun, right?)

I'll start. I admit that I still have much to learn.

numbing because bored


doin good

Ok, bumping this

Am I good?

I believe so.
Better than me, at least


How did I do Sup Forums?





Already taken this and 8values, any other good political tests?


So how does the green square work again?


I'm afraid I don't understand what you're trying to prove by drawing a phallus on my Political Compass.

To the gulags

Wew lad

Multinational corporations are ruining this country.

>authoritarian protectionist socialism
>protectionist socialism

i prefer to call it national socialism, but yeah, fuck you (((capitalist)))

Capitalism is less cucked by the merchants then (((socialism))) will ever be.

But whatever, if you're a NatSoc, then it's good.

I thought you were some dirty communist for a second *shivers*

To the gas chambers with you!


i know. look up my other post, thats my more moderate compass.

notice the 0 taxes

"weed bro"


dude weed lmao





Am I good? I would have loved to be more on the right side.

>posting the jpg
>posting a non-joke political compass

that test isn't very accurate


>forgot to put file

You probably are. As long as you're a right-wing authoritarian, no matter how high up, you should be good.

you rarely (if ever) see authoritarian left in these threads which i fins weird as theres normally one commie general a day on Sup Forums

Speech is also restricted there for ethnic groups ("don't say racist things to Achmed and Aisha, goyim, they are here to enrich our culture") and criticizing government

Also you have a significant portion of the board calling themselves NatSoc (which is around the center of the red square) but never see red positions on the compass

Aren't you niggers bored with this?

I find it stupid that we are forbidden from criticizing other ethnic groups while we're still told that we have the right of "Free Speech". They may as well just be honest and tell everyone that "Oh no, we must not yell at Saki for eating dogs, it's part of her culture!!11!"


proof that ancaps are autistic

bump because bored as well

r8/10 pls


pt. 2

My compass

>Angry at someone for eating dog

Well, at least I know there are some people in Leafland that aren't gooks

I feel like this website is pretty biased towards the left. I'm not sure though.

I'm white.
No chinks in my country.

R8 me. I guess a term for me would be a social democrat.

i love my peepee



Again, to the gas chambers!

I'm fine.

Shut up, you dumb leaf. The blue quadrant is the worst quadrant.

Stop it. Get some help

Says the fucking libtard. Go back to Tumblr with your SJW feminazi friends


>being on the left in anyway makes you a SJW libtard

I can tell you spend too much time on Sup Forums and youtube. The vast majority of leftist and progressives are not sjw's or femanazis.

>Hillary in top right square
>Hitler in top right square

>Argument not detected

At least you got the pictures right this time

I've moved a bit right since I took this (no longer want gay adoption, want to ban state involvement in marriage). Still degenerate, but learning

Why are you blue quadrant faggots always the most retarded and autistic? I guess i shouldn't expect much from people that support authoritarian governments.

So what's your polices then? Saying "I'm on the left." Is too vague and general. Be specific. "Left" can have a Fuckton of meanings so be more clear. So can "Progressive" etc. Even "Social democrat" can have many implications.

>universal health care
>fixing our infrastructure through a massive infrastructure bill
>getting money out of politics
>reducing our military budget and getting us out of foreign wars
>expanding civil rights to LGBT People
>funding green energy and moving away from fossil fuels
>increasing taxes on the top 1% and 0.1%

That's some of the issues i support, that's just a small portion of my politics. So i'd say im firmly a social democrat and a progressive.

>Being this buttblasted about something on Sup Forums

Are you sure it is the top-right people that are autistic?

>putting KKK in top right corner
>Forgetting the states they wished won seceded because they thought there was too much central power
>That also formed a confederacy

So are you actually a Canadian near the border?

>not in center of red

>Are you sure it is the top-right people that are autistic?

Yes. At the least the purple quadrant guys understand limiting the power of the government. You guys think giving unlimited power to the government to kill the blacks and faggots is A-OK! It's totally not like the government will come for you next.

>A government composed of people who want to kill blacks and faggots will kill people who also want to kill blacks and faggots

Doesn't follow, Schlomo (or muh slippery slope fallacy, choose one)


Why would a government kill niggers and fags then turn on its citizens who have the same goal in mind?


Is this bad

Where is my "imaCentrist.jpeg"?

>elects people that genocide the niggers and faggots
>government starts eroding civil rights and increasing control over the people in order to stay in power and increase their own personal wealth
>''hey wait a second, we elected you to kill the niggers and faggots, not to take away our rights. we're not the degenerates''
>government kills you for disobeying

It's that easy. Never put all your trust in the government.


>F-Fascists are R-Right Wingers!

Dumb faggot tier

