The Chicago Tribune is the latest in the major newspaper industry to call for the im lmpeachment of President Trump.
Major newspapers now calling for Trump to be IMPEACHED
big if true
So sick of their shit :eyeroll:
He's unimpeachable. At least I don't think he could live on with that defeat. He will probably kill his family and then jump out of his tower.
I hear there's several grand jury indictments incoming and one has trump's name on it. Gonna be fun to watch the meltdown
How many times are these faggot MSM cunts gonna demand for the impeachment of Trump until they realize they have absolutely no power to actually do so?
opininon section
op is a fagoot
Also does anyone really want Pence as president?
Agreed. He really went too far with the second scoop.
By Laurence Tribe
The information Trump relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.
The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said that Trump’s decision to do so risks cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State.
This is actually a good thing and here's why ___
Whoa if true
msm also called for him to be assassinated before inauguration
Yes, it does. It is "The attempted coup against Donald Trump". This is the one which will get Hillary and Obama hung.
Fucking kill yourself on your way back to ribbit you kike loving nigger
And then Pence comes in.
Good job idiots.
Chicago Tribune is fakenews
I hope they can impeach him over nothing so things heat up and the left can be dug out of their holes and butchered.
So he spilled some jew secrets
Indictment for what? No evidence of anything?
Fun times ahead for Demoncrats when Republicans finally have enough of their shit.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
he must be getting real close to putting someone behind bars
Then I can really start killing my liberal neighbors
They will NEVER stop. Look at this "racism" shit. They have been repeating it endlessly for about 40 years now. Despite tons of evidence that niggers are stupid, violent savages, we STILL get endless poor, poor oppressed angels. They NEVER stop. Unless they are killed. And our patience is wearing thin.
Gonna kill you first when civil war breaks out.
Did we just circle the toilet, coming back to this shit again?
Well our liberal friends seem to want us all dead so....self defense u know
(((major newspapers)))
People don't care about meme anymore.
>Cropped out the part that says:
opinion/ commentary
Sage Blue
>people pay to read 15 anti trump opinions a day
How's that recount coming? Flipped any electors lately? Looks like an early night for Trump. Hillary has a 98% chance of winning. Trump has no path to 270 electoral votes.
Newspapers showed last year how much sway they still have with the American public.
They have been calling for his impeachment before he even took the oath of office.
Heh, liberals... amirite?
>Kike loving nigger.
They will be all 8 years he's in office
The whole media machine has been writing out hit pieces on Trump since January 2016.
It's obvious to anybody that the MSM rotates the same collective negative angle on Trump on every day.
ie. today
"Trump listens to Fake News"
"Trump relies on Internet "hoaxes" to design policy"
dude i just want t to live in peace. is that asking too much? all these violence are really depressing.
life is precious lets live as long as we can and just get along with one another.
This insurance policy isn't going to work.
Pence would objectively be a better president that King Retard.
>by Laurence H Tribe
I wonder what Tribe he is a part of
Libs won't have it. You MUST be their slaves. Nothing else will do. They have been pushing towards this, relentlessly, for at least 30 years. Only bullets will stop them.
>people still read news papers
Both the right and the left hate this fucking clown. He is so incompetent it's not even funny. Get pence in there asap
Haha, Obama's already hung, my dude
The indictments are sealed, as is the evidence. But apparently the evidence presented to the Grand Jury was from the FISA warrant. Trump is fuuuuuuucked if these indictment stories have merit
they don't want you to have peace. they want to send you over to die fighting russia while mohamed replaces you
impeach him for what? Two scoops of ice cream?
The difference is in the second paragraph:
"The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.
The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency."
not a single newspaper endorsed him, so they can all foad
...and? Major newspapers have been saying since 2013 that Hillary Clinton is the 45th POTUS. You think it's true now, of all times?
they have learned nothing
The left made it clear they're going to do this from now on. They blame Trumps attitude but in reality they did it to Bush who was polite and not all that conservative. Basically anyone the rignt of mao is gonna be harrassed and protested like this. We can't live with these people and their disorderly communism. They must be dealt with once and for all.
The fuck are they going to impeach him for?
Is Two Scoops really triggering the liberals that much?
You mean the moment he was sworn into office. Where the fuck have you been?
>chicago tribune
>opinion section
>chicago opinion
wow really stimulated my sensors
Major newspapers called for Hillary to be elected what's your point?
Read the constitution first you cheap SHILL. You can't impeach people without reason and it's not an easy thing to do. Educate yourself.
Link or suck a duck
Presidents dont get impeached unless their scandel is legit. Wtf do the libs have? 30k redditors shitting out fb propaganda? Thats not going to scratch Trump.
Start saving liberal cocky posts for an image collage when they eventually get btfo again.
Did they hear about icecreamgate and scoop inequity?
Shill "journalists" on fucking deathwatch.
Is this their last stand? Are we finally going to see some media company execs in handcuffs?
>believing fake news.
>baiting this hard.
Pick one.
Nice b8
Reddit meme
You need to step it up if you want to earn that $0.25 bonus today
The media conglomerates who cried wolf.
Enough mainstream media commentators and outlets have been calling for his impeachment since LITERALLY DAY ONE that not a single one of Trump's supporters will ever believe it is legitimate and will form a resistance if he is ousted.
If there are ever legitimate grounds to impeach Trump, it will be impossible to do so because of the IRL shitposting against him by his opponents. They don't understand the concept of keeping your powder dry.
Highly classified by whom from whom?
>Presidents dont get impeached unless their scandel is legit.
Actually, Andrew Johnson did nothing wrong.
Trump can and will be impeached if they can lie hard enough in the press to give cover to the GOP senators who fucking hate him.
not surprised
It isn't easy to impeach a president. I takes a LOT.
I can tell from experience.
>now calling
>implying that hasn't been what they've always been doing at any opportunity
Post archive fag, i want read her *arguments*
God forbid we share information about universal enemy.
I don't quite get why does he rustle so many jimmies
what has he done wrong for the Amreican people
According to whom? More "anonymous sources"?
Trump said he'd seek greater cooperation with Russia on ISIS. He's doing that. I don't believe a word of the hype machine when they say he did something he shouldn't have done, because they say that about literally everything including what dessert he orders.
Either show the proof that this happened or STFU with these anonymous accusations.
>The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia
The partner hadn't FORBIDDEN it.
>and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State.
What officials? What's the source?
If Trump gets assassinated or impeached... lol
The left has no idea what is about to hit them.
Maybe in 1975
Where did they get all of this secret information? Do they have a reporter in every room at the white house and state department and supreme court? Or, are they just making stuff up to convince stupid people?
so fake news?
>grand juries indict presidents now
Yawn, nice meme
If this was possible then there wouldn't be a need for the impeachment process .
>if these stories have merit
Let me know when ANY of the 'anonymous sources' have resulted in a story with merit.
>The indictments are sealed, as is the evidence
You have to... Pass the b...Bill before we can know what's I...In it...
Fucking lol, less than 30 minutes and this shit is already fake news
Why do people believe anything the WaPo or HuffPo tells them any more
Journalism is dead
I wonder how many of those have turned out to be fake news ran by DNC PACs.
He's not a hardcore regressive leftist and the fact that he defeated a woman makes liberals REEEEEE
The man could cure every disease known to man tonight and they would still be calling for his head because he doesn't play their identity politics bullshit.