Is he blind?
Is he blind?
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That's rude, his eyes are like that because he's asian.
he has down syndrome
Kinda hard to see being a the happiest racist ever
That's some Aussie tier bants mate
>gook is gooking
>aussie is surprised
would you be able to see out of those slits
Yellow Pride>>>>>>>
There's actually a hilarious amount of East Asians on here. This is proven every time Sup Forums gathers IRL
Dabble Down
Seriously what's with Asians and white nationalist stuff, I've seen this before
Dr. Pavelberg, I'm KKK - where's the donuts?
this shit belongs into bant you fool.
Asian people are white. I don't see anything wrong with this.
Have you ever seen the videos of the elderly Japanese man with the nazi flag behind him going on about how the Jew fear the samurai
They're smart, user. They don't need the redpill, they can do the math.
White as any Finn.
It smells funny in here... is someone eating fried asian?
you'll love this guy
Uh, your tits don't get to protrude
yeah they're the most racist ppl on the planet desu. political correctness hasn't really taken a hold over there yet. and all the east asian immigrants in the west have to deal with niggers' shit without any of the conditioning to accept it.
That's some dedicated larping
Asian people are honorary arians brother.
Its like Robert Patrick going through the bars in terminator 2
The Confederacy and the Nazi government of Germany obviously had fuck all to do with one another, so why do these spergs constantly mix them together? Feels so unserious, like there aren't following any real belief or ideology, but are just trying to simply offend as many people as possible.
There are 2 types of people in the world. Whites and Niggers.
White Men
Asian Men( Like the finns)
and Niggers:
Black Men
Mestizo Men
Indian Men
Arab Men
All Women
Cause the confederacy seceded and fought the federal government
And the nazis were aryan
And of course, racism
They are Honouraru aryans
Do you think it left an indent in his tit when he got home?
>This is the average hapa
>but are just trying to simply offend as many people as possible.
Ah but that in itself is a ideology. The best one perhaps.
OP's picture is Ling Anderson on youtube. This is his sister:
No joke, he put this on his youtube channel and it got deleted.
They are fucking crazy.
Daddy likey
dumb chink doesn't even know to salute with the right arm
this is her book...
all of my WHAT
TFW manga version of Mein Kampf...
you sure this isn't sarcastic?
look at this tumblr, its a little too crazy to be real and self hating to be real.
Here's the English version:
she wrote a fucking book about it.
whathever it is, she means business
Isn't that the guy who whored out his "sister" for "poor white men who are being discriminated against"? Where she had "I only dress like this for losers" written on the other side?
Now THATS a honeypot if you ask me, I just wonder what their goal is.
So she is mentally ill?
The fuck is VampireBro doing?
Thats what I meant. It was clearly meant to mock.
she is a race mixer and a traitor, plus a huge degenerate. she is against everything poll should stand for. stop being so fucking thirsty
Christ, don't racemix with asians. Your kids will end up like this.
>a chink cunt's need to be used
got rice bitch?
They are not fat tits.
What in the world?
Her chink cunt, her choice user.
That's pretty disgusting desu.
He is part of an antifa honeypot, to try to get rightwingers information.
He had a video deleted just a week ago, for advertising a porn video of his "sisters", that you would get for free if you bought her book, and sent him your information.
This cant be serious
this is actually pretty funny.
Sup Forums is white nationalist even though a good portion of the people here aren't white. You even have shitskins telling white women to fuck white guys instead. It comes across as cuck shit after a while of seeing Pajeets talking about securing the white race.
I'd let her blow me, then I'd call her a deplorable racist.
It's just another whore capitalizing on Sup Forums virgin paypigs, just like every alt-right youtuber. Only difference is this one is capitalizing on Sup Forums virgins with an Asian fetish, which is a large market.
"This is how you dress for losers"
>page 132
Why is this making me horny as fuck. It's so fucking degenerate.
He even has a thick accent for god sake
Yeah I tend to think it's satire. But it's so bizarrely on message I don't know what to think.
I see "This is how I dress for a_o_?? losers!"
you secretly want qt submissive Asian girl wife.
you were raised in a jewified feminist society filled with bitter "empowered" man-hating whores
it is only natural to be attracted to the ACTUAL femininity of orientals
It's that 1% that fucks it all up!
Someone post this to r/asiankekulinity.
is that Sakura?
A wolf! look look look!
*And it's more than just one wolf...*
Its more of a poodle really
"white power"...... He is YELLOW!!!!! ,
I'm already like that.
Hahahahaha. What have you guys done!?!?!
It's ironic, but also not.
Like 6-gorillion jokes.
Yes but your kids will hate you for fucking an asian, and themselves for being asian. They'll be confused white nationalists with half asian genes instead of being a normal one with white genes.
I'm just fapping, faggot
Zong reladet
no he's WOKE ASF
In all seriousness is ling a troll or for real?
Weaponized autism may have went too far with this one.
reading books is good for your brain
If he is jap he is a Honorary Aryan?