Was this stunt helpful or counterproductive?
Was this stunt helpful or counterproductive?
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what is this larping event?
It is kinda cool.
Scares liberals so I dont see a negative. It wont change the outcome of anything, but it shows some changing tides that scare them.
Pretty effective honeypot to be honest. Getting all these people to show their face on video for the government to catalog.
I wonder when the day will come when the authorities start rounding these fascists up.
Influx of propaganda, always good.
It was bad in that it gave the media more fuel to use against us as le ebil racists, but it was good in that it showed we aren't going to roll over and go away.
Media will have fuel anyway, it give us some fuel too.
which authorities? the local cops? staties?
why would they round up nationalists when the nationalists are standing against all the troublemakers?
if all the nationalists hide, the media can make whatever narrative they want. this way, at least both sides of the story are visible
>he thinks everyone in DOJ is now a trump loyalist
nationalist white supremacists like spencer/trs/identity evropa etc are targeted by both sides of the spectrum, who do you tihnk unmasked (((mike enoch the jew))) and the others, antifa? LOL
There's only one way the left is gonna be stopped but this was brave nonetheless
I think the world would be a better place if the Nazis had won but come on people, it's 2017 and you are not living in Germany. Get your own damn movement.
>Thats right goy it is too dangerous to do anything, better stay in da basement, right?
Agreed. Nazis, founding fathers, the crusades, manga carta or whatever western thing you want to glob onto isn't gonna work. We need something new.
Sup Forums is against anything that is done in real life. Only the CIA and shills leave their bedroom
Something new like Milo amirite? Pede?
Always counterproductive, in my opinion.
Better to have 1000 kekistanis that having this "cool" shit. They want us to fill the label of evil nazis.
>Muh pr
What a cuck, didnt the whole election show that the worst thing is to succumb to your oppositions standards?
They will do this one way or another.
No not that fag.
It was a bunch of faggots dressed in all white while carrying tiki torches and standing around a confederate statue. These clowns make it so easy for people to believe that they are nazi's and white supremacists.
Ur right better suit up in pepe helmets and spout maymays, so based
They did something, better than the basement live most of us have.
In 2017 a fucking green frog is a hate symbol.
In 2027 you will be called racist for not having over 50% "diverse" group. Then the new "fascists" will be niggers, feminists, fags and trannies
What did this achieve exactly? They light some torches and hung around the statue. So?
>that one guy wearing a burzum shirt
A march with dollar store tiki torches.
Fucking tiki torches.
This is the problem with /pol, when you see someone doing something, instead of felling motivated and doing something too, you fell envy and start point errors.
One of the greatest advancements of the alt right is to make fun of everyone. No fucks given.
Normally being a far right clown means that you are like bloody serious all day, and you can't talk of anything but muh Hitler and so. You hate everyone that is different... You can't sell that image to the youth....
This alt right shit shows that you can have right wing opinions and be a normal citizen. Having fun is the way to go.
The antifa are the real fascists. I am all for LEGAL migrants, muh based LEGAL latino.
I guess 4 million Mexicans can come if they do it LEGALLY
We be funny and have serious moments, we aren't some cartoon villains.
What would you accomplish by selling mixed race society to the youth?
You are not being any different or fighting against anything. You are just neutral and muh funny jokes.
Politics are serious grow up faggot.
A bunch of Russia Firsters celebrating a failed anti-American terrorist.
>>that one guy wearing a burzum shirt
It looks like the Lyset Tar Oss album cover. I have a Det Som Engang Var shirt.
I always assumed that was the liberals and green squares. All collectivists groups (including white nationalists) get triggered pretty easily.
Good job using the term "honeypot" incorrectly faggot
Whites aged 1-18 are a minority in USA. No civil nationalism will save whites from being outnumbered in just a few years.
And from there it will be even worse. If whites refuse to accept ethno nationalism it is over
You can't be a nazi and don't have a sense of humor, you will go crazy if you don't, they piss on everything you value, make jokes about you all the time.
FBI plant showcase.
So how can they do it if they don't want to have children? How many of the guys in OPs pic are married with children?
It's both good and bad.
The good:
>they're dressed sharply
>look masculine
>well groomed
>everything has a nice aesthetic
>compared to Proud Boys or Kekistanis, they actually look like men and not faggots
The bad:
>the contrast is too sharp and the average normie will just see them as larping nazis and not be influenced by them
>further give other conservatives just trying to get by a bad name
>they were chanting Neo-Nazi slogans
>instead of trying to do more subtle ways of influence to get the general populace with their message, they are trying too hard and thus losing any subtle sway they could have had
The Nazis were a German movement that had a very low opinion of America and Americans as a people.
You are not going to win right-wing audiences waving foreign symbols representing an inherently anti-American movement. You might as well wave a hammer and sickle, they're "a Western thing" as well.
No armor. No guns. I'll give them an 8/10.
So does anybody actually believe these people, with all of their expensive makeup and carefully planned clothing arrangements, are actual far right protestors? These are actors.
Yes, and you end like in Sweden. Like 100 guys with flags, serious, dressed the same. No smiles and no optimism. Only a latent violence. If you want everyone to ostracize you I'm gonna say it's a good way to do it. You're making it too easy for them.
This is how the far right has been for 60 years without change. There is no mystery that some would like this to continue to be so for another 60.
What if you knocked the statue down and put it in a museum?
i hope those are actual guns and not larp guns
You can win this ONLY with memes, the same way you can't ONLY with rallies.
White identity promotes having white children. Once people realize the threat they will have more children.
But you need white civil rights leaders. You need white groups, white schools companies etc. You need to segregate yourself and conquer
plus a bunch of Americans died fighting nazis. then these faggots claim to be nationalistic. Fucking Europe identity. Only in America. There is a reason the EU failed, and its that European whites choose their country over other whites.
Some great KKK vibes right fellow citizens join our side?
100 people doing the right thing is better than 100.000 people doing the wrong thing.
You preach counter productive ideas. Also that few hundred can grow to a few thousand or more like in Greece.
I am convinced that you are a jew now.
sounds good to me. they could go on the "Lost the Civil War" section
larping nazis with tiki torches scare liberals, right okay.
Do the Jews still control America?
Has ANTIFA been dismantled?
Is Europe still being raped?
when you want to make a real difference lemmie know
Rallies exist for a reason. They exist to get more people on your side and they often work. Many parties went from 50members to 50.000 just by doing rallies
>squidward meme
>Sup Forums
Reddit get out
why not start pumping out kids now. By the time change happens it will be too late. If you want power then itt is quality over quantity. If you are playing a population game then its quantity over quality and hope your IQ bell curve holds and whites rise to the top.
but if +40% of a country is non white, then how do you deliver a white country without violence? Will all whites side with whites? Will China and/or Russia use the opportunity to get a foothold on the US using human rights violations as an excuse?
Well, we have these groups too. They have patriotic marches copied from Germany, flags copied from Germany and then they sing patriotic songs in German.
Germany wasn't our enemy but it's just comically stupid.
European Ethnic nationalism is rising. Ignore the shills. Take Nordic Resistance movement for example.
They march in thousands now when they had 10 times less member just a few years ago. In a few years they will have tens of thousand people marching if they are not stopped.
who are you, you slavic trash? You know that only aryan Northern Germanics are Whites?
"Just trying to get by" holy shit you are a cum jar loser
>European Ethnic nationalism is rising
American Nationalism is decreasing while Israeli Nationalism among Americans (Zionism) is rising :(
>Take Nordic Resistance movement
thanks for the clue ill look into their cause
You people don't even know what that buzzword means anymore. You fags call everything "larp". Tree? Larp. Rock? Larp.
If whites worked together they would be the richest group in USA. Asians are still a small minority and Blacks and Mexicans are poor.
Funding would be cut to nonwhite areas and black cities would look like African ones.
How many police do you know who would risk their life to round up fat dopey online shitposters?
Who is going to be the first to die so the others can kill?
counter-productive. they didn't need the torches. bad look.
I know you may be so anti-social that you think every right-winger in the country is a neo-nazi like you, but that's not the case.
The average Trump voter is unironically NOT a Nazi and dislikes being seen as one.
The mayor himself condemned the act as "Reminiscent of the KKK."
other people have jobs and children to take care off. They've done their job. Have you? Or are you waiting for white only welfare to get started?
Defending the honor of our country's greatest general is always productive
Aesthetic as fuck t bh
I love Americana, don't let them take it down
>if I stereotype the opposition, that makes it true and I don't have to argue their points
QUICK! Who am I quoting, SJWs or you?
Are you the one with the shield ?
Would bang the fuck outta that chubber on the right.
I don't see any nazi symbology here. Clearly a separate movement
its not a stereotype if its true
>larping nazis with tiki torches scare liberals
>I am literally shaking while writing this.
it seems they do.
>it's not a stereotype if it's true.
You're literally the sheep from Animal Farm baaing "FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BETTER" so repetitively that no one can have discussions.
As if it matters
>civic nationalism
>asian girls
If you fly a nazi flag in public, you're an idiot and have no idea how propagnda works
>larping as nazis
yeah, Sup Forums has that problem
never bothered with that once
literally shaking. Glad I went now :)
enjoy your stab in the back
The memes are real
It's free speech in the end. But then again Sup Forums hates free speech regardless of what political ideology they are so no one wins here.
>Det Som Engang Var
Good taste, senpai. I'll be getting that one in the mail about two weeks from now.
>implying we arent actual nazis
Go home
How does one make a real difference?
Mass murder? With no propaganda to go along with it? Who will write the justifications for the latest use of violence against X target? How will a militant pro white message get past the Mainstream Media Demonization? Who will show the pussies that exist in the white race a way to participate without getting their hands dirty? You don't want women anywhere near a real fight, unless you want dead women.
Will someone reach out to whatever remains of the Klan? The American Nazi Party? Anyone who is remotely pro white?
Do tell Mr. Negative Nancy. Do Tell.
Rain on a parade with no suggestions for how "it should really be done," make you a loud mouthed coward. You should be posting a list of rules for doing it right every time you post in a thread.
The average white is not a killer. Not even close actually. That's why they don't resist even as the entire media shits all over them on a constant basis. How do YOU intend to reach those people and get them doing something other than fighting?
I suggest you do peaceful demonstrations and that guys like Spencer, whatever you hate about him, are making progress with the large pool of pacifists. YOU will need those pacifists to understand the case for war, written by careful propagandists, if YOU expect to be the anti white Globalists.
>Yes my goys please donate with your paypal username and come to our events, remember no masks allowed!
>wait oops my wife is jewish and so am i teehee oh well listen to my podcast
>donate to my podcast
here's a criticism on how it should be done. don't bring torches so comparisons can't be made to the klan.
>tiki torches
It was funny at least.
>Sup Forums is one person
Open up the book 'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays.
Maybe you'll then realize how dumb it is that these people are walking around chanting Nazi slogans.
Sorry, there isn't a sparknotes version of it.
No it's actually pretty normal for the supreme race to coordinate stuff and to not sag their pants like your common nigger
3 niggers, a pirate and fatmerica with crew..
me on the left fambam
me in the nissan
shut up and go get culturally enriched, britfag
>Ha ha, fucking idiots, doing things, that let's the (((government))) know who you are, casual fucking noob fags.
Honestly just fucking sad.
Movements die and the big bad (((government))) wins when you're too afraid to actual do anything. It's the people that stand up against them publically despite the risks that'll not only inspire others to do so but inspire change.
Anonymity is a lovely thing we can get a lot of now because of the internet, but it's turned everyone into fucking cowards.
>not knowing maymays dictate reality