Should MtF transgenders be allowed to get married to men and adopt children with them?
What are pros and cons of allowing this, provided he "mother" is passable and remains stealth?
Should MtF transgenders be allowed to get married to men and adopt children with them?
What are pros and cons of allowing this, provided he "mother" is passable and remains stealth?
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Anzu is a girl!
Please tell me you aren't saying that Anzu is a MtF. I wouldn't be able to handle such a realization.
Stop spamming this, Anzu is a girl.
I know it's a meme and all, but for christ's sake it's getting old and annoying.
don't fall for the meme
hands and skeleton. Trust me I'm an expert.
Adoption is a genetic disaster and should be banned even if everyone involved is stealth mtf.
People capable of raiding kids don't breed, genes of people incapable of raising kids spread.
Hmm? By that do you mean that the practice of adoption in and of itself is immoral and should be abolished?
That's a guy.
anzu nudes?
They're trying to fix that. Andndoibg a good job imo.
damn that's one hot trap
I don't have any. Stay on topic.
dick or no dick, whatever, anzu is still a roach
then stop posting her until you have some
i want to see her dysmorphic body
Hmm I see. So you're more in favor of a Spartan sort of society.
Is she just tiny or unhealthy?
Are you openly trying to see her femipeni?
"She"s a skinny boy.
can't someone just go to riceland, grab a fistful of anzu's crotch, webm it and put this meme to rest forever?
Isn't this the same as gay marriage? The adoption thing though I think is more controversial, and though I believe a child should have a XX mother and a XY father I think a tranny who's putting in effort is better than an some DaddyOFive redneck beating the shit out of them or raping them or worse, an orphanage full of niggers where the nigger orphans rape the human kids.
Well, are you for or against it on principle? It may be preferable to some other hypothetical case but is it something that you would see as legally permissable? And why or why not?
This is a boy.
Jesus Christ, she's mfing turkish, how the fuck could it be a tranny boy?
She ran away to Japan and is an outpoken critic of the Turkish government. Coincidentally after moving to Japan she became much bustier.
she use to be fat. She probably has a eating disorder
Anzu pleases old men for money? What am I supposed to be seeing here?
Dude, if it is a boy than it's some conspiracy-tier shit with the help of her... i mean, his parents.
Seriously, it's more beliavable that she's whoring in nippon, than this. I know they're upper class but, still, it's fucking turkland and she's totally feminine.
There are quantum chances she got a d.
>Raise boy
>Turns out he's a boi
>You have enough humanity to still love him
>"From now on you're a girl ok."
>People start asking questions.
>Send son to Japan for a while so shit can cool off.
>being this desperate to sell girls as trans
I know there are no passable traps, and you are desperate to shill your agenda, but this is really pathetic.
There are passable traps. It's just that most don't want anyone to know that they have dicks. They just want to be normal girls.
>Should it be allowed?
Yes, in my opinion it's far superior to two men raising the child, or the child not having parents at all.
Well, I think the mtf mother will be happier to have a child to care for and to help re-enforce her delusion of being a women. The child will be happier to finally have a family, a mother, and father that care for it. Then overall the child will have the healthy balance of both genders raising the child, vice a gay couple. Higher chance of it turning out okay.
If you hate or don't agree with transgender people, then maybe those are exactly the issues in your opinion. I personally would be for it. Too many parent-less kids.
Sure mate, yet you keep posting girls and calling them male.
I'd be willing to bet money that Anzu had testicles at one point.
Great another anzu thread. Sage.
Hmm I see. Do you think that preferential treatment in child matching should be given to cis parents or should it be kept a secret to prevent anyone from knowing that the mother is not a woman?
Thanks Mr skeletal
>kodak black
That color screme is fucking disgusting
not surprised
By the way, can someone elaborate on the japanese affair?
This is the theory i'm interested in. Not only i think it's more plausible, it also makes me excited imagining, like the story of a movie or a series, something like that.
>2 gigs of ram in use
>0 packages
I would unironically marry this qt in a second because real women suck
They'd probably be better at being moms desu
Too bad she went too far and looks weird now
>What is a surrogate mother
Doesn't seems to be her.
Not 100% sure what you're asking, but if you're asking if we should try to give children to normal, biological parents first - or if we can keep the transgendered mother a secret, then make it random? Then I'd I say that if we can keep it a secret, then it should remain a secret, but biological parents should definitely be given priority, granted that the biological parents are actually more competent than the transgendered mother couple. I feel like the real priority is good parents.
>get married to men
Don't stick your dick and crazy. And even more, don't put a ring on crazy.
They will age like shit, and you will find it increasingly difficult to pretend they are a "female" as the years go by.
What the fuck is wrong witb this bitch that she can't flip a pancake?
Not really. A lot of them look better than women as they age because their whole life is dedicated to looking like a chick
Ah I see. Well that makes good sense, I suppose.
cerebral palsy.
oops meant for
I'd feed her with my high calorie, nutritious sperm
All freaks need to be burned and stoned to death.
shes also an escort
A boy is fine too.
>Should MtF transgenders be allowed to adopt children?
Good question to start a discussion about the mental health-trans dispute.
I can never find her attractive, the comb over just kills it
Perhaps, but that's not going to happen. I'm torn between full-blown Nazi and giving in slightly to degeneracy because children who are raised by women always turn out badly. Women don't even want kids, yet trans like Jazz Jennings and shit always talk about wanting them.
>roachie prostitute
Tell us more, please.
Any evidence?
I sometimes wish I was dead but I still think that exploring the ethical ins and outs of the existance of passable transgenders is a worthwhile task, or at least something to do while I'm alive still.
Tranny threads aren't politics even when you retards attempt to post some bs question there. Take it to
besides this
This. It's easy to say "no, they shouldn't" here on Sup Forums, yet they never give anything to back their opinion.
The world's not gonna put women back in the kitchen. We're too far-gone
>political questions aren't politics whaen it involves trannies
Except it isn't political retard. No laws were ever cited you are simply another retard trying to push your bs here. Funny how you mentally weak idiots always have to include that little disclaimer in your shitposts.
are a better place for this
>Except it isn't political retard.
But it is. You just feel threatened by it because it even challenges Sup Forums's views. It's easy to say, "no, it's not what Hitler wanted", but at the same time, the world is totally gone.
What's the problem?
You don't have to site exact legislation. The question is simple: Do you or do you not think trannies should be able to get married and adopt kids. It's a question of laws in the abstract. Not about specific laws.
Why are you so triggered? Nobody's forcing you to be here.
trannies should be processed into ground meat and fed to wild dogs
that might poison the dogs though
is this TempleOS?
How will you know which ones are and aren't trannies? As technology improves they only become more passable. Will you startdoing penis inspection day?
>should they be allowed to marry and adopt
Should they be allowed to breathe?
Fucking you again?
It only becomes delusion when they cut off the D
Otherwise, they're playing the role of a chick
How's the day go, lad?
Still hiding in Korea to avoid American authorities I see.
Who is this girl(male)?
I dare not say or you too will be sucked into her dark abyss.
how do i obtain her services?
i'm not really that fond of her, i just want to spit on her face and so on.
why is pol full of retards? like are you guys 12 or something?
Nah I've seen better. Hell I am better. I just always see you spamming this person. I have no idea who they are.
It's an underaged freak /r9k/ worships. A real fucked-the-head kid. Posting pics of her cutting herself and making the weirdest creepiest YouTube you'll ever see.
All the pedos and virgins of /r9k/ go ape shit over him/her/it...
I assume that step one is to be in Japan.
>Nah I've seen better. Hell I am better. I just always see you spamming this person. I have no idea who they are.
It's best to keep it that way.
its eliza, i think is her name.
she's a zitty /r9k/ slut who plays cutesy for orbiters.
it really fucks my shit up that people can want an american girl with british skin, that's not just a red flag, its a fucking soviet banner.
i wouldn't go that far for a hoer.
not even one i'd personally like to beat the shit out of.
Gay marriage is legal here in America so I don't see why not.
why dont you fuck off to Sup Forums then
Does Yao Ren Mao have a feminine benis, Sup Forums trapmasters?
She is a girl, this is her when she was a baby
Girl in the pic is Tsuruko
I'm sorry, she is a real woman
>She is a girl, this is her when she was a baby
Brazil in charge of molesting babies and knowing their sex
Parents don't tend to put ribbons on boy's heads, even if they are babies