I'd like to see some Trump supporters explain this shit, pic related

I'd like to see some Trump supporters explain this shit, pic related.

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sources say

fake news. But please I beg of you to ramp this up to an eleven.

Officials have revealed

wow, ebin meme there in the corner bro!

But if it was real news? (which it is)



Fuck I'm dying laughing

will reddit ever leave
>real news
all of it is fucking opinions and bias, none of it is real

Even if this is true, the word for this is "sharing" intelligence. And the Commander in Chiief can share as he sees fit.

>all of it is fucking opinions and bias, none of it is real

Not what I asked

Be less not smart and be gooder at reading

utter bullshit, the leftists and the deepstate are so butthurt this is the best they can come up with- OMG, Trump discussed with the russkies things that low information voters arent aware have been in print media for years...

ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) was created by Obama when the brand name Al Queda was too much for the the US mill rank and file ti swallow (google "we wont be al ciaduhs airforce)
ISIS is an obsolete, soon to be destroyed tool of the US state dept, saudi royals and israel

red pill mutherfucker, swallow it.

I'm glad that you and I can laugh brother, at how preposterous this world is and how gullable these goyim are

note the talking point being partoted by all dinosaur media "this would be an illegal act if commited by anyone but a sitting president"

come on Saruman, is this all you got?

on man, the media and the democrats will LOVE this.

he said the name of a city in the middle east, who the fuck care.

Fake news. No real sources. Literally sharing on how to beat ISIS instead of funding them like the dumb nigger before him did


>none of it is real
>t. Bluepill

well by nature of the presidency anything he says is considered unclassified if he says it. Which is a pretty shitty rule

there's a really weird rumor going around that the classified information was pertaining to the benefits of an extra scoop of ice cream.

sure smells like the_donald in this thread


No proof, fake and gay David Icke-tier pisswater

It's not real news. Even if it was, it is overblown.

MacMaster to hold press conference in a few minutes!


Can't wage war on an empty stomach.

The US ally who has the operatives that will be tortured and killed by tomorrow.

tfw The Washington Post shils on Sup Forums

Top kek

>the washington post

but what does it taste like? salty? sour? someone lick their screen

takes one to know one

thx homie

The nice thing about shills is that you know their money will run out some time, yet actual people posting just keep on posting or, if they are lefties, get redpilled eventually.

Fake news. The IC has plainly stated that once the president releases classified information, it is no longer classified based on his discretion.

Anyone else doing it should be locked up.

>highly classified info = ISIS gonna put bombs in laptops

Not exactly the nuclear codes

>says washington post
hell, must be true
drumpf is done! right guys?

Sup Forums Sage and hide these shit threads. Even fucking children can verify this isnt the reality of what happened.

Fuck Bezos, fuck WaPo.


>It's unlikely that Trump has broken any law. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets.
>"If Trump weren’t president, his dangerous disclosure to Russia could end with him in handcuffs," the DNC statement continued.

I think Trump is an idiot, but I'll explain it for you:

Mainstream media is abandoning the principles of good journalism so that it can benefit from the wave of anti-Trump hysteria that is helping news organizations and comedians.