Fake news thread?

Fake news thread?

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Basically your mission as Sup Forums is to keep this on the front page and negate the effect of the weak ass shills

Should you accept, you will receive numerous digits and good karma




Trumpet In denial


Difference is that in 2015 the intelligence sharing was approved by our greatest ally


Two scoops for all!


>WashPo pumps out 16 anti-Bernie Sanders articles in less than 24 hours
>Sup Forums eats it up

>they do the same thing to Trump

I hate hypocrites.


Meh bump

I need a source on this

Stop posting this /pol is 1 person bullshit in every thread you stupid leaf.

I feel bad that you're using my shitty crop. I wish you could use this one instead.

The articles have been edited and reposted to deliver an alternative narrative to that of reality

Search the actual news article and it reads something completely different

The shills are literally just distracting us with misinfo

Yeah leaf defend communist sanderstein

Nobody gave a fuck about him all election so there's no reason we would defend misinfo



Is this real?

Protip and the point of this thread:



Do not allow yourself to be fooled by bullshit and obvious bullshit at that.

>fake news thread
>is this real

seriously man?

Is this real?


cool proxy switching shill

Gimme one from Indonesia you cuckposter

Don't bother. Everyone knows they're hypocrite, but does some mental gymnastics to justify it rather than nautical accepting it and doing it for their narrative.

March 6, 10:20 PM: Bernie Sanders Pledges the US Won’t Be No. 1 in Incarceration. He’ll Need to Release Lots of Criminals

March 7, 12:39 AM: Clinton Is Running for President. Sanders Is Doing Something Else

March 7, 4:04 AM: This Is Huge: Trump, Sanders Both Using Same Catchphrase

March 7, 4:49 AM: Mental Health Patients to Bernie Sanders: Don’t Compare Us to the GOP Candidates

March 7, 6:00 AM: ‘Excuse Me, I’m Talking’: Bernie Sanders Shuts Down Hillary Clinton, Repeatedly

March 7, 9:24 AM: Bernie Sanders’s Two Big Lies About the Global Economy

March 7, 8:25 AM: Five Reasons Bernie Sanders Lost Last Night’s Democratic Debate

March 7, 8:44 AM: An Awkward Reality for Bernie Sanders: A Strategy Focused on Whiter States

March 7, 8:44 AM: Bernie Sanders Says White People Don’t Know What It’s Like to Live in a ‘Ghetto.’ About That…

March 7, 11:49 AM: The NRA Just Praised Bernie Sanders — and Did Him No Favors in Doing So

March 7, 12:55 PM: Even Bernie Sanders Can Beat Donald Trump

March 7, 1:08 PM: What Bernie Sanders Still Doesn’t Get About Arguing With Hillary Clinton

March 7, 1:44 PM: Why Obama Says Bank Reform Is a Success but Bernie Sanders Says It’s a Failure

March 7, 2:16 PM: Here’s Something Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders Have in Common: And the Piece of the Argument That Bernie Doesn’t Get Quite Right.

March 7, 3:31 PM: ‘Excuse Me!’: Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Know How to Talk About Black People

March 7, 3:54 PM: And the Most Partisan Senator of 2015 Is … Bernie Sanders!

>Can you spot the difference?
Yeah, Obama didn't commit treason

>March 7, 12:55 PM: Even Bernie Sanders Can Beat Donald Trump

Those poor fools

I literally remember none of these articles, defending these articles, or reading these articles.

What you're telling me is that you basically either:

A. Don't buy this shit because of that
B. Buy this shit because of that
C. Don't buy any of this shit because it's an unreliable news source

So which is it?

What are the consequences for MSM of the United States being nothing but an endless flood of fake fucking news that need to be refuted in Twitter?

When Obama does it, it's praiseworthy diplomacy.
When Trump does it, it's treason.

KYS shariablue.

Obama literally committed treason and encouraged it

>Fast and furious
>Relaxed immigration enforcement
>refused to take action after done nigger chest beating at Assad

Your move

Also the article has clearly been edited. There's almost no way to ignore that

Go to Catalog
Search "russia"
Lots of fake news.

I hope Trump ends the press briefings.

Which one was edited?

They get humiliated by trump

There are none.

The news sells the news to the news

and the people who wanna listen will keep listening

What we're dealing with are actually voluntarily delusional people.

They are offered the truth, and a lie, and choose the lie because they'd rather believe it.

>Obama didn't commit treason
Except you know, for disregarding Habeas Corpus which allowed made it possible to jail American people without their day in court


Bezos Post is not a 'lefty rag' its a neo-liberal rag for coastal liberals and the Democratic Party, but some Sup Forumsacks (aka r/the donald) can't see this.

>trump manipulates the media into creating fake news just to troll them.

None of those things are treasonous.

In the same way a butcher and a surgeon both use a knife, yes.

that's going in the lugenpresse folder

The people who are outraged by one allegation of one piece of classified information being shared in order to combat ISIS were perfectly fucking fine with Hillary running State out of her goddamn basement.


Read it and tell me there Ezekiel

>“The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,” said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. “At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly.”

>The CIA declined to comment, and the NSA did not respond to requests for comment.

The agencies are definitely not on his side. If they had something they'd let it out.



Inciting false flags in order to abolish the second amendment is treasonous as fuck. So is not protecting the sovereignty of the nation. By fucking definition.


They talked about the threat of laptop bombs.

Oooh, super fucking confidential. Terrorists might use things that look like bombs to build actual bombs.

I'm telling you that you're hypocrites, since you fell for the fake news on Bernie Sanders yet call them out ONLY AND ONLY when there's fake news about Trump. If you're selectively deciding what is fake news only because you disagree with it, you're a hypocrite (and a nigger, quite frankly).

What's ironic is that the fake news and rumours about Bernie Sanders were literally orchestrated by the Democrats, and you fell for it.

Basically this

>Arming criminals across the boarder is not treason, when it kills Americans. The guns and a body trail showed up and both Obama and Holder fucking signed off on that shit
>Not securing your country's boarder is like opening the gates to Rome
>You will refute nothing I type so go back to making shill threads

Nobody's turning on trump, you absolute faggot.



>If they had something they'd let it out.
They would not openly commit a felony, no.

Unless you mean leaking info to the papers, which is what they're doing.

>You will refute nothing I type so go back to making shill threads
Your statements are wrong on the face of themselves.

I didn't fall for shit dumbass I know fake news when I see it. I don't pay this website any mind because I KNOW it cranks out garbage click bait.

What exactly are you complaining about?

You don't know jack fucking shit there bucko because you don't know a bad source when you can't shut the fuck up about it

boohoo faggot leave and kys leafy cuck boi


>your statements are wrong on the face of themselves

"You're wrong because you're wrong and I have no actual argument to refute that"

You're not very convincing there m8

It is completely fake news

Donald "I'm not a Russian plant but I do give them highly classified information" Trump


>And the Most Partisan Senator of 2015 Is … Bernie Sanders!

headlines were mildly believable until this one. Sanders is not even a democrat and he, on numerous occaisions, has voted against the democrats on key issues, which is unheard of in the democrat party.



That's how you know it's working

how is that fake news also (((Fields)))? And th other is a spic

Well, believe it.


Pre teen shills need to fuck off,

Mcmaster btfos wapo

Shut up you leaf fucking retard. You are making shit up. Show me the archived threads where champion these washington post articles. Wait you cant because it didnt fucking happen

>You're not very convincing there m8
I'm not trying to convince you. I doubt very much you would ever listen to me. I'm not speaking to shills, I'm speaking to the people who read your nonsense.

It's hard for a redditor to navigate the archive dude give him a bit

Still no counterpoints presented for any of those just half assed reaction images.

You're proving my point, and you're not getting what you want.

If you care more about Donald Trump than you do about the United States of America, keep saying everything is fake news.

If you care more about the United States of America than one individual, you should try honestly to see what's really going on.

Being a devoted servant of one man is not worthy of any real American. The country was founded to avoid just that type of life.

Fact Check: Trump is a human not a plant. He is however a Russia double agent.


>and you're not getting what you want.
Increases to the post limit? I beg to differ.

Your a dumb fucking scrotum, this is FAKE news. The quality is so poor it looks like it was made on ms paint and why choose 'mouth of the lion?' kek Sup Forums thinks it actually has an influence on anything outside it.

There is no shareblue. There is no CTR. Anyone who thinks otherwise is as dumb as the people who fall for fake news.

You're keeping the most honest thread on Sup Forums bumped so thanks sweet pea

I'll just make another. I do this for free.




it has been edited:




Stay mad faggot he's not going anywhere for 8 years




>I'll just make another. I do this for free.
At least you're honest about that.

>Show me the archived threads where champion these washington post articles.

Every fucking post about Bernie Sanders is literally repeating CTR talking points given to the media, including some of these topics, such as the "white people don't know what it's like to be poor" remark which was blown out of proportion by Sup Forums.

Get fucked, you hypocrite.

You argued literally nothing and convinced literally nobody of your talking points.

I don't know how you're supposed to stay useful to the cause if you can't even argue something.

I had s bunch of these but now I wanacry

>whining babby

your powers dont work here kike ;)

What cause?


Pick one shill fag

sounds alot like you fags with the russian narrative


lil babbi cry more


"the super PAC aimed to find and confront social media users who posted unflattering messages"

What's that? No mention of Sup Forums? No political campaign wants anything to do with this cesspit, as much as you might flatter yourself. Do you think anyone would spend money on what you people believe? Facebook and twitter, for sure, had stuff like that, but Sup Forums? You are a narccisist or a troll, like most Sup Forumstards. You fell for the meme magic meme.

Weird tactic

I don't know how anybody would even follow your bullshit if they read the thread

The problem is people are lead to the lie and unless they care enough to do their own research, they have no idea they're being steered to believe a lie.

>Do you think anyone would spend money on what you people believe?

Ever turn on a tv, nigger?
Ever turn on a radio?
or use a cell phone?

People pay millions just to determine what we believe you half-involved pseudo-idiot

Well it's up to us to show them the light.

Even when it's something we don't want to see.

my bad thought u were another poster

This shit blew my fucking mind when i was a kid and first learned about it

Fucking normies... I almost feel bad but then I don't

>tfw Faggot shills get BTFO no matter what

>Half involved

You seem to be confusing Sup Forums with the real world. You seem to be confused about a few things. I know it feels awful when someone questions how important you think you are, so very slowly and gradually you're going to have to accept, post by post, that 'shilling' is a meme.

It shouldn't take you long, and as soon as people stop crying shill at every post they dont like, we can get Sup Forums back to how it was before drumpf-bumboys flooded in