Well Sup Forums? I thought Socialism sucked and Sweden was collapsing?
Socialism doesn't wor-
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>doesn't use archive
>links to Bloomberg
Fuck off kike
are you serious?
In Sweden they will do the contrary to everything a non liberal does and it works miracles, every time.
The Swedes like to take pride in being the most progressive country in the planet.
A true humanitarian super power ;)
>Go into debt
>Spend money
>GDP is total amount of money spend in a year
really makes u think
Why is it a miracle? That they still exist?
>humanitarian super power
I agree, it's time to roll out the guillotines.
Sweden is fucked beyond repair, but how is that socialism?
We need rapefugees for the economy goyim.
they day I agree to allowing the lazy, stupid, and violent to pickpocket the fruits of my labor will be a sad fucking day, indeed. theft is theft, and if the thief wears a tie and calls himself government, he's still a fucking thief, and the people who vote for and benefit from his theft are thieves as well... and it only works to a small degree, and then only until the industrious quit or leave, then all you have left are idiots wallowing in failure.
If the debt keeps growing, there is no surprlus. Never forget that.
Also, fuck you, nigger:
Woah, it just became easier for me, thanks Swedes, see you at late night.
Sweden suppresses actual results it's a fact. Just like Germany suppresses crime results of the refugees
Lmao fucking retarded, they just bump these new policies in with the old and then claim growth.
>y-you see goyim, if this years stats are clumoed in with the stats over the last two decades, everything looks wonderful.
Its like taking blockbuster stock from the day it was created till today and claiming that the franchise is still growing overall becuase somehow they arent all gone yet.
Socialism works if your country is filled with productive good willed white people
>two decades
>Thats a real nice civilization you got there Sweden
>It would be a shame if somebody...
Socialism always works in the beginning.
they enjoyed the eugenics bonus, now they get to enjoy the dysgenics minus
>bandaiding your gdp per capita with isolationism
>basically setting up for an industrial crash in 10-15 years
People here are too brainwashed by socialism is so evil. Don't even bother kid
Worked great when until third world shitskins came here to live in us. Being lazy and living on welfare is considered haram by ethnic swedes, thats why it worked.
Check date, May 7
A week later
They got caught for manipulating numbers in their report.
There is 40 billion SEK missing in the budget which the municipalities need. They want to increase taxes by 2% instead of downsizing gov.
They literally know they are fucked and tried to lie about profits.
We venezuela now
I agree people with no money and little to no education or trade skills will inject massive amounts of shekles into the economy somehow goy
wew lad
this kind of bullshit is easy to disprove in literally 5 seconds
Ahhahahahahaaha knew this was bullshit, but it is incredible that they stooped to third world dictatorship level by faking reports
>>It would be a shame if somebody...
It wouldn't be a shame to Swedes. They would love it.
When I was a teen in the 90's, back when the most ethnic person in Nordic countries was a gypsy, even back then the general consensus was that Swedes are gay and enjoy taking it up the ass.
I guess todays situation is just sort of life imitating art.
my friend is swedish and he gets so much government help for his studies that he can afford to study abroad to several countries for years.
But the weird thing is he says well Im all this traveling now so when I work and pay taxes it will be my turn to pay for someones vacation
man , europeans just have another mentalility about distribution of wealth
As soon as the Soc. Dems got elected, Sweden started DECREASING it's debt.
It blew up at the end of the Alliance's majority. Also growth has definetly been good overall in Sweden regardless of which party is in power. They had great growth a while back, and they bounced back from the recession relatively quickly.
I just don't see where the talk of Sweden "collapsing" is coming from. Can we get some numbers?
Check mass immigration numbers 2015
This is the most retarded thread I've ever seen. Wow! High taxes for people who already make a low income! That will increase quality of life! Here's a lesson kid, (clearly you must be a kid not to know basic economics), temporary positive statistics and bar graphs do not make a stable economy.
tl;dr: Swedistan goes full fucking communism.
So, Puerto Rico, Sweeden, Greece(again), Germany, UK, US. in that order.
See you innawoods.
Please present your argument as a local for all to see.
>socialism doesn't work
>socialism does work
Always depends on which kind of socialism you are talking about.
These two sources beg to differ. Sweden seems to be doing better. From the same website as well.
Mass immigration isn't necessarily an issue. Where's the problem? Crime? You are 143 times as likely to be a victim of violent crime in the United States, and five times as likely to be murdered. You are three times more likely to be a victim of gun-related crimes. Rape is higher in Sweden, true, but in every other metric you are worse off in America.
Economically? Unemployment is down. National Debt is being payed off. GDP is still growing.
What's the problem in Sweden? Do you just consider having foreign neighbors an issue in and of itself? They aren't creating any issues for certain.
Doesn't save it's culture
Or it's people
Or it's society
t. trump voter
The swede is pissed because "income redistribution" means tax the shit out of swedes and give it to Arabs
replying so that others know the op is a total faggot
>Economic miracle
I read this same exact shit on a Venezuela report
>giving out white people money make niggers buy stuff
What a miracle!! How long until sweden descend in complete chaos.
We just have to wait for it trickle down is all.
This strategy only works in small, high trust societies, and even then they need to be predisposed to liking each other (see Switzerland as a counter example)
Why in God's name would a Dakotan oil baron be inclined to subsidising vast government services to a bunch of low-productivity traitors in cities, who not only not support, but actively campaign against his economic and social interests every time doing would not negatively impact themselves?
I want to add that a few politicians said that if they try to raise the taxes in the budget they will lean right harder.
And now they are proposing higher taxes again.
holy shit, the argument is literally
"Trump's plan is bad because Obama's plan couldn't get 4%, so how could he?"
Also, sweden's corporate tax rate is HALF of the US'
So yeah, we would probably have an economic boom too if he halfed our corporate tax rate.
What's that?
That's what trump wants to do?
Not to mention when adjusted for local and state income taxes, sweden's income tax is only 5-10% higher than ours.
you took quarterly vs annualized
you're a deceptive little bitch.
Why are right wing retards pure fake news?
God I love fucking destroying u deceptive little cunts.
And I don't even think GDP growth is a good metric but I just exposing u right wing retards for the fake news you are
By miracle do they mean "we are going to tax native Swedes to death and give it all to their replacement brown people"?
>High taxes, strong unions and an equal distribution of wealth.
Well, it's been fun sweden, but that's a recipe for disaster and you're walking head first into it
I called out his bullshit. He took Sweden's quarterly rate vs USA's annualized. He's a lying fake new right wing retard cunt.
>t. pajeet streetshitter
>this kind of bullshit is easy to disprove in literally 5 seconds
My thoughts exactly
Will any pol retards ever take the time to simply Google: "Economy of Sweden"
>Woops looks like there was an answer all along! All I had to do was read!
>The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism
>Savings as dollar amount, not percentage increase / decrease
>I thought Socialism sucked
In the US and many European countries, there is the concept of rent-control. The goal of this socialist policy is to make housing more affordable for the poor by freezing rent prices.
It fails catastrophically. EVERYWHERE.
New York City has been doing it the longest. Nearly 49% of city housing is rent controlled. There is a housing shortage. Over the years, the amount and quality of housing within the city has declined as:
a) what point is there to maintain or build new apartments when the rent is never going to cover the cost?
b) Because there is less housing per dollar, an artificial scarcity has arisen and few tenants ever leave. Even if they did, the waiting list for the tenants is huge, so they'll always be able to replace them.
Over the years, literally THOUSANDS of apartment blocks -- which could still house people if they were repaired and maintained properly -- have simply been abandoned by their owners and taken over by the city. It's just not worth it to keep the building.
You know what kind of housing ISN'T rent controlled? Luxury housing. And there isn't a shortage of that. In fact, there's a glut of it on the market! Meanwhile, literally thousands of homeless people die on the streets because there isn't any place to house them. All thanks to rent controls.
The same patten has repeated itself in other cities and countries. In fact, it's so repeatable that it might as well be called an economic law.
The same pattern repeats itself for ANY good or service that is socialized. They always decline in quality and amount, yet usage goes up.
Socialist policies always, ALWAYS fail, and usually spectacularly.
Sweden is collapsing, capital is fleeing and the private sector which used to serve as the bedrock of the Swedish economy is shrinking. Economic miracle is not the right way to describe it, it is like slaying the goose that lays the golden egg then autistically screeching FUCK DRUMPF and then getting raped by refugees.
> Nominal GDP per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries; therefore using a basis of GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP) is arguably more useful when comparing differences in living standards between nations.
Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and bilionaires?
Because he knows his supporters are cucks who obey the wealthy elites
where are you making your graphs?
swedens gdp growth rate is lower than what you are posting.
Then why isn't this going backwards?
my god, you're so attached to this Obama Leaf identity
you may as well become a namefag
>minister says
It's almost as if socialism can work in a country whose working age population is mostly comprised of skilled workers, yet cannot work in a country like the United States with a large population of unskilled workers driving down wages. It's almost as if different economic systems work differently in different countries with different demographics!
>this meme pic again
>shows dollars saved but not the dollar amount of the income being taxed
>not realizing its only natural that as a person's income rises, so does the amount of money they are taxed and thus save if taxes are reduced
just remade it to answer this definitely.
Are you fucking retarded? Try to follow along.
They're clearly from tradingeconomics.
This right wing retard compared US vs Sweden using 2 different measures. Look closely and read the data. He took Sweden's quarterly GDP growth vs. US annualized. I used the same website but simple compared the US vs Sweden along the same metric. GDP growth annualized. Do you understand now you retarded little 73 cent leaf?
Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and bilionaires at a time of deficits, debt and rising interest rates.
Because he knows his supporters are cucks who obey the wealthy elites
>concept of rent-control
>It fails catastrophically. EVERYWHERE
That only proves that you can't cure ebola with aspirin.
OP "reverse-Trump" is literally backwards thinking you retard
Americans do know that even the shittiest ghettos here are more safe than your average city in the US, right? It's only Malmö that's a shithole because that's the first point of contact after you cross the bridge from Denmark.
yes, yes... Sweden's doing just fine, that's why her neighbors are.. wait what are they preparing for?
Just wait till 25% of the pop. of Sweden is lazy fucks on Welfare.
OP is a fucking fag read this
From the article:
>Sweden has the highest labor force participation in the European Union.
Instituting socialism in America won't magically cause this to happen. This happened because Sweden's working age population is more skilled than ours, although continued mass scale immigration is obviously going to erode at that advantage of theirs.
>socialist country does something that will completely fuck them in the long run but looks good in the present
>guys it's an economic miracle
M8, Sweden is headed for a disaster of biblical scale unless they get bailouts from the EU. I guess that's what you get when you let unqualified commie feminists run your country.
Yeah Danes are the problem in Malmö
you had this exact thread last night. That makes this spam.
lol once again you're using 2 different metrics. I can clearly see that on your y axis title. You're actually gunna try to fuck me with on FRED? You're just begging to be destroyed.
Why do u right wing retards love it when I expose it for u being lying little deceptive shits?
All I did was compare along the same metric. Are you actually going to try to deny that? No you can't because you know it's the truth.
This right wing retard used 2 different metrics. Sweden's quarterly vs US annualized. Do you admit it? Why do u retards make it so easy for me to annihilate you?
the unemployment rate is low and it's going down...
I know that geography isn't what you brits excel at but do you think refugees enter the country by airplane or by crossing the bridge from Denmark?
>Consequences of economic decisions take time to emerge
Plus with the EU bureaucracy, they can easily shift around enough money for the Swedish budget to look rosy for eternity if they wished.
This story sounds familiar.
I saw this exact same thread last night you shill
Nice pic.
Jesus Christ you got fucking massacred.
Answer the questions bitch.
All I did was compare along the same metric. (You)
Are you actually going to try to deny that? No you can't because you know it's the truth.
This right wing retard used 2 different metrics. Sweden's quarterly vs US annualized. Do you admit it?
You do realize that without the actual income numbers, his plan could have cut 50% taxes from the lowest earners and 0.01% from the highest earners and still come up with that picture right? Stop shilling.
And you're right, he's an asshole. The wealthy don't do anything economically beneficial at all with their spending money and deserve to have the government take it and decide what it should be spent on instead of them because "they didn't build that". Government knows best, always.
>Malmö wasn't a shithole a decade ago
see for another Obama Leaf win
go back to Sup Forums
Do you really think immigration to Sweden only started 10 years ago?
lol you dont know much about Economics, do you user? Consumption is by far the largest contributor to GDP. So government spending will increase GDP (because that spending will go into someone else's pockets) but people have to spend that money for it to really have any effect (multiplier effect). Sweden's budget deficit however is about .90% of GDP. While ours is around 2%. So they might be spending more now, but if thats the main reason for economic growth then theyre doing it in a pretty economically efficient way.
I dont expect you to understand much of that just know that it would be much better for all Americans if we adopted a similar strategy thats tailors to the American economy.
Jesus a leaf just BTFO everyone in here.
happens everyday
Be nice to know which leaf you're talking about.
I'm not sure about 2017 so far but Sweden recorded a budget surplus in 2016.
You're close about the US. The US has about a 2.5% budget deficit which if it would stay there would be manageable but Trump is about to explode it. As Republicans always do.