>Worldwide starvation pandemic
>Refugee crisis
>Wealth inequity
Yet this abomination exists. 250 MILLION dollars of hedonistic vanity. Tell me Sup Forums, how can you defend this? Is capitalism as redpilled as you say?
Worldwide starvation pandemic
You can't buy taste.
thats some grade A shit tier architecture right there m8
are you a starving refugee? if not myob faggot.
Yes, let's switch over to communism so that everyone starves and lives in squalor together. At least then we'll be equal, right?
Yes. Nobody cares about nigs or sandnigs.
Just take it man. Its all yours.
Very aesthetic dwelling
That's among the most overpriced pieces of shit. You know overpriced pieces of shit is good for the majority of the economy? One idiot loses a lot of money and a bunch of middle class peons get paid livable wages.
Don't ever try to force this shitty meme again.
>Worldwide starvation pandemic
What world are you talking about again?
and the neighbours are still so close
stop boosting slide threads
you could buy 2 100 million dollar homes put the other 50 mill in a 5% return fund and get both homes for free in 30 years
yeah it's lavish and unnecessary, but individuals should have the right to work hard, earn money, and buy their dream house.
but im def. in favour of a high estate tax.
Who cares about the poor?
Their lives are their problem.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
You realize that both hunger pandemic and refugee crisis are here because of capitalism?
> redpilled
Became a very vague non specific term lately so yeah, if you want it to be redpilled then sure why not.
Truth is that many valid scientific researches found out that world hunger could be end in a week if we would really want to. We have the resources, but we do not really want to because whats the point of capitalism if you cant feel being better than some1 else?
>Worldwide starvation pandemic
Pay third worlders 1k to get sterilized
>Refugee crisis
No, they're migrants looking to steal from the white man
>Wealth inequity
Yeah because surprise surprise, Jamal the 79 IQ dindu can't compete with Mike the 120 IQ electrical engineer.
ye its a fkin waste
That heli would empty the pool every time it takes off and lands. Great design, its a fucking box with 2 more boxes
>The whole world is Africa
>The 13 year old children need gibs
>Oligarchs and (((elites))) all earn their money through hard work, and not cronyism or political connections
Yeah, it exists. Are you going to burn it down, Commie? Tell me, user: did you post this from a public coffee house via a bartered, locally financed and produced laptop, or are you just completely and eternally full of shit?
how is it his fault that muslims and niggers cant control their urges to fuck everything that moves and blow themselves up?
As somebody who was born in communism, i can say youre as wrong as a burger can be in this.
Real life communism was a bullshit, but there are more poor starving people now than there was under commie regime.. sure you got to eat only shitfood and had to wait in line for hours just to get food like oranges n shit, but at least you got it.
Nevertheless, a line between socialism and capitalism is the best solution for us so far. Look at countries like Denmark, where almost everyone is rich and happy despise the fact that they live in the most depressing natural environemt ever.
> inb4 danish edgelord trying to prove me wrong
Nigger even if your father is a bus driver and your mama cuts hair of old ladies, you can have anything you want, maybe except a big new expensive car. Id trade that anytime for having the same family backround in this country, where it will guarantee you only insecurity if you ll have enough money to buy food next month every month, dreaming about vacation and seeing sea for 20 years and then being able to afford a trip to Croatia by bus full of lowlives like u.
Every single dollar that was spent on that house went to put other people to work. The helicopter builders, the construction workers, the landscapers.
That act of consumption generated more wealth for more people than any government program will ever come close to generating per dollar spent.
Don't you dare bring burgers into this.
wealth inequality is a huge meme since just because someone has shit loads of money doesn't mean you are necessarily poor, and there are so many poor people in the world a billionaire could give up all his money and it wouldn't even make a tiny dent in world poverty
>this wealth would be better off divided amongst niggers
yeah no