Jared Taylor BTFO's CNN interviewer
The ultimate Hwhite man.
Hail Victory!
>confederate battle flags
can we drop this meme? it's counter productive
the local government was trying to take down the statue of confederate General Robert E. Lee
it was relevant in that situation
Jared Taylor is such a zionist faggot.
I'm 12 min in and he's on point as usual.
Thanks for posting this, neighbour.
Go back to cripple chan.
>Muh Israel has a right to maintain jewish majority.
Fuck this agit-prop thing.
they're a model for us to follow, that's the point
What's wrong with that statement?
He's a jewish plant. That's what's wrong. Just like that faggot Spencer.
Are you the one with the shield ?
also, go be a nigger somewhere else
Meh. It's really not hard to BTFO CNN when they spend every minute of broadcast licking Hillary's virtual beef flaps.
who is "we"?
You French or got a mouse in your pocket, faggot?
Dream on neckbeard..true anglos are beyond saving for a long time now.. say hi to mohammed for me.
At first i was sad that youre leaving EU, but after traveling through England this spring, I am glad youre keeping all that cultural enrichment for yourself. Because fuck white slavic migrants when you can have sharia law instead.
>Because fuck white slavic migrants
And pakis, and poos
I actually live about 30 minutes from this statue, it's great. But our local govt. is cucked into oblivion. The campaign to remove it was actually started by my high school computer science teacher.
>The campaign to remove it was actually started by my high school computer science teacher.
god youre so fucking stupid. you would doom the white race if only to bring israel down as well.
cancerous little troglodyte.
>implying you aren't a kike
>pretending the fortification of yisro is not your goal
Oh look, another divide and conquer shill.
Taylor is the epitome of what it means to be alt right.
Taylor has done more to fight leftist ideology than you ever will you cancerous fucking faggot.
why do you always run with the same script? X-kike has done more to be a kike than all other kikes. When you were a child, this kike was kikeing it up amongst the biggest uncle schlomos around; what would you know of kikery, goy?
>it's a HuWhyte episode that isn't complete blackpill
He's still being a bit of a sperg about Trump.
I like this guy
Did they throw away the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest away or did they just move it somewhere else?