all blacks are stu....
All blacks are stu
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This should be impossible according to /pol
I hope they make some thing of themselves and don't resort to the social justice crowd that a lot of people seem to fall for in universities
I think your confusing intelligence with obedience.
>black kid going to college is newsworthy
There was a 12 year old in my organic chemistry class
Do you know how fucking hard organic chemistry is?
>all blacks are stupid
>all blacks
Ever heard of a bell curve?
He will still be a nigger with a double digit iq. Many such cases, sad.
>what is a statistical distribution
also pic related
What do they teach at a Christian university?
>What is affirmative action?
I think you are confusing obedience with your excuses.
I'm in COSC at TCU. Saw this kid getting picked up by his mom every once in a while.
>every single black is stupid
Said no one ever, also lets see if he will create/discover anything when adult.
Not at all.
The "bell curve" is only as true as the system used to organize people based upon the handful of phenotypes is. Shocker, it's not. There's more genetic diversity among people in Sub-Saharan Africa than there is between Europe and Asia combined, yet because they don't look as different from one another as white people and Asian people do they're all "black." And that's not even mentioning people who have genetic diversity from different regions around the world outside of Africa.
Not very. It's just the entryway into chemistry.
lol 1770 sat. 80 percentile, nice try
85IQ is an average for Blacks. Of course there will be extreme outliers. No one has claimed ALL Blacks are borderline retarded
>still no viable civilization in africa after 40,000 years
That nigger would never get accepted into my program. Ever.
Wow a black person is educated?????
Someone call the international media!!!!
Never trust nigposts.
You could bring that to European and Arab and Asian imperialism
Physics, and science in general, is easy when the Bible and Creationist tracts are your sources of knowledge. Why does the apple fall? Because God makes it so. Praise brothers.
It's called an anomaly
wtf is with USA's education system? A honest question. How the fuck a kid can be a graduate? He skipped school or what?
From DeVry?
Ty'Quelan Cooper
>Did a dindu skip class
You know, you didn't have to ask that question, did you?
>buys a ccomputer
>changes some parts
>I made a computer
It's the Achmed and his clock all over again.
>Carson Huey-You
>half chinese
not seeing a contradiction with the standard race realist line here, op.
His mom is Asian, so she probably tiger mom-ed him into college
Was hoping there would be at least one non-retarded person in here.
Figures the Austrian would understand.
>didn't have a civilization or written language when the europeans found them
And you would be wrong and a faggot.
no, like in Europe we have to finish school before going to university/college. What's different up in your continent?
Oh you bastard I came here just to post that
This, its like watching some dumb dog doing a trick and claiming its smart and special.
Oh, you're talking about "WE WUZ" shit
Not interested.
Statistics, flawed though they are, are at least better than feelz
Do you believe it has anything to do with affirmative action OP
Scoring gaps on the SAT between Blacks and Whites are increasing.
Income differences do not explain the increase, nor do they explain the scores. Whites from poor families scored more highly than Blacks from wealthy families.
In addition to this, almost no Blacks are among top-scorers on the SAT. A simple calculation of race-neutral competition for collegiate admission yields that if affirmative action were removed from US universities Blacks would matriculate at less than one-third the rate they currently do.
No she's not, she's a black single mother with really dark skin. To be honest I think she got bleached by an ashkenazi jew.
what the heck tcu
>last name hyphenated
wait is he BMAF?
>what is (((positive discrimination)))
And we never say all blacks are stupid, just that the average person of European origin is smarter than the average person of African origin
Regardless of the fact that they're both mixed race, every population has successful people, except maybe abo's.
In any case, just because your bell curve drops a few off at the diving board it doesn't mean the rest aren't all drowning in the pool.
Just a reminder, every time an intelligent or resourceful African enters Europe or the Americas Africa gets one resource poorer. You are literally stealing the risk taking intellegent Africans and Middle easterners who own all the assets and stealing them away from the motherland. CLOSE YOUR BORDERS WE WANT THEM BACK EURO SCUM. - t African
>using a more expensive fuel than gasoline to catalyze urine into fuel
Pretty dumb famalam.
fact: high school could be "skipped" by nearly anyone because it is not supposed to be academically rigorous rather that it is a holding ground for still physically and mentally developing workforce
He's half Asian... that kind of changes the whole story.
>There's more genetic diversity among people in Sub-Saharan Africa than there is between Europe and Asia combined
Affirmative action
I'm legally recognized as a genius, and I struggle with chemistry. Granted, that and biology are just my weak subjects. Yet I'm excellent at math and physics.
Some people are great at every subject except one, while conversely, you have savants.
To graduate high school, you only need to pass an exam called a GED. It's very simple, first year algebra math, reading level of a 16 year old. You can take the exam at any age
African blacks not Westernized blacks. Westernized blacks have white dna in them which give them an edge...
I built a go-kart when I was 5 years old out of old lawnmower parts. So what?
Its true, but it doesn't actually mean all that much. Diversity isn't actually strength.
well the bar has been set so damn low I wouldn't be surprised
yea but its a CHRISTIAN university. he just has to remember the 10 commandments and hes accepted. its sadder that it took him until the age of 10 to do so but for his race that is a accomplishment
for white people its like devry any one can get in
>i built something that already existed cuz my dad helped me and lead my hand
This child actually invented something NEW useful innovative surprised white people weren't able to steal it from him in time like they do everything else black people make.
This is what fucking keeps the public divided as the jews get richer and richer. Stop being fucking racist, every race has their niggers.
Underatted post
That didn't sound like a source to me
Nope. Me and a neighbor. Strapped a lawnmower motor for a push mower on the back and instead of powering the blades it powered the wheels. Screwed the throttle on to the frame and away we went. Don't be a faggot just because you are a dumb nigger. I build hoses now and have my own contracting business. It's called being white and no one gives a shit.
Crime statistics tell me otherwise.
Kilwa Sultanate
Arguably Great Zimbabwe
I take it you haven't look that hard?
This dog should get a degree too, like Trayvon did.
>here is a few smart black people, this proves darnel down the block who can't read is smarter than you vanilla devils
>affirmative action helps them pass the class
A foot in the door != a passing grade
Nignogs are stupid desu.
Chemistry is beautiful. Everything is connected, we are so complex it's amazing we work at all.
the bell curve allows for upper outliers dumbass. If they went back to Africa then maybe that continent could climb out of the shithole they created
other user is right though. before this kid you couldnt buy a product to prevent hot car deaths. before you built your go-kart you could go and buy a go-kart. you didnt invent shit.
Just because the kid has accomplishments doesnt devalue yours. congrats on having your own business, that's fantastic, it has little to do with being white though, im sure you worked hard for it
As above so below
I would argue your feelz need to be upheld by constantly justifying the maintenance of extremely flawed statistics.
>Ted talks
You do realise I've had ideas like this several times but there's no funding for whitey.
One black person cries "idea" and boom instant funding from shitlibs
>t. hi-skool fag
>couldn't prevent car deaths.
How about not leaving a child or animal in a hot as fuck car like a normal human.
The guy posting the pro nog pics doesn't understand how easy some college level stuff is.
I got an A- in a 2nd year poetry paper. I don't even know how to make a haiku properly.
>i build hoses now
Wow your hoses are so innovative and TOTALLY helping make the world a better place.
Stupid fucking white people.
And overlooking thier academic shortcomings so the class stays diverse
>every race has their niggers.
Every vegetable has some arsenic. A few good apples don't make an orchard.
Source: any place on Earth with a majority black population.
The product would be your own damn common sense. I mean for fuck sake DON'T LEAVE YOUR KID OR ANIMAL IN THE FUCKING CAR ON A HOT DAY YOU DESERVE YOUR BABIES DEATH.
I think youre confusing an intellectual statement for willful ignorance
>13 year old kenyan got more funding than you could have in UK
yeah man it's just the jews keeping you down right!
nah some people actually get out and fucking pursue their dreams and make an effort unlike you NEET piece of sht
I build hoses to ward off the niggers encroaching on my lawn.
Not all blacks, OP.
All niggers. Learn the fucking difference you SJW. Cheers to the lad for graduating.