So all pictures aside, Trump is probably going to be impeached... So let's just come to terms with that first. Why do Trump supporters still continue to ignore the truth and instead act like ignorant fools?
We're getting closer
Other urls found in this thread:
Muh..muh almonds...
Oh, poor Sean.
I hope he knows he will always be /ourguy/ anyway.
Dude it won't work don't even bother
Sup Forums is too awake to fall for your bullshit
Switch proxies and try again
nigger either impeach his ass or shut up and go back to masturbating to
So all pictures aside, Shills are probably going to be banned... So let's just come to terms with that first. Why do Shills continue to ignore the truth and instead act like ignorant fools?
if you're floating in the waters of chaos, you'll grab any timber that floats along. you can't blame ancaps for clutching wealth.
Why would they be banned? This is our glorious bastion of free speech.
Ein scoop mit eiz jaaa! Das ist sehr tolerant jaaa!
>Why would they be banned? This is our glorious bastion of free advertising and misinformation
imb4 when trump gets impeached martial law is declared digits confirm
Right, for more far right college kids who think they're "edgy" for worshipping this administration. Get a fucking job that doesn't include hauling lumber and then take part in the conversation the adults SHOULD be having to make some sense of the leadership.
Inb4 but her emails! Fuck you, fuck Hillary, fuck Trump, why is they're only two options you dipshits resort to? Think out of your box phaggots.
truths hurts mang
If trump gets impeached you and your family and all of your liberal friends are going to be rounded up and exterminated. Please give us a reason. Please
He's not going to be impeached. Brock and both Clintons and Podesta and Alefantis will all be in prison before that ever happens.
Their only option is to negotiate a truce, which being Satan worshiping retards is something they can't seem to appreciate. And it's amazing why they would give a fuck when they're guaranteed to burn in hell anyways.
But it's to be expected. Commies have always the dumbest flavor of atheist.
Wow you're entirely ineffective as a person online, and real life? That's cool.
Ok Tim McVeigh, you and your end of the world scenarios; yawn. Get over it.
>replying to a bait thread
No. Not timothy McVeigh. The military and half the country will be hungry for liberal blood
But it always has been. Weren't you around when "viral marketing" was the latest thing? Don't you remember before (fuck) captcha?
>Replies twice to the alleged bait thread
>Trump level of idiocy
Get fucked
I'm here to point out how fucking obvious you are dumbass
You read Soldier of Fortune? You guys are a laughingstock and I bet I'm right on the money. You probably have a bunch of ultra conservative reading materials in your bathroom. What's wrong Bubba? You get fucked in the ass too hard by Mohammad in Iraq?
>Trump is probably going to be impeached
for what?
Pence will bring a real Holy cleansing to America, trust me you don't want that best to let Trump be 3dchess.jpg
> Any differing opinions other than sucking Trump cock must be Shareblue, MSM, etc etc etc etc etc. Durrr
You should probably stand up and answer things rather than simply defaulting to calling everything a slide thread.
>replies gain
Where's fat Huckabee?
>"My father is Mike Huckabee and my Mother is a big Southern Hamburger."
Nice Ben Garrison ripoff.
Nigger your thread will be gone in 5 minutes and without any impact whatsoever.
Better switch proxies, images, and bait and try again.
Things you will read on this thread
>Shills gtfo
>Sharia blue
>fake news
>sun shines
>birds fly
>water is wet