Why am I instantly feeling a sense of suspicion about this?
Other than the leaf situation, of course.
Ditch those losers and become 51st state. We have guns and freedom.
That's exactly what I want honestly.
I think our individual strengths combining would sort out
our individual weaknesses.
That being said, we probably wouldn't be in our respective bad situations
had you not left us in the first place.
Not that I'm attributing blame or anything.
good, I want to escape to NZ
The question is do you want the migrant 'citizens' of our respective countries to escape there with you?
I support it
All four should be annexed into the US, I think we would be willing to accept the queen as official head of state in return.
G'day m8s
would support
but what do about muricas guns if they want to join?
PLEASE YES. We shall form the ultimate shitposting alliance.
Americans are worse than our migrants. Fucking lardasses tried scamming a Mcdonald's for free food the other day.
Honstly though does any anglosphere country not have its own immigration problems right now?
At least if everyone could freely move around our countries, we might be able to establish majority white strongholds. But I'm probably just dreaming since that means prosperity which always attracts the parasites.
Oh boy, even less chance of me getting a job.
This sounds alright to me.
Fuck that shit, we don't want UK's niggers and ragheads
Will this let Canadian violent offenders have freedom of movement too?
I could be on board, so long as the President remains the Commander in Chief
Just wait till they let South Africa in
the question is whether or not the kangemuroos can tolerate the cold
And get flooded with browns?
Hell yeah USA USA USA
Yeah we don't particularly want your abbos and hellish wildlife.
We could do with your women though.
Execpt you are currently getting BTFO by the Mexican reconquesta... loser.
>tfw want to be a freedom loving gun toting flag waving american but don't want to immigrate illegally
Maybe it wouldn't be so nice for Aussies, but spics are still a mile ahead of mudpeople, having lived near both.
Suddenly the UK is flooded with Abos
Mate whistler is 90% Australians. We love the snow
I don want anything to do with America and Canada.
As of right now, I think they are just aiming for Canada, New Zealand, UK, and Australia. Although it might be worth keeping in mind that the only Canadians that could easily move between Canada and New Zealand would be quite rich. So I don't see a negative here.
It would be good if we didn't have pakis chinks poo in loos Jamaicans and all the other shit, it would just end up with New Zealand and Australia getting flooded with all of UK and Canadian shit unfortunately
Have you met rich Canadians? they are the most liberal of all. Nova Rich Chardonnay Socialists fucking destroying their country and fleeing to the rest of the Anglo sphere along with their retarded ideology.
That's why I think it's suspect, although I haven't been able to find
evidence of the jew behind it so I'm not sure
even if it starts off genuine it'Il be used against us eventually, probabaly use Canada as the weak link to flood us all with browns
indeed. It only takes one cuck country to ruin it for all. Burgerland can't even get their states(CALI) to follow proper immigration law.
we unite with culture, not easily subverted organizations
Fuck off we're full
i would give my life for the formation of the CANZUK union,if you are worried about the browns then dump them all in my town i dont care
some things are bigger than a few pakis,i want the empire to rise again!
have a queen but she just rubber stamps shit and the president is the one who makes the orders
it could work!
if this ever happened id be ok with calling it the american empire
I don't really want to swap our huge numbers of east asian migrants for huge numbers of paki and african migrants, so no thanks britbongs. At least they confine themselves to Sydney.
we outnumber them 10 to 1 m8
Eh, fuck you buddy.
>little island
>only 20 million people
All of you subhumans would try to come to Australia or new zealand. This in no way is good for us.
The UK will be the weak link.
We should not compromise our immigration standards. We already bring in far too many to begin with.
I hate all the White people.
Canadians are boring culture-less whites without any strong opinions.
Kiwis are all retarded and inbred.
Australians are all lazy and dumb.
I hate Brits the most. Their empire built the planet and they don't even care.
What movie are those images from? I've been on a colonial movie kick lately. Looking for movies like Zulu, The Man Who Would Be King, Lawrence of Arabia, etc.
Why the fuck is Tasmania its own flag here? It wasn't separate like Newfoundland was. Fact checking before the internet was too hard I guess.
You can't stop us. We know your weakness.
Abos don't have enough agency to even think of moving overseas. They are basically wildlife.
Thats not true at all. Rich Canadians are in Finance & Resources. Extremely right wing industries.
You're thinking of americans
I'd rather not open up free movement with Britian.
We don't need more muslims.
Why doesn't England Norway and Switzerland join together to get a better deal out of the EU.
You dont want to fuck some chick with a god awful accent who's overly hyper from seeing snow for the first time? Australians that is.
Yeah how about no. We already have a chink problem and we don't need UK's mudslime problem to add to it. The moment this gets implemented all the mudslimes invade us thinking "grass is greener on the other side" which is what they do to EVERY country they visit. Hell that's entirely the fucking case why they're in UK to begin with
I don't know how I feel about this.
The Anglo Ascendancy
good stay where you're at. At least you're in a chink landscape where 98% of people you encounter are other chinks. You don't have the problem of people you hate/ people that hate you swarming your streets and everyday life
No free immigration until you get rid of Cuckdeau and remove fucking pakis, chinks and niggers.
Fuck off.