Racemixed with moors and latinos
Racemixed with moors, africans and indians
Racemixed with moors and ethiopians
>Latin America
Racemixed with everything
What's with catholicism and racemixing?
Racemixed with moors and latinos
Racemixed with moors, africans and indians
Racemixed with moors and ethiopians
>Latin America
Racemixed with everything
What's with catholicism and racemixing?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm coming for you, Japan.
Just wait.
The bible says no race mixing
The catholic church was against interracial marriage till the 1960's.
I think your confusing spanish and portugese explorers with the catholic religion.
Do you want me to enrich your country?
>Racemixed with moors and latinos
do you even know what latino means?
>The bible says no race mixing
t. never read the bible
Op you should of just made this a naked tribal women thread instead of a anticatholic thread.
you're a silly billy
noah's wives were all different races
[Jungle sounds intensify]
Don't listen to this Lutheran shill, user.
King David grandmother was a Moabite.
Just convert and the hereditary randomness will always be in favor of your seed.
We are the true catholics you degenerate piece of shit.
ahego is my fetish
It does things to me. If I landed on some rock some where and every where I looks were half naked little brown chicks you can bet I would be trying my hardest to make them do exactly that face.
We need to make kekistan in the rain forest kill off those men and take their women.
stfu, you look like an idiot
All of it are about people who committed crimes under god's oath thus becoming unclean. There is not one single reference about race. This concept was only created in the XIX century
... would tame that wild jungle arse
Before vatican 2 racemixing was forbidden by the catholic church.
Mormons banned race mixing till 1978
Cállate la boca rojo de mierda.
>She answered: Be not against me, to desire that I should leave thee and depart: for whithersoever thou shalt go, I will go: and where thou shalt dwell, I also will dwell. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.
Ruth 1:16
I hope you have a better plan for your particular judgement than to throw bible verses out of context, because Our Lord will remember that other guy who did the same.
Convert user, come to the fullness of the faith. Jesus created a Church, not a publishing house.
>Before vatican 2 racemixing was forbidden by the catholic church.
kek, no it wasn't. If anything the catholic church itself made racemixing a thing in Latin America to spread catholicism
Puto comunista, ve a insertarte objetos por el recto
España trajo el catolicismo e intento traer civilizacion al nuevo mundo, Que viva España!
t. criollo
wouldnt racemix
If I were to Google similar images what is the term? This is my fetish all of a sudden.
8/10 for op pic
would racemix
National Geographic
it's the conquistador mindset… you wouldn't understand
>You spend month in company of men on a tiny wooden ship
>When you finally set a foot on land, all women are half naked.
Can't blame them.
I forgot the name of the tribe just jewgle naked tribal women
t.negrito larping
I guess there werent many spanish either who went to SA at that time
you had most likely only 2 options: racemix with native tribe girl or dont have sex at all.
*spanish women
>Racemixed with latinos
What fucking latinos, do you mean that they racemixed with native americans?
There is never been a "race mixing" with moors stupid chink, "moros" were spaniards converted to islam, not arabs, is a despective word for muslims, we called the malaysian muslims in Philippines "moros" and they weren't arabs
yep, that's the difference between spanish conquest into america and the brits, spanish arrived 1 century earlier and it was mostly soldiers and explorers.
The people on the mayflower were families and shit
Some of the spanish(european) men fucked black female slaves.
If the white men only fucked native women brazil would not be a hellhole full of african blood
Tú debes de ser de los maricones que tiran piedras al bus que ese que dice que solo hay dos géneros, putas mariconas marxistas, que bien os venía un tiro en la nuca
Most of the spanish men were men like pol
They pooled their money together and become very wealthy being smarter and stronger then the natives and slaves.
If pol actually bought a kekistan it would turn to brazil instead of a all white paradise.
Sup Forums: the ideal place if you want to get a racemix fetish.
Portuguese fucked both. It was just that the population of natives in Brazil was really lower than compared to Peru, Bolivia, Mexico due to the extensive rainforest everywhere. There is even a native legend about the land of Pindorama, which means in Tupi: palmtree paradise, in which the natives would go east to pursue paradise under Tupã, their god. Brazil's name in Tupi and Guarani is Pindorama btw
sup pingarama.
no me gusta la pinga jajaja
Criollo sefardi
Give in.
Spurt your load into brown girls.
Make a brown world.
Its inevitable.
It feels good.
They want white cum, its easy.
Racemixing is taboo on Sup Forums
A few moments later: does racemix
Looks like the future belongs to Brazil.
Me la follaba en nombre de los reyes católicos
who is that semen demon?
I don't care what a bunch of polvirgins think I'll fuck whatever I want.
>no roasties in sight
and we're the civilised bunch
Dont forget the traps worshipping.
Fuck off with your voodoo language, beaner. We speak American here. Mis avios te pescan en la biblioteca!
Sup Forums is pro qt traps but against faggots and lesbos
The intention of these two Catholic empires were the Christianization of the whole world and to bring the christian civilization to these lands, to the new world. They couldn't bring their entire population to populate the lands, so they interbreed with natives so they could create a new Christian civilization in the continent.
It has to do with the catholic wolrdview in the context of the Age of Discovery
and Colonialism.
many of these natives look so chinese/japanese.
The Spanish and Portuguese are our best case studies into trying to breed up peoples
I'd say they were rather successful, south america would be africa tier if they hadn't been bred and civilized by the spanish/Portuguese millions have been lifted out of poverty and Hispanics are at least human I'd say it was mostly a success
Why'd you post a pic of a gay pride parade carrying a giant plastic Jesus? You cray?
puto bárbaro salvaje
Sorry, pedro, no espeako voodoo, pendejo hijo de puta.
who is this literal semon demon !
would colonize her
>Racemixed with moors, africans, indians;... ; and the Japanese
> also gave Japanese female slaves to black sailors.
> Japanese were slaves of Malay and African slaves that in turn were slaves of the Portuguese
You literally gave Japanese slaves including female concubines and you're questioning this shiet.
And the majority of the "traps" worshipped here aren't even real traps
Asians came through the Bering Strait.
I told a tanned korean friend that nobody would doubt she was of native huehue extraction.
>Not even real traps
What do you mean?
>This thread
Socialist Shithole
Socialist Shithole
Nearly Bankrupt Shithole with Refugees
>Latin America
A continent of failed states
Explain why mixed people are so important to this world over whites.
because different from you guys, money and being #1 in some graphs isn't our endgoal
Clock is ticking for you burger.
>Mormons banned race mixing till 1978
please, tell me about the rulings of other heretical sects
Can't think of a mixed country that isn't a shithole nor wasn't responsible for many coups.
Exotic is a meme, all you're pretty much doing is dooming your host country with some niglet or hapa brat.
Well different from you guys too, we don't give a fuck about needing to be superior or a non-shithole for your standards. If anything we are pretty much happy being our own thing
>tanned korean
>Happy being our own thing
>Says the country who's southern part wants to become independent because of mixing
Sure monkey, I totally believe you.
Is novus ordo mass valid or sacrilege or what?
>giving communion in the hand
>lay eucharistic "ministers" manhandling the holy Host
>priest facing the people
>guitars and clapping hands
>have to take the bus for 1 hour+ to get a proper mass
you're like a little baby
watch this
>Says the country who's southern part wants to become independent because of mixing
yeah, that's totally not a meme, we also want to restore monarchy or the return of integralism haha!
>tfw no cinnamon colored qt to race mix with.
Your government is so fucked, It could be possible for them to actually become independent on their own. You couldn't even take back Uruguay at all.
>Your government is so fucked, It could be possible for them to actually become independent on their own.
t. doesn't know shit about Brazil at all
>You couldn't even take back Uruguay at all.
They are literally already in our economic union along with Argentina, Paraguay and Venezuela
nobody racemixed with moors you baiting fuck
Italy is not racemixed any more than the rest of Europe, this outdated meme has been disproven so many times.
For example, people pretend that Anzu is a trap
[need to colonize intensifies]
sicilian and south italy are
Who did the austrains race mix with? What about the lombards?
>have to take the bus for 1 hour+ to get a proper mass
1 hour by car, 2 hours when had to take the bus with the gang. And at that time a big angry protestant guy protested us when we commented Luther was in hell for splitting glorious Christendom in 30 thousand pieces.
that blonde girl is hot as fuck
austrians had a union with hungary, lombards with the rest of italy
Funny most of the Japanese in Brazil and Peru ended up racemixing as well, yet you can find millions of non-racemixed whites in Argentina.
>Look closer
>Black root spotted
no joke tio Spanish girls are GOAT
Political unions, not racemixing.