GWBG - Girlfriend & Wife Beating General

Since it's well established that Sup Forums is a pro-beating board we can have our girlfriend/wife beating general.

Share tips and stories about beating your woman.
I haven't beaten mine for like 3 weeks and before that I only gave her a light corrective beating because dinner wasn't very good, next day she really put some work into it and dinner was great so I rewarded her with a good dicking before bed.

Beating your wife is literally nigger-tier

Shill or just retard?

couldnt have said it better myself

send in the cucks

Anyone know how to make my wife beg me for a beating?

Fuck off Alberto.

Be black, marry a coal burner.

Only subhuman filth are too dumb to get their wives to do what they want without beating them.


thread over

Sup Forums does not support beating women.

that's muslims you're thinking of.

Tradcucks eternally BTFO

Beating your wife is the kind of shit that makes her crave other men like Jamal.

Agreed. Beating your wife/girlfriend is what niggers and spics do. One of the reasons why we hate them.

Beating my wife for cold trendies as we speak my niggas

Every wife needs a good beating every once in a while.


THey are essentially children so this is ok.

Beating women is the ultimate redpill. They are property and should be treated as such.

You are right.
You keep your wife in check with better methods.

Spanking is the true patricians method

This. Only arguments here are in regards to self defense against a female attacker.

Me on far left.

Agreed. If you dislike your wife enough to get into physical disagreements with her, why on Earth are you together? No strong, independent children can come out of a marriage with violence in it - at best, they'll grow up fit and rich so they can beat you up themselves for all the shit you put their mom through.

Find a good woman and treat her well. Sup Forums and r9k love to shitpost the "muh all women are sloots" garbage, but the fact of the matter is that good wives are plenty. You just have to look around and not be a disgusting degenerate autist.

Epic, +1 upvote sir/madam.


Battered women? I like mine extra crispy.

Fuck off to Levant you scumtier Spain

I settle all disputes with my wife in WWE format.

Me and the gf used to have fist fights when we got drunk but desu it's kinda why we decided to sober up 5 months back


pretty sure Sup Forums does

I've seen this exact same thread before. Exact same.

Welcome to Sup Forums, Redditfag.

>white nationalists seek to better their relations with white women
>oy vey it's anuddah shoah
>better shill and make them all seem like wife beaters

get the fuck off Sup Forums tyrone, only degenerate niggers hit women.

''Oh Maria a merda do jantar ta frio caralho, anda já aqui que vais apanhar duas putas no focinho.''
Damn i wish i could that.

OP triggered Sup Forumstards this fine day. You faggots and SJWs are essentially the same thing.

Uh bad news for you schlomo, western man have always beat their women, in fact, when we stopped beating out women society started collapsing

>white nationalists seek to better their relations with white women

Yeah by resume the beatings you fag, if you haven't noticed they are running off with Jamal and Mohammed that beat them, they respect men who beat them.

German suplex is the ultimate wifebeating technique. Not for amateurs of the wife beating arts.

Suck my fucking dick with your crooked teeth you limey cunt. I've been here a while. I've seen this image partnered with this thread before.

good thread, wife beating is the final red pill

in korea they have a saying "beat your wife every day or she will go insane"

Beating women is bettering your relationship with them. All women love to get beaten and they all fantasize about being violently raped. Women leave men who don't beat them, but they stay with men who beat them.

Thank you.

Tell us more about your pathetic life nigger we're very interested.

Too bad that national socialism is dead and today's nazis do all of that shit.

Not too bad though, the nazis can burn in hell.

The Rabid Wolverine approves.