>super mario MAGA shield
Where the fuck do these people come from?
>super mario MAGA shield
Where the fuck do these people come from?
Other urls found in this thread:
Single mothers
>all the young guys in the front are virgins
Is this really what you people look like in real life? Holy fuck. Maybe those faggy antifa twerps actually do have a chance.
>the black guy to the right looks like one of the least cringey
god damn it
Really puts things into perspective when someone calls you a nu-male on here.
> this kind of guys call us ahmed or mohamed all day long
>saviors of the white race
> people who make "you're not white" threads
Big Boss???
He just walked in from outside and is waiting to take the camera.
>boomers and nu-males
looks like a trans"""person"""
9gag and reddit
That's a dike, right?
>when the nigger in the middle is the most normal guy there
fuckin a
looks like millennial swedish desu
wtf, desu* not desu, what the fuck i'm writing
K i'm stupid
fascist Sup Forums doesn't let you type in f a m
Group project time. I've started, you lads finish it up :)
4 ppl fags meet a group of republicans and a pirate
You know the two in flannel went home and milo'd each other all night
Wtf is Racheal Maddow doing there?
i really wanna peak under
How do we solve the meme problem?
T B H that maga sheild looks pretty thick, buckler style
civic nationalism is our only hope.
anything else is a waste of time and energy.
Lol. I'm the guy shouting in this one
they are your average am*rican Sup Forumsacks
Please no bully
posting in sageblue divide and conquer thread #249 today.
You just know his mother posts this picture on facebook with the caption "Look at my handsome darling baby boy"
yeah I bet she does, I bet she also talks about how great he is and how much of a stud he is. Rumor has it he's super attractive and good with the ladies
>what is an oedpius complex
Wanna tell us your feelings for your mum crowley?
They are based, fuck you faggot.
What are YOU doing to preserve the white race?
>white race
I count like, three niggers there
they aren't doing anything for the white race
Alt right cringe thread?
Alt right cringe thread
5 old cops
4 virgins
3 niggers
2 ugly wifes
1 guy with an eye patch
no wonder women are sucking black cock in america
Want to know how I know you're a cuck? Because you're too much of a faggot to recognize that a couple niggers in a picture can derail a movement. Those white people in the front are sacrificing their lives against antifa and you're concerned about a couple jungleboos.
You have some major life-evaluation to do, newfriend.
>hurr durr muh le fedora meme XDDDD
I'm a Christian you faggot
Holy fuck you are stupid
Not only do you recognize that font but you thought it was a conscious decision to make it look like that AND felt it necessary to make a thread about it
It looks like he can take a mean cock.
Top kek. All of the black guys are the least cringy in this picture. They actually look normal and well adjusted.
fucking kek
Shareblue "dividing" us by illustrating that redditors are universally cancerous is a lot like "hacking" the election by telling the truth.
I don't understand what the problem is? I thought the issue we have with liberalism is that it makes our men effiminate and not want to better themselves. Suddenly a movement springs up that doesn't treat them like shit and they do what they can to fight for it, only to be treated like shit by the website that helped spring the movement into existence.
Stop writing nigger language then faggot
>I don't understand what the problem is?
The problem is that you cringy larpers put down the guy fawkes mask and picked up a kekistan flag. You're all inverted legionfaggots.
I don't personally do it, but I don't think you read my post at all. There's literally no appeasing fucks like you. The alt-right movement was literally based on memes, so don't be surprised if people go around chanting fucking memes
Your post just reinforces my point. You think Sup Forums needs to embrace your social justice movement like a bunch of inverted Tumblrinas and/or legionfaggots. We're not your personal Reich and you do nothing but bring fellow cancer here by breaking rules one and two over and over and over.
Newfags don't know about it.
And they don't care.
I remember when that picture on the left surfaced. "We r anonymoose" many lulz were had.
Maybe you'd do good with a good goddamn slap in your mug if you think that I'm involved with this shit, all I'm saying is that fucks like you complain about what they do, while being in stitches by having pepe mentioned for the nth time on MSM.
dude look at his legs
reddit, then here
pls go
who gives a shit faggot
The only way this pic can up the cringe is if there's some dumb anime bullshit in it as well. No wonder you guys never had any friends.
You like what you see?