Stop being cis.
Stop being cis
stop calling jews white.
Identity politics and power-via-victim-narrative must die.
>due to the hormones you've been pumped full of since birth, your genitals cant perform as a functioning male, nor is there enough to surgically turn into female genitalia.
haha suicide when?
She's hot post moar
Imagine cumming all over his face after he sucks your dick dry.
Is that Rebecca Black?
bet she could throw a football pretty far
>tfw dick to small to be a pussy
life can be rough
Stop having a micropenis
Start being cis and having childrens
if some of us weren't "cis", who would suck on your sumptuous, functional, fantastically foaming fenis, my delicious dear...?
>the only poo anyone should ever have poo-sex with
> a trap
More like GIMP.
people cutting off their own babys dick... i dont thin mexico should be allowed to watch game of thrones
was this a thing on the show?
yep. there was a past thread about about it and the clip was linked. it was an old doctor that told jazz. if you want to find it, the episode topic was "bottom surgery", I'm too lazy to find it atm.
Dontcha just love when the Jews' shit comes right back to the source?
>tfw the micropenis only makes it hotter
I for one welcome our jewish overlords
For your information, despite being assigned male at birth, I am a trans man. That's right. I was born a straight man trapped in a woman's body trapped in a man's body. All of the straight hate coming from you fuckwits only oppresses me and my identity further. Go to hell
By using the term "racist" you are elevating cis people to the level of Ra, the Egyptian god of light.
honestly shes probably pretty fun in bed because of all the pent up sexual frustration
Never been cis, never will be cis. I'm just normal.
ur a fag
all those puberty blockers and she still has the bone structure of a man. what was the point? and shes got a microdick on top of it. shes basically a eunuch.
this desu