>Evolutionists believe this
Evolutionists believe this
>EvOlUtiOniStS bElIevE tHiS
Evolution is very simple, adapting to environment and atmosphere (when we were fish and preparing to move out of water we developed lungs to breathe air)
idk why amerifats deny evolution, it's literally science.
It makes sense
Yep. Definitely that simple. One day a lizard crawled under the ground and bam, turned into a snake
why can't i develop a gf?
Also snakes didn't directly evolve from lizards.
If you think evolution was made up at this point, i dont even know what to say.
>mountains of evidence
>evolutionists constantly going "come at me bro"
>every argument amounts to the same "i dont understand highschool biology"
Evolution is less and less convincing every day.
Why do lizards with legs that burrow underground still exist?
Tell me where the two particles that went boom in space came from.
>using twitter memes
science =/= truth
Truth can only be understanded trough revelation.
>american education
From me
>this isn't just any snakes
Evolution makes about as much sense as a spherical Earth.
> 2017 still believe in evolution
How does domestication work?
ugh this shits so stupid I cant even tell if im getting trolled.
That's not a leg, that's its penis.
tell me where god came from
no, you're just getting stupider and stupider every day.
lets not abandon logic and reason. we aren't leftists
>you will never get raped by a giant hemipenor snake
why live
Thats uh... what we would call a 3rd leg or a kickstand.
You can accept that god appeared from nothing but that's it?
spherecucks will deny this
How do you creationists explain whales?
Whales have legs that they don't use.
Evolution hasn't stopped.
Maybe 30.000 or more years later, they'll evolve.
It went so deep it gave birth to legless lizards. Not enough space. Something told its eggs to not have legs. Legs have brains and listen to snek speak
Noah's flood. Called dragons
You too pic related
>replace a single defective enhancer
This has got to be the worst meme yet.
kys reddit trash
Because the picture is an oversimplification meant for one slide on a powerpoint file.
>two particles
What the fuck are you even talking about ?
>the fucking shills defending this shit
Oh god I'm fucking dying.
Did anyone else think we would win this hard? I thought for sure the evolution lie would stumble onward.
>why amerifats deny evolution, it's literally science.
I don't think Turkey has any lesson to tell on that matter.
There we go.
Thats neat. Where'd you find this one? Im not entirely familiar with the family tree of snakes.
Shut the fuck up
the reason why we don't believe in Evolution is Islam
Amerifats are Christians so I don't understand why they deny it.
lol no
of that's how they teach it in your idiot primary school I feel bad for you
Evolution is fucking retarded. So a lizard turned into an underground snake which turned baxk into an overground snake. Just cut out the bullshit middle stage.
I don't get this meme
>Sankes evolving from burrowing lizards makes no sense but a talking snake that walked on four legs until it was cursed does.
Wew lad.
Where did all of these fedora tippers comer from?
Erdoğan removed evolution from high school biology cirruculum. Thankfully Jews wont poison our kids with this pathetic atheist propaganda like they poisoned you.
>I dont understand selective pressure/mutation/niches/and still think evolution has a goal.
he's mocking OP by claiming that it's OP in the picture making the retarded face while saying "evolutionists believe this" in a retarded manner.
>when your snek isn't "advanced"
"fedora tipper" is not an argument.
it's not
i initially thought it was retarded just like you but watching documentaries and reading some books about evolution really helps. It makes sense.
But the problem is most of the fossils are missing. Hence we can't complete the puzzle known as evolution.
Tamam underage.
Literally this.
How did jews become so bad if they didnt evolve to that point?
Then why cant niggers stop being niggers?
You cant win and you know it.
Because retarded Muslims and Christians share the same old testament.
And the belief in anything written in that fairy tail compilation is inversely proportional to intelligence.
>logic and reason
Stop using meaningless buzzwords and think for yourself, turbo-cuck.
I'm plenty capable of understanding everything I've ever read about evolution, I just don't agree with it. Only idiotic leftists and ignorant children think AGREEING with the statement is what makes you smart. UNDERSTANDING the statement is what makes you smart. Agreeing is just a matter of principles and value-judgements.
Evolving from a cockroach doesn't count.
I like that one because it's so retarded even flat earthers could debunk it. I might start spreading it myself.
Not all red pilled people are des vult or varg pagan larpers.
I don't think you realize how many generations go from species to species
Just think about how much passed from the birth of Rome to now and how much passed since we've been sapiens sapiens
But, how were tender women created?
Ok them captain retard, what about evolution do you disagree with? Be specific. Dont be afraid to use jargon, im familiar with it.
>U-Ur da roach!
If we're going to exchange insults then i'm way superior to you on this subject, white amerifat subhuman.
>Erdoğan removed evolution from high school biology cirruculum.
Good. I am now certain that Turkey has no chance of becoming any kind of serious threat in the future. Evolution denial in the end implies physics denial. Physics denial makes your country backward.
Backward countries end up weak.
that's fucking retarded.
>How did jews become so bad
They arent actually bad. They are amoral like Machiavelli. They only care for their tribe. They can do good things or bad things not because they are bad but they care for their people.
>Then why cant niggers stop being niggers?
God created different races with different advantages and disadvantages.
It's called a tulpa, ask /trash/
Have fun with your self induced Schizophrenia
What the one you just posted? needs more jpeg
he's a retarded underage. Turkish school don't teach you anything. It makes no difference to be honest. religious schools don't even teach people Arabic (which is ironic because they heavily rely on the arabic language).
Education is fucked up here since 80s yo
>But the problem is most of the fossils are missing. Hence we can't complete the puzzle known as evolution.
so. . . you just reject evolution?
Why the fuck would I believe some bullshit that was invented and propagated by people who's explicit goal was to disprove my religious texts?
That was a really good one, even you have to admit.
>Hurr durr look at this gif
>posting lame normie memes
leave this board
@evolutionists Still waiting on horse breeders to breed a supersonic horse for the Kentucky derby.
flat earthers need to be gassed
I dont actually think jews are bad (or are even the meme pol thinks they are), just showing bad logic on the likely assumption that any given user thinks this way.
>god as an explanation for anything
No. God is a claim, not evidence. And its a shitty claim that retards fall back on.
>that was a good one
overused meme.
what's a better meme is your incompetent military
I don't. If i denied evolution i'd also deny the existence of the "puzzle"
>The fact that entities subjected to replication errors in their blueprint can change over the generations in favor to the fittest seems aberrent to me.
I often call evolution deniers ignorant, because they just suffer from a strong case of Dunning Kruger effect. If what you say about reading on evolution is true, then you are not ignorant. You are a retard.
wew lad I'm convinced now we used to be monkies and shiiiet
>Implying evolution is against the bible
Lmao, even the Pope laughs at you.
>doesnt cite anything specific
If you know anything about what you were talking about, you would be able to point exactly where its wrong.
>I don't. If i denied evolution i'd also deny the existence of the "puzzle"
Oh, and sorry, I confused you with the other Turkroach who doesn't believe in evolution.
was it too hard?
Christians initially rejected evolution then they had to admit that it was the truth
Some snek have legs Desu
>Hurr durr look at us being violent pscyhopathic pieces of shit that can't get out of the stone age.
Holy fuck, you really are triggered aren't you, Roach?
Dar al Islam is your home, Bilal.
Are you still talking lad?
I'm anally annihilating you and all you can do is posting outdated memes.
lizard -> Sup Forums -> snake
Evolutionists say we evolved from fish. But if that's true how come there are still fish?
Your god is evil.
I dont even need to know which god it is.
Evolutionists believe in a monkey salamander burrowing into a man's shoulderblades and popping out a spermy light wave.
I wish mook would just make separate boards for politics and religion already. Getting really tired of seeing mouth-breathing fundamentalist retards here desu.
>Look at this nice big strawman.
>It's so big and full of straw.
>See how easy it was to knock it over?
Stop tilting at windmills and argue like a man.
>I don't understand evolution on any real level
>So I'll pretend I'm smart because I agree with it
>And cleverly avoid providing any of that massive evidence.
If you knew what you were talking about you would be able to provide some evidence. But you can't. Because you think agreeing with a thing makes you intelligent. Just like the dumbass leftist who doesn't know shit about the climate, but thinks he's smart because he AGREES with climate-change proponents. Stop piggybacking off other people and do your own research, turbo-cuck.
why'd sneks lose their legs anyway? even small ones like that would be an advantage over just a normal snek
>vestigial hind limb
>OP is a faggot
The only reason why we even came out of water was a sea predator that chased us to shallow waters. In shallow waters, breathing is hard and hence we had to develop breathing holes (soon to be our noses) and arms/legs to get out of the water.
That predator had a cool name, i'll google it up.
That picture is pretty shitty. The reason noone gives a fuck about lions sharing the same classification because there's basically no difference besides size to the average Joe and researcher.
The latter is something more relevant and studied, thus more distinguished layers of classification are created.
>lizards evolve into snakes
I thought it was the other way around.
Yeah, mine was still better because it actually triggered your shit and you're trying to get back at me but you really can't. Talking about stale memes, that shit is from the Bush years.
>I don't understand evolution on any real level
>So I'll pretend I'm smart because I disagree with it
>And cleverly avoid providing any of that massive evidence.
Man all it took was three letters and now you look super fucking dumb.
>Christians initially rejected evolution then they had to admit that it was the truth
No. Only some retarded protestant branches still deny evolution.
The Catholic Church has officially recognized evolution as the truth. Better thant that, the father of genetics was an Austrian christian monk (Mendel) and the first physicist to theorize the Big Bang was a Belgian christian clerk.
The vast majority of the Orthodox branches also agree with evolution.