How do we get rid of normies?

How do we get rid of normies?

he who controls the normies controls the universe.

>not only being a normie but being a redditor too


Kill them and yourself

Deprive them of attention, they'll go away.

mustard gas

By doing something so cancerous they will stop following.

Sounds like an arab conquered shithole desu senpai

Kill Every Kike


C'mon burger. Try to be kind

Gore scat trap boipussy pepe
Make the whole thing too cancerous for normies to ironically follow

start with you

Fuck off jew

daily reminder

By banning everybody that calls them normies. Reddit is a well known blight, but newfags are a curse.

Post the correct flag for starters

We must physically remove them.

>How do we get rid of normies?
>posts kek shit on Sup Forums
>this is the cancer killing Sup Forums

You can start by getting rid of yourself how ever you want. I suggest you become an hero.

>Straightforward from here.
>1. All trannies all the time
>2. All Hitler
>3 . Niggers being hanged
>4. Jews being ovened.
>5. IRL meet. Kill anyone who shows up.

remove yourself first you fucking redditor.

Kekistan is a cripplechan(Reddit, but in a chanlike format) meme. You have to go back.