we could eliminate war, poverty and racism and concentrate on exploring the galaxy. with visionaries like elon musk leading us, we could usher in a new era of peace and prosperity, where everyone has an opportunity to advance and contribute to the greater good.
Would society's problems disappear if we used star trek as a model?
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Can you give me a quick rundown on what you mean by "the star trek model" ?
> Would society function differently if we literally had magic replicators to basically alter how reality worked
Sure, but good luck with that
Problem is that Star Trek is post-scarcity due to being able to take base matter and replicate it into anything.
We don't have that tech yet.
ultra liberal conservative military party
>nobody wants for anything
>you're free to do whatever you truly wish and dream to do
>suddenly women never work and just chase dick
>blacks still manage to steal when nothing is worth anything
>islam still wants to blow up the machines giving them food and guns
Liberal conservative? Can you explain this concept
Depends on which Star Trek. DS9 wasn't so e liberal utopia. In fact as much as the other Treks tried to be liberal utopias it often ended with proof it doesn't work.
Racism would still exist. It may even get worse as science becomes more prevalent.
the only reason star trek works is because they are post scarcity so can enact all the peace and love memes that wouldn't work right now
so get to work on printing matter out of nowhere and we'll be good
Section 31 motherfucker.
The Federation ideals aren't what protect it.
>Liberal conservative
i believe we are 10-20 years from replicator technology
Liberal conservatism is a political ideology combining conservative policies with liberal stances, especially on economic and social issues,[1] or a brand of political conservatism strongly influenced by liberalism. It is a political position which incorporates support for civil liberties and capitalism, along with some social-conservative positions.
>Communism literally only works when the laws of physics no longer apply.
What did Gene mean by this?
>islam still wants to blow up machines
What? They're not exactly an anti-technology cult.
no we need Starship troopers or Warhammer 40k
>we are 10-20 years from replicator technology
we only need trilithium for as a cheap and near infinite source of energy
As long as one of it is not racemixing with whats considered to be inferior creatures and not inviting them to shit up your society, sounds good.
i believe star trek transcends any political ideology that we have seen so far
does the Prime Directive prohibit triggering liberal feelings?
i doubt anyone would want to trigger anybody
>What? They're not exactly an anti-technology cult.
they're worse than anti-tech, they're anti-science. user you have no idea how many fucking flat-earth believers there are in islam.
you fail to fucking understand the depth of stupidity that is the koran. if it says the earth is flat then the earth is flat and there's no way to change a mudslimes mind anyways, because the book says it's the inerrant word of god BECAUSE it says it's the inerrant word of god.
you fucking understand?
cults don't have to make sense, if they did, they wouldn't exist.
The Emperor protects
Basically hand over control to a military organisation. That is no good idea.
Space exploration will happen if there is enough wealth for it in the world. I don't worry.
Wealth is only growing through trade, voluntary interaction. Not centralised planning like star fleet.
Poverty is in the process of being eliminated. Percentage wise, there was never so little hunger or victims of war in the world as today.
Today's conflicts are harmless compared to the past.
And it keeps getting better if we stop communists or other centralised planners and collectivists from getting more power.
Imagine actually having a larger-than-life god emperor with whom you can place your absolute trust to ensure prosperity for our species.
We already fucked it up and now star trek future is impossible. We broke the prime directive by giving undeveloped species technology and now we have niggers running around with firearms and cell phones. Imagine how nice the world would be today if we had left niggers and abos to rot in their mud huts instead of uplifting them.
A military regime, constantly at war, suicidal risk culture (the last reboot an entire generation died in a battle the enterprise was late for), asking permission to speak freely, no money but captains having secret stashes of priceless goods and grape estates, only the upper class talk with the gods (q), no tv and they shit on you if you fuck Troy on the holideck. Yeah star trek.
They actually say the earth is flat in the koran though? I never heard that before.
The capitains and second level all get the babes on the cock carousel and everyone else gets sloppy seconds. If you're a colonist you're a looser getting exploded, but really the only winners in the show. Fuck star trek.
clearly status still plays a role. video related
>work for starfleet
>don't get paid because no currency
>get assigned to DS9
>need gold pressed latinum to exchange for goods and services
Communism does not work user. Star Trek is a subliminal liberal propaganda.
Came here to post this.
The problem with star trek society is there is no scarcity. This allows everyone to have all their basic needs met and pursue individual goals.
Currently earth is not equipped to give unlimited resources to every individual, and so the glorious utopia you see in star trek is not yet possible.
They outlawed math 300 years after algebra became a thing, throwing them into a dark age. Yes muslims are the definition of anti-technology.
Sometimes an unusually-melinated individual can get lucky though.
Best Model: Eutelegenisis
>We should use Star Trek's Federation as a model of peace and prosperity.
>Posts the captain from the series whose entire point was that the Federation society is fundamentally flawed and incapable of dealing with the harsh realities of the galaxy without men who are willing to compromise their ideals, or do terrible things in the name of the greater good.
Kek, the truth
latinum can't be replicated _as far as quark knows_
>no currency
>therefore no danger pay for fighting aliens
Why does anyone work for starfleet again?
because they actually get to live 24th century lifestyles on starship, compared to earth, where its like 19th century, they don't even have tvs
Matter replicators leader to post-scarcity. This creates a post-capitalist market economy. Star Trek posits a material theory of history like Marx, however, it is actually MORE materialistic than contemporary Marxism, because the dominant theme of the series is that technology advances culture, not a revolutionary ideology. Trek transcends dialectical materialism because it says the dialectic isn't even necessary. You don't seize the means of production, you bypass the need to produce anything in the first place.
Furthermore, despite how "progressive" Star Trek is in many ways, it rejects a fundamental principal of Progressivism, and the Progressive (Whig) theory of history. The Prime Directive rejects a universal moral, political, of cultural destiny. All societies are to be allowed to undergo their own evolutionary path, and there are no assumptions made about an inherent universal end goal to any particular societal evolution.
So when we use technology make economics as we know it obsolete, and reject the Whig theory of history, we will have Star Trek. Leftists should get engineering and science degrees instead of wanking over ideology if they want to speed up the process.
Only white people have the desire and drive to explore and conquer across the stars
is it really beyond our reach to feed, house and cloth everybody? did you know that in america we throw 133 billion pounds of food away every year?
Did you not even watch this franchise? They Never "Eliminated" war(every other episode since TOS was getting into a bickering match/fight), poverty(the maquis for one, but plenty of broke ass niggas in space), racism(really?? you kidding me? metric tons of racism, bigly amounts, yuge racism, cardassians and "founder" shapeshifters for just 1 example).
Seriously, it's all a Masonic circlejerk that contradicts itself to kek-tastic levels of absurdity. It's NOT a model to look up to. Just a meme that's burned out.
>star trek model
Nuclear war and alien intervention with the surviving humans to get the ball rolling. We can do one of those at least.
>era of peace?
>we could eliminate war, poverty and racism
Why would we want to?
>we could eliminate war
What are the Romulans?
What are the Borg?
What are the Klingons?
the wider problems of the galaxy were rampant but earth was a paradise
What? How is Star Trek masonic?
>Would post scarcity solve everything?
No. Even in Star Trek there was war, there was hate, and there was suffering. Hell they even still had currency. If you watched DS9 like in your pic you would know the Federation is not the candyland its portrayed as.
Also time is still a limited resource, even post scarcity would not solve all our problems. It would just shift it from one cause to another.
One more
an imperium of manking is the only way forward my brothers
I would recommend actually watching the series. It's Zefram Cochrane, an eccentric, alcoholic, greedy, entrepreneur who invents the Warp Drive in order to be rich. Star Trek acknowledges the creative power of enterprise capitalism. Star Trek civilization has a market economy, and trade, but it functions differently because of post-scarcity for the most part.
All it took was one dead Romulan.
>Not wanting to go around the galaxy to see what is out there
>Not wanting to have sex with freaky alien that has a vagina
>Not wanting to have solid friendship bantz while roasting marshmallows and singing row your boat
>Not having an armature rock band sing about your favorite episode
Why even live senpai?
for serious? look at the history of how it was created for starters. the whole premise / promotion is based on OP "eliminating" various problems only to find out as you buy into it that the damn problems are never eliminated only dealt with long enough to keep ti going. and the real no win scenarios are just magically fixed before the timer runs out. no REAL solutions just propaganda.
Praise to the Machine God
>implying non-human races matter
(((Star Trek)))
Exactly. The world of Star Trek is only possible because of fantastic technological advances which are nearly impossible to stain in the real world, at least any time soon.
Anybody who thinks the Star Trek "philosophy" or whatever is a way forward is being stupid. It's near-utopian ideal world. Imitating the federation would not work, only fictional people have the luxury of that system ever working at all.
He means some retarded socialist utopian concept. And he blows Musk during it, a guy that is so leveraged he may be the poorest person in the world.
DS9 was the most based Trek.
The Next Gen was the most cucked.
No. Humans are inherently selfish and greedy. The whole reason our society works so well right now is playing off these traits.
Oh yeah and there is still constant warfare and strife of all kinds.
Dukat did nothing wrong.
Indeed... indeed.
i'm not saying it would be easy. but think of the rewards, like free healthcare
Gul Dukat dindu nuffin wrong. He a good boy
Sure! As soon as we get rid of the Nazi/child-raping/murdering/blood-drinking/war-mongering/Luciferians/reptilian/sociopaths out of the corridors of power.
>all it took was one dead Romulan.
Don't forget the life of one criminal and the self-respect of one Star Fleet officer.
I don't know about you, but I'd consider that a bargain
Google Jacque Fresco and the Venus project - if you want to know how to it would work
Cardassian style government is the more likely future for Earth
No. Not even in Star Trek. There is still trade and currency. Even in TNG you saw evidence of this more than once.
Then maybe you should invent a Tricorder instead of trying to tax entrepreneurs like Zefram Cochrane.
Star Trek is a society that's asphyxiatingly equal. Nobody is set apart from anyone else by anything intrinsic. So people will find all kinds of ways to try and set themselves apart.
If aggression and being a "dangerous" personality is outlawed, as is the case in our current society, people will start finding other ways to make themselves think they're superior to others. That's why "gender creatives" are so obnoxious-- that is how they compete in the social game.
See, humans don't like living outside of a hierarchy. Even if they have to be in the bottom 25%, it's better than being groundless. When society doesn't provide a hierarchy, humans will build their own. It's what we were evolved for.
What we had from around the time of the industrial revolution, up until say the late 1970s, where we had tons of hierarchies, one for each profession almost, and most people could ,at least at some point, be at the top of one of them, was great. It is probably what's to credit for the level of advancement we achieved-- everyone liked society, and worked for bettering it, because everyone had something worthwhile to gain from it.
I don't know, I'm really tired, but I think you could come up with something like Star Trek that really would be close to utopia, mostly by averting it in a lot of ways. We need currency, we need challenges, we need to have status, we need some small amount of misery, even if it's artificial. Why do people play video games like Dark Souls if misery is something to strictly be avoided?
Garak for special Advisor to POTUS
Nothing is free hooman
Dukat was the embodiment of Sup Forums.
>Fighting for his race.
>fighting for the advancement of his people.
>weeding out non cardassians.
Sounds familiar.
the cardassians were misguided. in the end it was human love and compassion that saved them
Spoonheads can't be trusted.
I forgot that Starfleet didn't have ranks, or a chain of command. I forgot there were no skilled trades in Star Trek, no engineers, mechanics, doctors, or management positions, or academic distinctions, or artists, or musicians, or explorers and colonists.
Turns out everyone is exactly the same, and there's not way or reason to set oneself apart, simply because there's no money with which to keep score. Thanks.
On a serious note, one thing that always pissed me off about Star Trek (and lots of fantasy/sci-fi) is the total lack of visible religion.
In trek aliens often still have religion even after centuries of their civilizations being part of the greater galactic community. But with the humans you basically never see it. Seems like a pretty stupid inconsistency but I never see anybody bring this up as a critique.
Also, how many fantasy stories have no real organized religion, even if the existence of the supernatural is a known fact?
Would society's problems disappear if we used Harry Potter as a model?
You can't just force a model. It has to be something that (1) works (2) people accept. We don't live in a post-scarcity world, so I think it would fails on both counts.
Molly is dancing at Quarks for latinum shavings these days. Such is the fate of all HAPA females.
wont work until we have replicators. this is how they got around needing an economy.
good points. i don't believe star trek has all the answers but i think it is by far the best model. i'm sure the aliens would have some good advice if we found them
Tell your women to put some damn clothes on, lobey.
The final "Socialism works" when base matter fuels all needs of the Dindu Nuffin class.
You prefer space jews?
>Good advice
Odds are they will look nothing like us and be hostile. Star Trek is not only not the best model but perhaps one of the worst ones other than Communism. You can dedicate your life to achieving post scarcity but it will solve almost nothing.
If you are hell bent on using science fiction as a model for the future go with the Enders Game series.
The writers made it so that religion was "ancient superstition" in TNG so they could always go back to that to dodge the topic. Theres one episode where Picard has to choose between breaking the prime directive or letting a planet worship him its pretty good
Ferengi were literal space jews
Bajorans were space gypsies
that best speech about religion
No! You give them clothes then they'll think they can do anything. We don't want a female grand nagus
Ya got me. Space gypsies even worse