Left trying to meme

>left trying to meme

I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?

I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.

>stale pasta

how come his drawings just keep getting worse every time?


>mfw a danger to society

The artist squats behind the keyboard sweating become more and more upset as it draws loses concentration and relaxation and the quality deteriorates, along with the accompanied madness.

Lefty comics thread?

>Here's a factual statement


Wait is this supposed to be funny?

it's not a factual statement
there's quite a bit of genetic freaks with multiple X chromosomes

Fuck it's 3 am, and I bursted out laughing.

>I am a victim

>faggot spergs out
>closes the distance between it and normal guy
>last panel looks like it wants to suck cock
these things aren't even human any more they are just walking fetishes that have fully consumed a person's entire being

ummmmmmmmmm sweeties?

I don't care who is president, you can't just pretend gender is binary

The left won't have good memes because they need to be politically correct in order to not offend the minorities.
In that aspect, they will never be able to show their ture power level.


He makes a valid point, you know.

They aren't technically human

Who was in the wrong here?

This comic is retarded. Murder isn't intolerance, it's murder. Being intolerant is bitching about other people's lifestyle. Acting out upon that and hurting someone is assault or murder.

Don't know what I expected from a leftist faggot though.

>Who was in the wrong here?
You are.

Why did all the witnesses describe that Canadian attacker as a Muslim chanting ALLAH AKBAR?

And sauce me about that guy blasting some antifa fag. Bet it turns out it was self defense

>The Quebec thing

Possibly a false flag to push political correctness.
After it they arrested a lot of people in the province for "hate speech".

Quebec is based, but our government is cuck-tier

>I'm such a special snowflake that im unwilling to come out of the closet as straight
When will straight oppression finally end?


>george washington wasn't human

explains a lot

Why are you still here?

They're all incredibly rare and infertile. They don't matter.

I would buy the idea that intersex people validate the "gender spectrum" if they were the ones driving it. People with Kleinfleters, Turner's Syndrome, and Androgen Resistence Disorders have been known to science for a long time. Of course a heuristic dichotomy isn't going to apply 100% of the time. The problem is that this idea isn't being driven by physiologically intersex people, but rather by conspicuously male or female people who neatly fit into this binary mode of physiology. People who are obviously men and male insisting that they're actually lesbians and demanding that dykes fuck them and normal, everyday girls saying that they're non-binary genderfluid and are actually men about 25% of the time are driving it and that's fucking retarded. You can't use the biological reality of intersex people as an argument when that's obviously not what you're arguing for.

>christian values are bigotry

Pic related

Strongly consider suicide...before I find you.

Acknowledging the existence of genitals is transphobic you fucking shitlord.




You realise that that comic actually discredits the point you were trying to make?

tip: adding sage to food and other things makes them taste better.

>Bet it turns out it was self defense
It was. He was being dragged into a crowd of people that had earlier beaten others, including a 16 year old kid.

He shot someone who also ran up and grabbed him. Supposedly he was trying to break up the fight, but to someone who is facing half a dozen other people, how the fuck can you tell. It doesn't look like he is or isn't trying to help in the video either.

Guy who got shot wasn't pressing charges last I heard, so it sounds to me like he was either in the wrong, or was guilty of something else that night.

nice trips


Gotta love when these retards make a totally bogus claim

This one isn't a comic, just one of my favorites

there are between 3.5 to 7 million people in the world with klinefelter
If you account all other freaks you get the population of medpack


Also here's this

Pope plz go


Pls remove copyright:(

I don't understand you people. Not just lefties, but you right wingers as well. Gender is a social construct, there can be as many genders as can be conceived. Sex is biology, there are only 2 sexes, male and female. That's the difference. Why is it hard for people told grasp that?

>Me fucking with the left

nice trips

>gender is biology
but gender is literally a social construct, fucking L I T E R A L L Y and not a meme
The hijras from India are a blend of masculine and feminine social roles, along with some fucked up genital mutations going on
Two-spirits or berdaches, in American Indian culture are the same thing
And who can forget the modern day dickgirls of Thailand?
These people don't do this because something in their genetics tells them to, it's a cultural thing. They still either have a XX or XY makeup, unless in the super rare case they have a deviation from this

I'm with the other leaf, it was a false flag

>three anecdotes vs most major media outlets ad universities spewing anti-white bigotry and pushing for anti-white laws
Really makes you think

Stop conflating the left with social liberals you bourgeois scum.

I hate transgenderism, when will this cancer end.

>hates labels
>labels his girlfriend in the first panel, and himself in the third


That's not actually gender though.

Transgenderism is a neurological disorder. This does not make it not real, but it means both major approaches to finding a solution are wrong.

People who "define" themselves as trans or non-binary though are just mentally ill.


I made a counter-meme for specifically this kind of faggotry.

She is right there are more combinations of xx and xy such as xxx or xxy. These are labeled as mutaions. However, These are subcategorized into men and female. But, you still need a male and a female to reproduce so shut the fuck up.


>tfw your (((society))) is so weak that opinions are a threat

Fucking shit commies you are even more embarrassing than the hippy-dippy 59 genders lefties. Every single communist rally that has taken place in the last 20 years has been full of fucking fat worthelss, autistic sperg-lords. Now you may be thinking, "Ho ho! but how is that different than Sup Forums?" I don't know but I know you are faggots just different faggots than the normal left.

Wew you sure convinced me with that lack of evidence there missy!

It's funny because they are literally denying science at this point lol

The guy browsed pol, I'm ready to bet it was meant as a message for us all, kind of like saying ''hey all those shit you read about on that forum? They are real!'' hoping we'd be shitting outselves over the realization that it was the truth...

But it didn't work at fucking all, like everything they do. Hell it probably convinced a shit load of peoples someting weird is going on at the moment, even my friend who is quite silent about these kind of opinion was quite open about how weird the whole situation went. Like, ain't it surreal how quickly the story disappeared from the headlines? We never even heard what the fuck happened of the guy. And we still have no info at all about that second person or what the fuck even happened during that night, like who drove that uber car?

But it is
gender is an expression and certain actions, behaviors, gestures, tones of voices, the way we sit, the way we stand, the clothes we wear, etc. are all gendered, as decided upon by society

If gender is social construct you are basically saying that trans people are performing and acting in order to fit with a gender they want to be rather than it being gender dysmorphia and therefore biological and a mental disorder

we raided this tranny
he had to shut down from social media

This is the first time I've seen this.

There isn't even a joke here


on another level of irony. literally makes the opposite point then it points out. if only more people could be as
'progressive' and there wouldn't be anymore hate in this world

These are rare abnormal conditions and come with a huge host of problems.

His/it's characters are so fucking ugly

>social construct

nope, its just a non-vulgar, puritanical word for sex. Society never acknowledged it separate from sex because its not, people didn't use to ask a parent, after learning their child was a boy, about the boy's gender as if it could be a different distinction.

>you are wrong because of this biological fact


You don't understand his point

>And it would be safe to say that 90 percent of reasonable people also wouldn't mind

>even though 99% of the population backs up what science tells us, 1% of the population is made up of genetic anomalies which completely disproves what science tells us

That argument is retarded.

The ultimate cherrypicking

I want to FUCK him and force him to learn perspective. I want to chloroform him and keep him in my basement until he understands economics.

What is that even supposed to mean?

I'd actually like to hear her thoughts in the second article

Literally delusional

"Hey guys if we ignore basic biology I'm totally still gay even though I fuck women!"

Change his line to "two human genders" and the tranny's point is moot

Cut out everything but the 1st and 5th panels.

Nah, add a 6th panel where the dude holds up his biology degree.

the most frustrating thing about this to me is the lazy artstyle

>those noses
>the fuckhuge gorilla arms in the "don't" panel
>that everything in the "know" panel (especially the fucking mouth)

>Transgenderism is a neurological disorder.
Some of it is probably related to a neurological disorder, some maybe caused by some sort of psychological break, some a mixture of both. All are still mental illnesses regardless.

I wouldn't be surprised if some transgender people have their brains develop differently in utero due to incorrect hormone levels, causing some part or parts of their brain to develop more in line with the opposite sex.


Stop cucking Europe, false pope.

the sauce is in the picture familia.

>people didn't use to ask a parent, after learning their child was a boy, about the boy's gender as if it could be a different distinction
uh, no shit?
It's much later in life when an individual acts out given gender roles. Men could preform actions usually associated with women and women could preform actions usually associated with men. It didn't mean they had genetics irregularities or even transgender which is just a meme invented by (((psychology)))

>Effeminacy was a favorite accusation in Roman political invective, and was aimed particularly at populares, the politicians of the faction who represented themselves as champions of the people, sometimes called Rome's "democratic" party in contrast to the optimates, a conservative elite of nobles.[237] In the last years of the Republic, the popularists Julius Caesar, Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony), and Clodius Pulcher, as well as the Catilinarian conspirators, were all derided as effeminate, overly-groomed, too-good-looking men who might be on the receiving end of sex from other males; at the same time, they were supposed to be womanizers or possessed of devastating sex appeal.[238]

>Perhaps the most notorious incident of cross-dressing in ancient Rome occurred in 62 BC, when Clodius Pulcher intruded on annual rites of the Bona Dea that were restricted to women only. The rites were held at a senior magistrate's home, in this year that of Julius Caesar, nearing the end of his term as praetor and only recently invested as Pontifex Maximus. Clodius disguised himself as a female musician to gain entrance, as described in a "verbal striptease" by Cicero, who prosecuted him for sacrilege (incestum):[239]

benis in bagina :DDD

Yeah, the dumbass just re-titled it.

You fucked up Pope-kun.

are you even trying, at least create something original