Why are densely populated cities more liberal, Sup Forums?
Why are densely populated cities more liberal, Sup Forums?
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cheap housing/niggers
i'm wondering too
Lower standard of living per person.
Because the media and such has more influence and relevancy. Also group think
Because people from rural areas are never exposed to anything beyond their echo chamber and confirmation bias.
In cities you are inevitable exposed to people from all walks of life so your opinions formed out of ignorance tend to fall apart.
Probably because the social systems they always beg for are more readily available to them
younger on average,
colleges and universities.
People who live in the city are far more reliant on the government for their way of life. Roads are the only way of getting around and most people use public transportation instead of cars. Water and sewage utilities are operated by either the government or a government sponsored charter. The homeless and other needy are a constant sight and the presence of government workers (both emergency services and maintenance services) is near constant. As far as they're concerned, government control over many aspects of life are a natural and necessary thing.
Guess which political ideologies love to expand government intervention in everyday life.
More miscegenation
Democrats pander to poor minorities
Basically this
More people that say something influence more people, specially if theyre so close together and interacting so often.
Also most people are in those cities and are going to colleges, which should mean is a good thing but unfortunately in the world we live in now is doing as much harm as help, just in different fields.
I disagree. I lived in a majority white neighborhood suburban middle class neighborhood all my life and became redpilled once I started living in an urban city with a very high population of minorities.
pic related
Hate to break it to you mang, but it's in the cities where you get all the race rage and de facto segregation
People in cities see a benefit to feeding systems that benefit everyone with their tax dollars, because they can directly see the impact with their own eyes (needle exchanges, infrastructure projects, subway systems, etc.). Also welfare.
People in rural Nebraska know that there isn't much of a point to contributing to such systems, because they will never see a return.
Also, agricultural subsidies.
As people get consumed by the urban lifestyle they lose touch with reality.
I need to escape
I was actually baiting to see who would bite. I had a best friend who lived in London who called me a bigot back in 2012 when I visited him and pointed out how much of a shithole it was.
He lives in Eastern Europe now.
The only real reason so far
that's a nice theory, but voting patterns do not support it
Personality differences.
Conservatives tend to stick with what they know and prefer to be left alone.
Liberals are open to change and desire social interaction.
Cause that's where all the retards and leeches live.
upper class suburb?
So those suburbs in the movies are not where average white american lives?
move to the country, user. My search parameter on zillow was 150k tops and had to have at least 10 acres. I'm closing on a 4 bed 2 bath property with 17 acres in virginia for 106k.
Because that's where the jooz are
thats not the reason at all
for that to make sense, even the 'average' person would have to be OK with their taxes being raised, even if the taxes on the 'rich' werent
in terms of social services, the reason they are more liberal is because they live closer to and see the things owned by the rich. they want the taxes on those people raised because 'look how much money they have!!'.
as for liberal social policies, people in cities reinforce the stupid idea to each other that everyone is equal and everyone wants to just be happy, probably because the kids are raised by liberal schools/daycares and the parents are around a lot less. so they start to believe in stupid shit like busing kids from the ghetto in to the nicest school districts because 'they just want to learn', being too stupid to realize it brings disruption, violence, and gang activity with it. now you can see even rich liberals fighting back against things like that when it directly affects them, but they still believe in the underlying idea of """helping everyone"""
Because of the beliefs of liberalism, big government and large social masses, as compared to the small government and low population focus of conservatism
>echo chamber and confirmation bias.
why do libtards always self-project?
cities = universities
universities indoctrinate the young.
Poorer, densely populated Areas Promote More Socialist Ideologies due to lack of Money, work, and a non existant community. now fuck off, Ive seen that same pic 5 times
Cities see visible benefits from tax money. Stadiums, roads, parades, etc. Country bumpkins out in the sticks don't see any of that shit and therefor feel animosity towards the government for taxing them "for no reason."
Honestly, country folk should just pay less taxes. It really isn't fair to them.
because it's socially optimal to act like everything is okay, when everyone knows (feels) its not at all
>walk out onto streets, see homeless nogs
They have a racist thought, and feel guilty, tell themselves its oppression, etc
this constant internal battle degrades them, the constant guilt destroys their conscience
they lose their compass for what's right or wrong, it just becomes a matter of what sugar coats the best
How do I apply for public assistance?
Public assistance includes cash benefits and programs that prepare you for self-sufficiency. To apply, call the Human Resource Administration's Infoline at (718) 557-1399 or visit your local Job Center.
"Current statistics on New York City are difficult to locate. New York City agencies typically do not publish many statistical publications, with the exception of social service statistics. When they are published, the distribution is usually very limited. The best source for official NYC statistical print publications is the City Hall Library, 31 Chambers Street."
There's not as many free hand outs and cheap "opportunities" for an uneducated, incapable, inadequate heres-your-coffee princesses.
You have to contribute and work for a living in rural areas.
>tfw Denver
rip in peace my dreams to own a reasonably priced home
Keep your head up, user. It can't hurt to look. I truly wish you the best of luck in life.
>So those suburbs in the movies are not where average white american lives?
No, the average white american lives with all the shitty people, or out in the sticks. suburbs are for middle class to upper middle class, but our middle class is very small right now. And getting smaller.
Because liberals are retarded and only a retard would pay $2000/month to live in a 400sq foot, roach infested, studio apartment in the middle of a crime-ridden shithole, riding piss-filled public transit with homeless tweakers, barely scraping by with a salary that would otherwise afford you a decent life literally anywhere else in the country... all because popular culture told you that it's the cool thing to do.
Because people who live in cities are more intelligent than country bumpkins.
Liberals are attracted to wealth much like flies are attracted to shit. You find more flies flitting about near a cow's ass than on its sides or head because the flies all want a piece of the shit.
no sir
niggers and rich people
Because people from the big cities have little understanding of what it is to live amongst a community. You don't get random people saying hi to you in the street in the big city, you are drop by the sea and you are reduced to your own bubble. Your close relatives and friends but that's about it, no communal feeling. Individualism is the answer. City folks can call rural people retards all they want I've lived in both and city people are despicable and weak. Despite MUH IQ and MUH ARTS N SHIEET.
Funny how a bird doesn't need IQ to stick with his own.
Immigrants ----- illegals ----- hipsters,jews&Yuppies.
this desu
At a basic level living in a city requires depending on someone else so that you don't die. All your food and water is shipped to you, all your waste is whisked away like magic. You never think about the amount of work that went into keeping you alive, happy, "healthy and independent". The people who do all that for you at best never garner a second thought and remain some nebulous concept, but at worst are regarded with contempt as one would a slave.
That's the central reason as to why rural people are more commonly conservative and urban people are liberal. If the government stepped out the liberals fear that these lesser people would exploit the fact that they've never worked a day in their life, and can't survive without them to take all their money for bread and water. While the rural farmer could survive just as well without the government.
So the urban leftist justifies the government's existence. "It's legitimate (as long as it's the guy I want), it's benevolent (unless it's run by evil conservatives and right wingers), and it can solve every problem if given a chance." By doing so they've justified for themselves the expansion of government to one that is all encompassing because them they'd never have to worry about these redneck farmers rising up against them. They quite literally see those who support their cities as potential slaves, but want the state to hold the whip.
Conservatives and rural right wingers can survive on their own. They need food? They butcher a chicken, it's ok they're incubating a dozen more. They're thirsty? They either have a stream or well on their property. They don't need the government to enforce some unwritten contact to stay alive, so don't need the government. In fact they see the government as nothing more than a conspiracy to enslave them to "their betters".
Because if everyone acted like a rural wahoo who pulled his gun every time a brown person start talking a strange language then there would be mass deaths or even a civil war.
Cities are full of minorities.
Rural folk who move to cities to get jobs are cut off from their roots and their family or community and thus lose the key things connecting them to conservative positions.
People actually born in cities never have a real community as such like rural people do and so have no inclination towards being conservative in the first place.
Cities are where people go to make money and so cities have tons of well off people in them, and the upper classes have always been more cosmopolitan.
Once you adjust for socio-economic status whites living in London are actually more likely to support UKIP than say whites living in Cornwall though, so don't let people tell you that cities are more liberal because you stop hating niggers once you get to know them or some such nonsense.
Because cities are ran by liberals and they slowly push to gain more and more control of you while convincing you it's a good thing. For example, public transportation.
Semi-unrelated image to make you see this post.
>Funny how a bird doesn't need IQ to stick with his own.
This. When I hear arguments about abandoning the white race and letting Asians or Jews take over I am just dumbfounded. They may have higher average IQs, but they aren't your brothers and sisters.
> that was retarded plain and simple.
Because college campuses are in urban areas, minorities flock to urban areas. Pretty self-explanatory naïve young manipulable college kids, and welfare utilizing as well as wanting more immigration of their own kind minorities all in one area ergo mostly Democrat.
A better question is if blacks are so hard done by, and minorities are so impressed yet they been voting Democrat since fuck almost 100 years why do they keep voting Democrat?
Removal from nature leads to unnatural ideology.
This is a great answer. I would like to add that cities are hubs of memes, and the great mass of memes that flows through cities rarely makes it out far without decaying. We see this most obviously in such phenomena as fashion and subcultures, but I believe it is just as applicable to all of culture, in this case political views.
Large cities contain socialist structures. Attracts socialists.
>why do they keep voting Democrat?
Stockholm Syndrome?
because most people don't care about politics, liberals tend to be more vocal than conservatives, and there are more people in the city.
>it's as simple as that.