>TFW being Brit
TFW being Brit
It feels good faggot. Wait til you are surrounded by diseased subhumans and say you would rather be anything else.
Build a boat, you'll need it when the migrants outnumber you.
Look who's talking
let's move to america britfriend
Better apply for citizenship here soon, you'll want to be feel safe in the shadow of a giant wall when the muslims out-breed the white brits....
I bought Coleman's mustard powder to give it a second shot.
What's the best way to mix it into mustard?
I know them feels bro. How do I become an American without being an illegal?
British people fleeing to America for freedom again. Poetry writes itself.
I don't live on a small tiny little island
Shut the fuck up son, look after your father.
Is there even a better nation than Britain on planet earth?
Survey says no
Can you do me a favor and actually kill yourself? You're a waste of air and space and I hope your whole island sinks into the ocean. You're a pathetic wannabe' empire, fucker.
You live on a small tiny little island of whiteness, shrinking in size every day.
If only, they seem to favour anyone else above us for greencards
American "banter"
They're still salty over that whole empire thing, like when a son can't forgive their father for being an abusive alcoholic who beat them.
I dunno, my state is infested with limey leftists right off the boat, and yet I come on Sup Forums and hear you all whining about how hard it is to move to America
Which state?
Race wars will escalate dramatically here, can't wait mates
I live on the outskirts of a yuge Jew encampent.
Once this shit gets going, they're going to have to give up the holohoax meme in favor of a real example :D
This is why the Finns are so important, so important, and also you correct digits, but the Finns, they're great people! But, they're so important folks, so important!
There's a reason why we don't have Finn threads like we used to that honor their wars and their Molotovs, and it's because the Communists are taking them away. It's so easy, folks!
It will make your head spin!
Wait. Are trying to say that even fellow anglos have to obey the same rules as everyone else ?!
Lel, nice "Commonwealth" you got there lad.
You have nothing in common with Anglos. Enjoy your wealth.