Quick Sup Forums! why does the electoral college exist?
Quick Sup Forums! why does the electoral college exist?
This really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.
why isn't there a frontier state i can fuck off too
red= cancer
blue= real usa
Initially: to ensure the equal representation of every american across the first states.
Now: to prevent population and economic centres from having more influence than bumfuck nowhere.
People that live near usually think the same way, this give the rural and small town some power.
To prevent tyranny of the majority
Because the united states is a federal republic.
Because the United States is a representative democracy in which Americans vote for their state to vote for a president.
for representation of a diverse nation, not to have some meaningless majority rule
proportional representation
So that cities can't just expand to control the country.
Lmfao 10kb? Fuck you roach.
Well I'll be...
All those blue areas are where Trafficking networks are located, you can even see the pattern.
KB with important info:
This guy knows more about the U.S electoral college than 50% of the U.S.
Fuck, this is sad.
To keep slave states in the union
Lol is that real?
As real as the Armenian genocide
yep. verified.
Because without it the election process would come down to New York, Texas, California, and Florida.
At which point nobody would give a shit about the remaining 46 states; some of which produce huge amounts of food and natural resources for the United States to export.
to make irrelevant states feel relevant.
The USA has been planned from the very beginning.
To prevent the tyranny of the majority
Russians would let you settle in the far east if you could demonstrate some self-sufficiency.
President Trump won the electoral vote.
Only Urban and Turban retards voted for hillary.