Frequent reminder that if your father doesn't AT LEAST pull in 6 figures a year, you are subhuman no matter what race you are.
Frequent reminder that if your father doesn't AT LEAST pull in 6 figures a year...
All money is now nothing but interest payments :)
Is this something type of commie propaganda?
Nice shorts, faggot
>mommy still dresses you like a JCPenney cuck
Fuck your dad. I make 6 figures. Don't need daddy.
ever heard of leg day faggot?
Good for you, you want a trophy faggot?
Its another 'Sup Forums homos post guys they think are omg so hot' thread
this one isn't even archived yet
>inb4 fags make thread with naked white muscle heavy guy laying on bed covering his junk with one hand with thread title "Are you even WHITE?"
op is the kid at the bar who before getting the shit punched out of him says "IM GUNNA CALL MY DAD"
>this one isn't even archived yet
Literally just archived as this post was made
Made $210,000 last year even though my dad is a honeless guy.
Yeah. Holy fuck. Someone needs to do some squats and deadlifts.
>daddy's boy calling someone who actually works for their money a faggot
Get off of Sup Forums.
Jews master race then?
my dad is an unemployed house painter
good for him,atleast he is no (((parasite)))
Mommy makes mid six figures. She's a strong and empowered woman. I clean the house for her.
If you are a grown adult and RELY on your parents to generate wealth and/or maintain your standard of living, you're a subhuman degenerate.
My father doesn't, but I do. Am I a subhuman? We are immigrants btw and not even kikes, so there wasn't any jewing involved.
he pulled 112,000/yr in the last job he had. Not sure about his current position. Said he took a little less pay but is living in a more rural area but overall the cost of living more than makes up for it.
Complete cuckservative, very bad at managing money. Helicopter parent who would passively sabotage his children's lives. Love him to pieces, but I woulden't say any of that trickled down to me or any of my siblings. He could make twice as much and still make a complete ass of himself. Typical boomer.
kys fag
thank you leaf,are you telling me that not working for my entire life is bad,that being able to sleep all day long,game and watch TV series make me subhuman.
What if my dad makes more than 6 figures a month but he does it via illegal means?
asking for a friend
nice user,is he a gigolo?
Fuck off faggot
People like you that hold money higher than God are the reason the west in this mess.
> yeah I know its a frequent bait but still
The rich are fed better, have personal trainers, live in less polluted areas, go to better schools, and even, for fuck's sake, get growth hormone therapy.
Kind of funny how so many of them end up fuck-ups.
My dad is rich but has never given me any money other then token amounts, got a $50 gift card for my bday, and Christmas. We have never spoken about money
Ah yes, the classic
>You can beat my ass but my dad's a lawyer
>if your father
cool bait
frequent reminderr no matter how much you make you will alway be alone trapped in an existential nightmare where life only meanings is to distract yourself form this fact, but no matter how much you try they'll always be this vague feeling of emptiness you will never get rid of; and you will probably got to hell on top of that.
you sound like a smart guy user,you described a cousin of mine,bitch took growth hormones,had (has) horses,all that expensive shit,her dad ended necking himself.
Only there is a 50%+ chance there will be means to reverse aging in our lifetime. At the very least there will be better procedures to preserve the brain after death than cryogenics.
Inevitably the wealthy WILL conquer death.
>relying on daddy for your skrilla
Reminder if you rely on your parents to take care of you youre a subhuman no matter what class you are
It depends on how degenerate it is. If he deals drugs then no it doesn't count. But if he knows tricks through the stock market then that's completely acceptable.
Thanks,i do my best.
>he's < Operating Thetan IV
What if your mother pulls in six figures? What does that make you?
a pimp.
yes lol you're subhuman. you're just a parasite with no abilities or identity other than your parents money. you have no practical skills other than smoking weed and watching anime/having diarrhea ocean water in sao paulo
never smoke weed in my life,but you are welcome to try again.
My Father hasn't been in my life since I was 5 years of age. I don't know what he does anymore because I don't talk to him. Oh, and the NEET life is the best life.
I don't have a job and I watch real robo anime all day and I'm the Nietzchean ubermensch
> I'm the Nietzchean ubermensch
>Still riding daddy's coattails
>Not earning your own fortune
stand still, dickhead
I can feel your jealousness from here you poorfag
daily reminder that if you don't get your fathers money via death at an early age and a divorce you are a cuck
wtf I'm an orphan now
Yawn, you bore me wagecuck.
Lol both my parents pull 6 figures
>7" or less shorts
all fags, and i dress almost exactly like them
7"-9" shorts are master race, anything shorter and you're a faggot
you know on the coasts, 6 figures is laughable for income. It might be impressive in the deep south or remote midwest.
My father pulls in 8 figures -- and 9 figures once he sells his company.
And I'm going to inherit all of it.
Feels good.