POLL: Trump's resignation or impeachment

POLL: Trump's resignation or impeachment.

Which will happen first?


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Impeached for sure. His ego is too big to resign.

None of the above

How are you not tried of drawing new lines in the sand every day you pathetic cuck lol

You're trying too hard

Autocorrect kinda takes the edge off kid

In a hypothetical world where Trump did anything wrong (he didn't) the answer would be impeachment.

Nixon broke the law and resigned before impeachment to maintain the dignity of the office and health of the nation. He is now known only as a corrupt slimy criminal.

Clinton did the same thing but refused to resign, and dragged the entire country through impeachment. But his party was circling the wagons to protect him. Now he's known as a great president because "Hurr durr he never got kicked out so he did nothing wrong".

posting in a sageblue thread

>Calling somebody else a kid when you gladly make excuses for a senile man child every day because you helped meme him into office.

>Posted 3 mins ago
>Oy vey this antisemitic poll is annudah shoah
which one of you natsees did this?

>Which will happen first?
another term

answer c: his reelection


Why do Sup Forumslacks pretend jews don't want you to support trump when he's literally a cuck for Israel?

>Georgia’s secretary of state has claimed the Department of Homeland Security tried to breach his office’s firewall and has issued a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson asking for an explanation.
>Brian Kemp issued a letter to Johnson on Thursday after the state’s third-party cybersecurity provider detected an IP address from the agency’s Southwest D.C. office trying to penetrate the state’s firewall. According to the letter, the attempt was unsuccessful.
>The attempt took place on Nov. 15, a few days after the presidential election. The office of the Georgia Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing the state’s elections.

Hillary Clinton will kill Jeh Johnson soon

He should have an impresignationeachment.

1000 years of rule you lumpy headed nigger


You should know all about that from the election, you fucking eternal loser.

What happened to muh founding fathers and muh constitution every time obama would even attempt to breath?

>Shilldawg wanted to win Georgia
>Technologically backfired on her yet again
Wew hillary

Is that n'golo Kante?

The Russian conspiracy is Trumps Birth certificate.

He will probably resign. It is better than getting impeached.


Well any man that lives to be 1000 deserves a 1000 year rule


I didn't see an 'OP is faggot' option. This poll is biased.


This poll is for sensible/level headed people only. Man children with the intellect of an 12 year old need not apply.

He'll die in office before that ever happens. Have you noticed his inflated ego?

Awwww, did someone only get one scoop of ice queam?

Sadly, the "evil russians" meme is going to continue until the baby boomers die out.

Another 20 years of this shit.

>Trump is impeached
>His degenerate judeo-christian zionist VP becomes president

Bad timeline

Trump wouldn't have even been elected without the support of evangelicals and Jews. No matter what happens to trump they are in charge right now. Not trump. Zionists/evangelical politicians like pence used trump as their Trojan horse into the White House.


Where is the option for "OP is a faggot"?

wow I really hate both evangelic christians and blompf, but I still can't believe someone was autistic enough to make that infographic


Have you ever seen an evangelical in person? My town is full of them and that pic is a highly accurate representation of how fat and delusional they are. My teacher at my old high school quit his because he was mad they wouldn't teach creationism alongside evolution at my high school and he is a mindless cuck. He was also fat as shit.