Why do so many people on Sup Forums constantly parade around the term "Cultural Marxism" to refer to anything they don't like? Notice how they never cite the works of the Frankfurt School themselves but merely go off on conjecture about the members' Jewish origins? Well these two actual Marxists have debunked the myth:
There is no such thing as "Cultural Marxism"
Other urls found in this thread:
"Cultural Marxism" is a literal meme term. I cringe everytime I hear it.
I agree. Sup Forums would actually agree with most of the things Adorno said if they could comprehend him.
>listening to Marxists
There is nothing wrong with being a Marxist, silly Kiwi.
Fuck off shill. Marx was quite literally /ourguy/.
On The Jewish Question is satire, dude.
>Itt lefty newfags
You have to go back
>Itt lefty newfags
You have to go back
Its a sweet kind of irony that you guys get paid to shill communism. Just goes to show which is the more practical and desirable ideology.
It's another name for postmodernism. They applied critical theory to racial groups and genders. Critical theory is from the Frankfurt school. That is all. Connection made.
What the fucking fuck is this thread? A pack of kikes samefagging?
I'm an American male. The first video is made by a woman while the second is made by a Brit.
Watch both videos. The Frankfurt School has very little to do with the bullshit which came out of postmodernism. The only place where they overlap were Walter Benjamin's writings on language, which were THEOLOGICALLY inspired AKA not Marxist.
Fucking nationalist. You call yourself commies?
Yes, I'm 100% internationalist, but I live in the USA and my culture is American, albeit leftist American. I have no loyalty to the US or any bourgeois state.
>OP is a literal commie kike
KYS faggot
They're not even hiding anymore.
Also this Fucking obvious samefagging.
Prove it.
Muke isn't Jewish and I'm not Muke. Muke is British.
You should try reading the Frankfurt School sometime.
God I hope your predictions of fascism come true and the above statement is used against you someday.
>I know marxism didn't influence postmodernism
No you fucking don't. It's like saying Communism and Stalinism aren't related. Go listen to your kike masters try to tell you an apple is not related to an apple tree because they're two different objects.
Postmodernism was mostly a CRITIQUE of the materialism of Marx. ffs fucking read for once.
Go fuck yourself. The term Cultural Marxism has been around for a while, and it PERFECTLY describes itself.
I get that there are (((Some))) that don't like the term, but my answer to them, along with every other question ((they) have is the same...
Get fucked.
I hope I made that clear enough for you to understand .
It's not. Just compare the way postmodernists and their children, the SJWs, understand language with the ways Marxists have historically understood language. There is a world of difference between the two.
If you're looking for a philosopher to blame for SJWs, blame Martin Heidegger, a fucking Nazi.
Fascism is worthless, literally a last-ditch effort to save capitalism.
this thread again? you're literally not fooling a single person
I want to have an intellectual engagement with Sup Forums on this topic, since almost everyone on this board has no clue as to what they're fucking talking about every time they bring up the Frankfurt School.
>PERFECTLY describes itself.
No it doesn't. You have dipshit 16 year olds repeating it who don't even know what Marxism meand
Sup Forums loves to talk about how "cultural Marxism" follows Marxist methodology, but probably couldn't even tell you what Historical Materialism actually is.
Jesus Christ, what is wrong with your brain?
You have to be winding me up, nobody is this fucking dumb. I bet you are one of those people who reads a 3 page pamphlet, and is an instant expert.
There is a good reason nobody agrees with you. Its because you are wrong.
Read more, especially what came out of the Frankfurt school. Pay particular attention to how the Marxists tried to apply the socio economic ideal to culture and [more accurately] ' nationalism and traditionalism'.
Just read a book, any book just start reading kid.
This, you are a consensus on ONE.
You misunderstood something you read, and you think you are the only one in the world who knows the truth.
Unfortunately, you are just plain wrong.
So if you could kindly Fuck off over there, that would be lovely.
Thank you.
The Frankfurt School was pro-traditionalism, dipshit. Of course they opposed fascism, but they also praised traditional western culture (Adorno loved Greek tragedy and Benjamin loved German romanticism).
On the contrary, it is you (and most of Sup Forums for that matter) who come off as if you've read a 3-page pamphlet and now deem yourself an "expert" on highly complex philosophy you probably couldn't even comprehend.
Quiet now .
No more pain.
Just sleep.
These fucking Bolshevik cunts, honestly the fucking cheek of these pricks.
You are way too confident to be this stupid
Explain. What about Marxism do you oppose?
callin it another name changes nothing you communist jew shills. typical jewish tricks.
>typical jewish tricks.
>here's a Marxist to explain to you why you don't need to worry about cultural marxism! :D
I'm not even a Jew-hater and I'm not falling for this OP.
Cultural Marxism is real and faggots like you will never ever get away with it :)
Cultural Marxism isn't real. What you're calling "Marxist" is actually postmodernism and it has very little to do with the Frankfurt School, Gramsci, or Marx.
That we are all the same, and can be ruled by a "one size fits all" ideology. The free market will be the driving force of the human race, when we compete, we become better.
The 2nd word war and the space race pushed technology and science ahead like no other even in history.
Communism would deprive innovation and we as a species will not allow that, we have a thirst for knowledge that is un- quenchable.
Communism, is imprisonment of the mind, and the soul of us all.
Its 3 am here, I'm going to bed.
I won't be here to read your response, but I'll just assume it was REALLY REALLY good OK?
so this is the power of ideology...
>wanting to change the name of something unsavory so its easier to digest
aka trying to call cultural marxism something else so it doesnt have such a bad ring to it, make it more pallatable.
its not Usury, its "fractional reserve banking".
its not destroying purchasing power and wealth, its "quantitative easing".
Marxism doesn't say "we are all the same". It says, at this point in history (capitalism) the proletariat has the ability to negate class struggle once and for all through the implementation of socialism and then communism.
they are trying to push to the side the degenerate aspects of marxism to preserve their progress
its like the right claiming not to be racist when we all know we are really lol
This post is Cultural-Marxism. Fag.
>Well these two actual Marxists have debunked the myth
Stopped reading right here and it sucks because I had to read your entire crappy post to reach that point. I hope you get raped by a pack yof niggers you fucking faggot
Did you literally regurgiate this from RationalWiki, the far-left version of Encyclopedia Dramatica?
Cultural Marxism is literally the teachings of the Frankfurt School. It exists. Now, whether or not you want to believe there was some concerted effort to do so is beyond reality, but its cited intentions are as clear as day. Stop trying to pretend it's not real.
Yeah, so was The Prince.
Why do you care about what ultra-orthodox Jews believe? They're practically irrelevant.
The Frankfurt School was ANTI-degeneracy. Again, watch both the videos I linked in my OP.
Literally kill yourself m8
>Cultural Marxism is literally the teachings of the Frankfurt School.
If by "cultural Marxism" you mean SJWs, privilege-checking, obsession with "cultural appropriation", and whatnot, then you're talking about something very, very remote from the Frankfurt School. Adorno and Marcuse both hated identity politics.
Too bad you have no intelligence
Be specific. Have you bothered to read the Frankfurt School or Gramsci? Do you know what they actually said?
>the frankfurt school was pro-traditionalism
This might be true for a few members who had an interest in classical history, but the undisputed effect of the school of thought has been anything but. And I would welcome any argument that the Frankfurt School of Thought has been a stabilizing conservative movement trying to preserve the West.
You fear it because it is true and an effective redpill, kike
It's an academic term from the 70's and was brought into the mainstream in the 80s by Pat Buchanan
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
it's a meme and an easy way of distinguishing between people who read books and retards who post memes on Sup Forums. It's like having a special badge attached to clothing to help the rest of us to recognize the problem.
I'm yet to see a Sup Forumstard who can talk coherently in depth with knowledge about Adorno's Aesthetic Theory, for instance.
>Sup Forums would actually agree with most of the things Adorno said if they could comprehend him.
True. It's quite an amusing situation.
The ideological and propaganda based struggle between white European nations, America, Russia, the Communist chinks and the Jews has been raging continuously for at least 150 years in its more or less modern form. It never stopped. You're a useful idiot.
Nice try faggot, when will you cucks realize we don't give a shit what you think...
stale pasta, c'mon cant you write an original post
>but the undisputed effect of the school of thought has been anything
The Franks had very little influence on academia. The most influential member of the school (Benjamin) was, at best, a Jewish theologian whose works were much more based in the Talmud and kabbalah than Marxism. Also, he had zero interest in identity politics.
>White Genocide
No such thing.
cant wait to see all you commies hanging from light poles. better dead then red.
A more interesting question. Why did Herbert Marcuse get funded by the Rockefeller foundation???
Rockefeller funding is way overblown. It is true though that the CIA did fund anti-Soviet leftist thinkers for a little while.
>I'm yet to see a Sup Forumstard who can talk coherently in depth with knowledge about Adorno's Aesthetic Theory, for instance.
That's probably become you only seem to be interested in talking about solely in this fucking thread that has been post 11 times now.
Yes, Marxism is inherently materialistic. However to claim cultural marxism doesn't aptly it is stupid and any argument to be made on this matter is dickslapping semantics.
Adorno speaks of the culture industry in a way extremely similar to Marx's thoughts on the economy. In the culture industry, there is a ruling class who decides who gets the record deal or TV show slot, while the lower class produces and consumes it, at the ruling class' benefit.
The dynamics are very similar and the word "cultural" in "cultural Marxism" does an adequate job in describing the difference.
>There is no such thing as "Cultural Marxism"
Exactly what someone from the JIDF would say on /pol.
Going to ruin this thread and post some of my favorite responses from the last one
Oh, and I'm saging every post
Why do you hate the Bourgeoisie for manipulating and exploiting the proletariat yet refuse to acknowledge that the majority of the Bourgeoisie are Jewish or that programs and media with messages of racial diversity and the like that they're pushing onto the native populace have any nefarious intent behind them?
I'm not Jewish and I have no love for Israel.
I'm a disciple of the Frankfurt School you piece of sewage. My mentor through college was directly taught by Marcuse. Eros and Sexuality, Authoritarian Personality, all that shit is so god damned subversive it's insane. The F scale is basically "how to subvert a nation and encourage maladaptive behaviour 101"
i'd sage this thread but redditors and lurkers need to know this shit isn't a meme.
>understand what personality traits attract certain individuals to support fascism and anti-semitism
right that's the expressed aim. The methodology was complete hogwash, and the general consensus was basically: If you have a healthy relationship with your family, God and country then you are predisposed to Fascism and thus, high on F. If you are a degenerate promiscuous whore with daddy issues, you passed! Congratulations, you have now been jewed.
>Considering that it was written only five years after WWII, why do you think they'd be compelled to conduct such a study?
How about I flip the question around, considering that Jews made up a hugely disproportionate amount of the communist party membership in an ideology started and perpetuated by jews, why do you think World War 2 happened?
>ethnicity and religion are totally irrelevant, the Bourgeoisie are pushing for acceptance and tolerance for only good reasons because they have the best interests of the proletariat at heart.
>The Bourgeoisie are evil monsters that exploit the proletariat whenever possible, everything they do is for their own gain and they use the media to manipulate the proles into doing our bidding.
You're going to have to pick one, either you're for multiculturalism, globalism, white genocide and the Bourgeoisie or you're against all four, there are no two ways about it if you have any integrity.
Into doing their bidding*, rather.
But then again if you're a Marxist then their bidding is your bidding. #RefugeesWelcome and all that.
Cultural marxism is very real, and I'm sure you heard it all.
Mantras like
>"Diversity is our strength!"
>"X is a social construct"
>"Social constructs need to be challenged"
>"We must accept everybody"
>this fucking thread again
OP is a leftypol faggot jew trying to convince people that Marxists don't support globalism and mass immigration despite every leftist supporting these things in practice.
Watch zir squirm and evade when pressed on the issue. It's hilarious and sad.
>Where does the book imply this?
It's been years m8, but that's the general message. The more neurotic and poor your relationships were, if you didn't believe in god, or if you didn't want to to replicate your family structure, then you were low on the F scale. Basically, F is for functional, not fascist. Or, fascist is functional.
>Western culture is based in capitalism
Absolutely not based on something that started in earnest only in the late 16, 1700s
Let me ask you this: why do you think ethnic minorities such as Jews would be attracted to Marxism?
Lol, according to Soviet defector the "anti-soviet" leftists really just pretended to be anti-soviet, just like red China and the UDSSR pretended to be enemies and Yugoslavia and Ceaucescu pretended to be independant. He called it the scissor strategy. If you think it is way overblown I recommend you the (really long and boring but informative) book Foundations - Their Power and Influence by Rene A Wormser. You will start to see a clear pattern here and then Marcuses funding will become pretty clear.
just read a little you'll get the jyst. a bunch of victimized jews that rose to levels of academic influence and were hell bent on making sure nationalism never rises again. the best way to do it is destroying the people's pride in themselves, in their countries, and in their societies.
soviet defector Anatoli Golitsyn
Most of these texts had very little influence in the academy overall. And again, Adorno had very little to do with The Authoritarian Personality.
The Franks were highly critical of the USSR. What about this doesn't seem "authentic" to you?
Cultural Marxism is a colloquial expression you imbecilic brainlet. Please off yourself if your autism is so bad you can't help but take all things literally. Also gas yourself if you're a Jew trying to deflect away from the central argument by going into semantics
>Why do you conclude I'm a Jew?
I didn't I presented the two strongest conceivable reasons for you misinterpreting a colloquial phrase. You're either a turbo-autismo or a subversive kike.
Because Jews are born nationwreckers and parasites, but of course you know that.
>I don't see how multiculturalism and capitalism go together.
I don't see how you can honestly believe that the ebil Bourgeoisie who manipulate the proletariat at every turn through use of media could be promoting multiculturalism and diversity for only wholesome reasons.
I don't know how you believe that progressivism and it's inherent destructive nature with regards to culture and people can be at all good for the proletariat.
I don't understand how you think importing foreign peoples to replace and destabilize a countries native people with groups that are more easily manipulated due to quite demonstrable differences in intelligence can be at all even remotely good for the proletariat.
I don't know how you can have so much faith that the Bourgeoisie have your best interests at heart whilst simultaneously believing them to be the cause of all ill. Then again I'm not a Marxist retard so perhaps there's a communication barrier in that.
Cultural Marxism is REAL!:
Explain why the political practices of Marxists, SJWs, and progressives are damaging to Western society if the destruction of Western society is not their goal.
Oh wait, it is, and you're a lying Jew.
>That's probably become you only seem to be interested in talking about solely in this fucking thread that has been post 11 times now.
Adorno's Aesthetic Theory is probably his most important book, but also his most difficult. Sup Forumstards who make great claims about the degeneracy brought on by the Frankfurt School so far, to my observation, seem to not ever have the most important work of the person they claim to hate.
And yes, Adorno was a marxist -- there's no confusion there. The phrase "cultural marxism" was introduced in the 1970s to describe an intellectual and political phenomenon in Western countries that involved left thinkers distancing themselves from Soviet marxism and the deterministic elements of marx's later thought (especially under the influence of Engels). Cultural marxists were more persuaded by elements in Marx's earlier thinking, especially after the rediscovery of the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of Marx, that gave a greater political role to culture (usually thought of being drama, music, literature, television, art, and the like) and that culture can be a place in which revolutionary change can begin. The key people for this thinking were people like Raymond Williams and Richard Hoggart in the UK and Louis Althusser in France. The Frankfurt School does have a role here, but it's not the most important to the movement. All of this really has nothing to do with SJWs and identity politics or pleas for trangender bathrooms. It's in this confusion that Sup Forumstards are ill informed.
>that list of links
What's the TL;DR version?
>you can't stop cultural marxism if there is no such thing as cultural marxism
yeah, no
what would you call Marxists subverting our culture then? name it whatever you want, then we will oppose that too
>lump old marxism and radical progressivism into the same bucket and sneer at it
Why is it wrong though? Radical progressivism can be used to reach the same goal, a bigger and stronger state that will supposedly make everyone equal. Just because the change is gradual doesn't mean it isn't happening, people are conditioned to accept progressism all the time through the media and education system. Your government gradually gets more socialist after each term, yet we're the retarded conspiracy theorists.
Fanning the flames of hatred like BLM, feminism and others "us vs them" ideologies only serve to make the society unstable and easier to rule. And when shit starts to get serious the Holy Government steps in, to "save" everyone while still retaining a shitload of power. Meanwhile the population is too dumb(something that was already planned) to do anything about their overlords.
Only conservatives are retarded enough to bet all their money on a single fucking horse. Meanwhile the soviets managed to buttfuck everyone through a cultural victory even though they fucking collapsed, yet people still fail to see the commie influence in the media and universities. No wonder the world has gone to shit, when all institutions got infiltrated like that and anyone who dared to raise a voice was ridiculed.
Conservatives are fucking dumb, just fucking organize already you lazy faggots. Make the commintern look like child's play instead of just being the silent majority.
I wish you new faggots were around to see the wikipedia article being edited in real time by think tank nazis during GG. This is why you get to die dumb.
What does GG have to do with the Frankfurt School?
>The Frankfurt School was never unified in thought, and most of its members had no interest in identity politics.
What is that supposed to mean?
So what?
The idea of marxism as a general class of ideas is the idea that heirarchies exist to oppress those on the lower heirarchy. This idea can be applied to economics, race, whatever.
The ultimate result of this line of thinking is that a person is anti-rich, anti-white...anti-privilege.
But somebody will always be at the top, that's why the left eats itself.
>Marxism is about relations of production and class struggle. Identity politics is about getting a larger slice of the pie under patriarchy.
It's about getting a larger slice of the profits pie from the business owner (by being a part owner).
>Identity politics is about getting a larger slice of the pie under patriarchy.
Which is also a class struggle.
It doesn't matter how "critical" they were of "Stalinism". Look my friend. Check this. Find out who was behind "detente" and "peaceful coexistence" especially in the US. Now I'm gonna refer you to two soviet defectors Anatoli Golitsyn and Jan Sejna. Try to find out what they said in their books and what the background of the Perestroika policy really is. It doesnt take very long and I guarantee you it will be worth the time. What Marcuse really said was that the Stalinist system has totally destroyed the great socialist reputation. And Gorbachev called Perestroika the 2nd round of the October revolution. So this whole process of the neo-marxian movement and perestroika etc was to deconstruct the Stalinist system in the east and then start anew. It took form rapidly in the 90s with the environmental movement. This is so much stuff. I cannot explain it all in one post. But if you are interested, you will find out yourself.
all it took for me was to try to read One Dimensional Man by Marcuse to see not even a quarter into it that's it's just a bunch of typical kike nonsense and mental masturbation that ultimately means nothing. Gibberish. Bullshit. Kikistry.
I might get around to analyzing more of that kike shit when I have time, but if it's all just degenerate mindmushy trash such as that Marcuse kike, he's like the typical Jew non-academic academic. Wiseass, writes a lot of words, but is degenerate garbage that means nothing. Jews are just mind-pollution
>What did you find wrong with One-Dimensional Man?
pseudointellectual leftist garbage. I've read difficult philosophical texts before, and I'm no major, but it just read as inauthentic circlejerking, way worse to parse and understand than anything else I've read, something similar to the infamous "PoMo generator". Just verbose nonsense
lol and this was before I even became aware of neomarxist subversion and the "cultural marxist" plague upon academia and society. I just heard of that book somewhere ad picked it up. It was an AHA moment when this dipshit Marcuse turned out to be part of the cancer, like "ahh, no shit!"
The Frankfurt School crossed Marx with Freud, taking from psychology the technique of psychological conditioning. Today, when the cultural Marxists want to do something like “normalize” homosexuality, they do not argue the point philosophically. They just beam television show after television show into every American home where the only normal-seeming white male is a homosexual (the Frankfurt School’s key people spent the war years in Hollywood).
After World War II ended, most members of the Frankfurt School went back to Germany. But Herbert Marcuse stayed in America. He took the highly abstract works of other Frankfurt School members and repackaged them in ways college students could read and understand. In his book “Eros and Civilization,” he argued that by freeing sex from any restraints, we could elevate the pleasure principle over the reality principle and create a society with no work, only play (Marcuse coined the phrase, “Make love, not war”). Marcuse also argued for what he called “liberating tolerance,” which he defined as tolerance for all ideas coming from the Left and intolerance for any ideas coming from the Right. In the 1960s, Marcuse became the chief “guru” of the New Left, and he injected the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School into the baby boom generation, to the point where it is now America’s state ideology.
All the members of the Frankfurt School were Marxist Jews, and they all seeked to apply Marxist concepts to culture. Even Yuri Bezmenov who was aware of the Frankfurt School's subversion called it Marxist ideology.
Read the books and vids recommended in this image, especially The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. The Dialectical Imagination by Martin Jay goes over the Kabbalist elements of Frankfurt School ideology quite well.
Post-Modern is a better term for it, or critical theory.
I very much doubt you've read One-Dimensional Man. Marcuse is very concise.
>Marxism is about relations of production and class struggle. Identity politics is about getting a larger slice of the pie under patriarchy.
it's literally Marxist philosophy, expect you replace bourgeoisie and proletariat with what ever group you can convince is being oppressed. You replace bourgeois with male and proletariat with female and now you have feminist Marxism. You take bourgeois and replace it with White and take proletariat and replace it with black (or any other race) you now have racial Marxism. do this with "Gender Identity", Religion, and sexual orientation, then you add something called intersectionality and it creates a hierarchy ladder of oppression that they can unite and turn on their supposed oppressors and that is what Cultural Marxism is. It's the same fucking ideology with two words swapped out for two other words and you're trying to tell me it isn't the same. It's fucking Plug and Play Marxism™ "Create your own class based revolution today!" This shit happened a long time ago too, They took Bourgeois and replaced it with Urban and proletariat and replaced it with rural. That was the brand of Marxism that took hold in Cambodia.