Why can't people just admit that women like black people? Why can't they admit that their height, athleticism...

Why can't people just admit that women like black people? Why can't they admit that their height, athleticism, big dicks, talent and looks are a factor when it comes to attraction for a female?

Nearly every country with a decent black population contribute to a high percentage of interracial breeding and it isn't because of the jew

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They can sing very well and have rhythm.

in cultures across the world the overwhelming trend is that people marry those of the same race as themselves.

>that women like black people
>nigger music


EVEN if they do, women also like taking selfies and women's studies degrees. Children want candy for breakfast. It's our job as men to draw the lines of what's harmful for them.

Don't that think that link is significant enough to overshadow of the overwhelming interracial relationships of black men and white women across the world. Latin America is basically mulatto haven (Brazil, colombia, Caribbean countries etc etc). Once more blacks flocks into europe the more it will look like those latin american pardo/mullato population

> classless and/or fat white women like black men


>Children want candy for breakfast.
exactly. just because it feels good to jerk off doesn't mean I do it on the bus.

r/the_donald approves this message, as long as the black guy votes republican

white bois btfo
>they will try to say that she's ugly

>overwhelming interracial relationships of black men and white women across the world.
I've provided proof that black female prefer chinks instead of niggers, nowit's your turn to show any proofs.
>. Once more blacks flocks into europe the more it will look like those latin american pardo/mullato population
Cool, it will make Europe much easily to be conquered.

Young women are attracted to bad boy assholes black or white.
It's because these guys get the women. And evolutionary they want their sons to be bad boy assholes who spread the family seed into as many stupid bitches as possible.
It's just society and media fucked up the heads of white moms so instead of raising a white bad boy, they raise them to treat girls as equal.
Where as coal burners and niggresses have no father around (obviously) so the little shit learns to manipulate his mom (women) and isn't as diciplined as his white counterpart

Nobody's denying that women are attracted to black men moron. Women are attracted to unevolved men.

niggers btfo

Women will attract to anything that is alpha and asserts themselves as a dominate force in their lives.

No matter what color of skin.

50 years ago they found blacks disgusting, it just goes to show what happens when you lose control of the culture

Please stop posting your cuck fantasies. In the real world only bottom barrel bitches would ever consider dating a black. This is well known and evident. Did not read the rest of your weird bullshit

and 50 years ago the majority of americans denied evolution


we still deny it, just in different ways. see: race as a social construct.

Women also allegedly enjoy your dick in their face creams

>I've provided proof that black female prefer chinks instead of niggers, nowit's your turn to show any proofs.


>the proportion of people declaring themselves black or mixed race has risen from 44.7% to 50.7%, making African-Brazilians the official majority for the first time.

In the real world, blacks are making half black babies with non blacks.

Lol nigga das a fotoshoot mayne.... cmon cuh... AHAHAHA... jus keepin it wun hunned my nigga.

statistics say otherwise
also mediocre bait, faggot

yeah, brazil, such a great country i expect you'll be moving there soon to bask in the endgame of race mixing?

literally every queeen of Sup Forums has some jungle fever. From tay tay to that ugly greaso underage bitch that Sup Forums frequently posts




Niggers fuck low self-esteem white women. Remember, I'm assuming you're a straight male, so you can be forgiven still buying the "niggers have bigger dicks" lie. But women know it is not true. Some might go for the hypermasculinity (it's rare to see a cuckish nigger). But mostly the white girls who go for niggers are either fat as fuck or got raped by daddy when they were children and hate themselves.

>real world

OK friendo.

race mixing is everywhere and it won't go anywhere.

The American people should wake up and separate white people from black "people"
Either by government or by moving away from niggers.
America being a nigger lover country is not a good look on you guys

not too much of it going on in africa or east asia at the moment. and i doubt there ever will because they don't get a lot of immigrants

as for here, you're probably right. but i don't think it will turn into the paradise you expect.

Chloe is literally a bodybuilder at this point

That woman is Danish and always seen wearing a Thor's hammer pendant around her neck.

Yep, which is why they should be physically removed from their presence.

Did you really spend all that time debunking a fake bait picture?

>Latin America is basically mulatto haven
Yeah, cuz Spaniards and Portuguese raped everyone in sight, natives and black slaves mostly.

Yes but they are married


his mom had an affair or something

The main reason why women of all races reject black men is their over ego. I always find a funny seeing a black man rejected and cry racism afterwards haha.

Hello, newfriend.

Top kek
Yeah OP you started off reasonable but it's clear you're just a sad cuck, if you wanna be honest yeah, women like different things, some like blcks, some like whites, no one is denying that, and if they are then they're just a troll, the only reason people like to deny that white women like blacks is because cuckold trolls like you come here and shit post the same old tired meme, just end your existence man and do us all a favor.

They're gross. They're all jerks and criminals. They don't clip their nails. They're stupid.

White Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make brown women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can (and has) claimed entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the MVP! (Massive Vanilla Penis)

When black bois see a White Man coming, they naturally lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentally ill wrecks they are in comparison to a White GOD.

No matter how much you autistic "civic nationalists" here on 4chinz bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that blacks get weeded out of existence by genetically more fit Caucasians!

This is the fall of pol, with communism and atheism on the rise

Why can't niggers admit they hate their own women and willingly breed themselves out of existence here?

A few generations later and they won't be recognizable.

neither are on the rise... both are easily fought against considering both groups consist of weak individuals, and only attract weak individuals...


so alpha. so cool. i wish i was black

OP better get banned for this bullshit.

Wow this is brilliant lefty shilling/bait material. it implies anybody cares enough about the bbc meme to break this down. 10/10, literally admirable. Good job nigger.

Why would he. The mods leave interracial porn on the first page of the board for 30 minutes everyday.