Miley Cyrus starts to reject third wave feminism

Is this the start of a change in the cultural tides in the west?

Miley Cyrus has recently started to clean up her image in her newest album and social media. She's also engaged once again.

She is a huge pop culture icon, so this may start to be a good influence on her millions of teenage fans.

What do you guys think of this?

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Biological clock ticking. All thots eventually realize what they really want is to have a man take care of them and have babies.

Honestly she blew it.

She's worthless now & might as well be discarded as trash.

Notice how the lyrics to her new song are about romance and shit instead of some techno trash about partying and whoring around like in 2013.

>reject third wave feminism

is this imaginary thing you took out loans to learn about?

Yeah, the bes she can hope for now is a famous Jew or beta.


What type of loser would marry that used-up roastie anyway?

based miley should have also responded my instagram DM messages, he lost a handsome man

Yeah, her public image has really gone downhill ever since that twerking incident.

Honestly, she might go down this path successfully like Taylor Swift did (when she changed her public perception from "hoe who can't keep a boyfriend" to "America's sweetheart) or she might just be too far gone. Either way, this is for the better.

FPBP /thread

All those fuck around drug party whorelets can fuck off if they think they can net a decent self respecting guy with their past looming over them. Her life will be riddled with divorces and single mother empowerment speeches.

It's nice to see she's at least trying to be change her image. At least if I have to hear about her for whatever reasons I won't want to claw my eyes out for looking at whatever degenerate filth she is doing, it's at least somewhat respectable.
Shame about the tattoos though

Liam Hemsworth

About that.

>Biological clock ticking.

Definitely. Hopefully, her younger fans will come to realise the mistakes of her whore phase and just embrace traditional femininity.

>What do you guys think of this?

I forgive her


>be disgusting retarded whore
>try to re-brand yourself
>look like a burnt out disgusting retarded whore who just started going to church again

Please tell me normies aren't falling for this shit,. Horrible.

They got re-engaged. This article talks about the reasons Miley called it off the first time, I.e. to get dicked by other Chads

None of these third-wave feminists should be forgiven. We had to wage war to destroy feminism. These women should be exiled

>be 2020
>New Mileyfuhrer albums drops
>Titled The Jewish Question

I hope she OD's and dies. I can't stand that fucking bumpkin or her fuckface father.


damn, and miley is showing them that

Agree, but I still think it's for the better. Refer to:

Time to go back to church hun

checked for truth

>third wave feminism

No, the recent "traditional" trendyness on the part of women is just women realizing that you can only call guys virgins and neckbeards and have an entire internet culture that is evil personified against young men before they start getting angry and fighting back, so women have to pretend to be all prude and traditional but they don't want to lose the goodies feminism gave them so they say they only hate the "third wave" in the hope that beta little young dudebros see this and give the poor women a second chance.

Sup Forums is full of effeminate traditionalist and femanon sluts, so they'll sperg out at usual that I said this, but it's the truth. Women in western society are very cruel to young men and they get away with it, only recently has there been a VERY minor pushback. And if you ask me, the pushback has not nearly been hard enough.

Too late.
She's wigger trash.

All third wave feminists should be exiled from the dating pool.

They cannot be trusted with children. I'm having fun watching all of the third-wave feminists I know IRL turn back to somewhat normal women, and hoping that nobody will date them

>Party in the KKK

Does anyone have nudes?

Bitch is just doing damage control, And all the Normie's are gonna eat it up.

Normies will fall for anything.


I don't even dislike women. I like women, but they are little whores who need to be put in their place. This actually makes them happy, they just don't know it.

Roastie hitting the wall. Just as Trump promised.

I wonder if that's actually Miley Cyrus.

>A pop star embracing a new angle for generating money

You fags don't know how Capitalism and jews work.

>I've got to glue this place back together
Sure we all want, that but she's been working for the very people who are tearing it apart for the past few years. I'm suspicious about her going from Hannah Montana for four years to a twerking ho for four years, and this just being her next career. What's next in four years?

This. She's already a used up whore though no worthy man would wife her.

That's not the real Miley Cyrus and no amount of redpills will save her from being roped.

Once a whore always a whore.

that was one hell of a phase

Biological clock, the surge of the alt-right (meaning another audience to cater and market to for shekels)
and (((infiltration)))

miley is complete trash, though, she's been used and abused, her purity and appeal is gone and her degeneracy has all been caught on tape

It's one thing to be filthy rich and do this, but it's another as an average woman. of course Miley gets away with it because she's rich and has (((connections))) as a celebrity, her cuck bf even got back with her after all this, but your average woman doing this and encouraging it is ruined.

Miley doing the degenerate shit, however was all an act, she's made tens to maybe lower hundreds of millions from the nasty gig. What she's doing now is also a trend. The style of the Conservative woman will be a trend in the next year or so, mark my words. (((They))) are going to try and profit off Conservative fashion, behavior and modesty as well. You'll get hoes dressing as pure, demure women, it's going to be even worse because at least now we're able to tell who's crazy based on their appearance.

The cultural change is happening, Conservatism and Traditionalism is rising, but Miley is just a false idol propped up to sway the minds of the more vulnerable minded ones into a pseudo kind of degeneracy, and profit. It's all about the (((marketing))) and (((profits))).

And this is white men continue to be cucked. Stop forgiving whores faggot you're reinforcing the behavior

She is re-engaged to Liam Hemsworth. God knows why he would want to wife up a roastie, even though they go way back.

shes soon gonna go into an asylum adn come out as a differnet persona, maybe even bald herself

plus the real miley is dead remember

She's not fooling anybody but herself. Once a whore, always a whore.

She's counter culture and that's it, she believes in nothing.

I was really hoping for coke fueled sex tape or leaks of her sucking sucking Terry Richardsons dick during that photoshoot.

Came here to post this, FPBP

hahaha what?

Feminists become more traditional and submissive when they hit the wall (or get close to it), and if they still can't find their Prince Charming, they revert back to feminism. This is why feminists are usually either early 20s or late 30s and beyond.

..Now the word cuck gets thrown around a lot lately but this guy. Damn.
Pretty sure she let the whole crew have a piece

Hopefully he's gold-digging. Only a matter of time before they divorce.

He likes to stick it in her pooper.

>spend her youth being a fucking nigger loving disgusting sjw
>starts to turn old and busted and wants to come back
nah, fuck that cunt, they always do the same.



yes you pop culture slurping fagot

Nope, she admitted that her plan is to dial down the feminism to lull in more idiots and rubes

This woman isn't to be trusted, she can fuck off. She sold her soul

Too little too late

Her eyes have been bugging me

Idk why her eyes looks so weird, but she either seems batshit insane or she's still doing some type of drug

and by 'reject' you mean re-brand herself at the behest of her panicked jewish handlers?

It's fucking astroturf prompted by data mining what people are into you fucking retards.

Miley Cyrus is dead, user.

what comes after the 3rd wave??

I would hate to think. It will kill us all

I like hoe they photo shopped all her tattoos off her arms

okay now im really interested with the clip, anybody has it?.

or is it just fake?


Sup Forums is a feminist board in all but name.

This guy is a type A cuck.

This seems to be the general consensus. I changed my mind, she might really be too far gone to redeem herself in any way.

>inb4 normie trash
yeah ok you got me fellas

Mhmmmm baby girl

Probably damage from drugs. Even after cleaning his act up John Fruscainte continued to have the crazy bug eye look going on.

This dude sums it up. Also, shame about all the dumbass tats, those are hard to hide or ignore.

>be wild kinky piss whore
>realize biological clock is ticking and she gotta act like a desirable wholesome woman to find a mate

archetypal 21st century female life cycle on display.

At least she was an ironic tongue in cheek wild whore

what to heck!?

>shame about all the dumbass tats

You can say that again

songs about shaking you butthole don't sell.

people want substance.

They all had a piece, spat it out, and now Liam is licking the remains off the floor.

what's the circled one?

WTF I love MiCy now.

Less degenerate than most of her shit.


This. =>

Worthless whore switching sides just because she feels the change in the wind.

Remember this?

>bitch hits THE WALL™ w/o a helmet
>reinvents herself as a traditional housewife

Post the actual image you apologist faggot.

No idea, probably just a click bait thumbnail. Here is a pic up closer. Notice the dyed pits.

Is there a way she can be made an example of that you can't come back one you've gone full 3rd wave?

She is going full circle.

There was no indication that she was actually a whore. No instance of her showing any interest in degenerate culture outside of performance in her videos. Showed no personal interest in any black guys or black culture. Everything degenerate was for show and obviously shallow.
And her music isn't even obscene--most of it is actually meaningful, unlike most of the garbage that's popular right now.
Miley is a sweetie.

>I like hoe they photo shopped all her tattoos off her arms

pff.. believing the tattoos were real.

Hard to decide what was more painful to watch, Miley or LiLo collapsing. It's like seeing someone torture a puppy,

>Over the past several years, Miley Cyrus has evolved into a queer icon who pushes the boundaries of mainstream notions of gender and sexuality.

>Now, the young star is opening up about her coming out as pansexual, and the development of her own understanding of personally identifying as gender-neutral.

>not understanding performance art.
do you believe everything you see, user?

Eh, Miley is probably doing this shit to appeal to conservatives. Degeneracy is slowly declining, and her whore persona won't sell nowadays.

Is she genuine about this? I wouldn't bet my money on it.

>Miley is a sweetie.

But where did it go wrong?

>“I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that’s legal, I’m down with. Yo, I’m down with any adult — anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me. I don’t relate to being boy or girl, and I don’t have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.”

Paramore sums it up best: