I don't own student loans because I'm paying out of pocket while working full time.
I have been working since I was 14 and am 23 now, holding a job the entire time. I have worked 5 jobs, 4 being 2 years plus.
I have a credit score above 800, 0 debt, own my car, own my motorcycle, and have 10k sitting in my savings account.
Fuck off with these retarded threads
>no bitches and hoes
>car all paid off
>mad meals and laundry when home
>work piss easy job a monkey could do
>take amazing vacations with friends and family regularly
>let me fuck it all up buying a house instead of renting
>or getting some unstable stacy pregnant
The only winning move is not to play.
The only constant in my life has been me. Everyone and everything else has left me or irreversibly changed to some degree. You can be a typical Sup Forums asswipe and call me edgy, but it's just the truth of my life, my family and people I've known since childhood can vouch for me. There is no reason to stick my neck out yet again just to get cut in the throat, and if you're bothered by a guy not taking risks, then too bad, deal with it.
>marrying a white non-virgin spoiled cunt
>having money for a house
>everyone and their dog has a car
>only leftists have student debt
>implying there are any jobs to be hired so you can quit
>having money to travel
it's a curve user, I'm a millennial too who can share a lot of your story, but the majority of them are not like us.
I would never do something that stupid.
Have that, will be paid off 20 years early, thanks in part to no bitches and whores
My pick up truck begs to differ
Paid off in 1 year, wasn't very much either because trade school
Nope, but employers don't have any loyalty to their employees so I can see why employees aren't loyal either.
The only place I want to travel is off this planet already.
these are all jewish money traps, user.
>Why have millenials figured out nothing really matters and want to see as much of the space around them before they die and thus can't see or do any of the things they now have the ability to do.
I dunno man, can't possibly think of a reason why someone wouldnt want to be tied to someone by a piece of paper, instead of actually just staying together because they want to, also cant figure out why someone would delay (re)payment as long as possible, if only there was some way we could understand this strange way of thinking.
no gf
Really wish milenials would get their shit together so I could hang out with them. It sucks having to hang out with boomers.
You mean indebted wage slavery, inevitable divorce rape... & literal serfdom. In the 21st century.
Yeah nah m8, we intelligent millenials prefer to enjoy our FREEDOM.
>implies travel is a bad thing
What a dumb cunt
The global economy tanked when the average millenial was graduating high school
It STILL hasn't recovered.
Houses anywhere but bumblefuck nowhere are astronomically priced. Baby boomers who had their savings wiped out during the economic crisis refuse to retire because they lost their feeling of security, so upward mobility is difficult outside of ivy league (or just family) connections
Well said
Exactly this
>oyy veyyy goyim! Why won't you let me control you with my invisible fiscal chains no more?
Cos you're a cunt of a bloke, shlomo
1 - all sluts,sorry.
2 - mommy's basement
3 - don't need
5 - never worked
6 - never did,don't want.
No time, nigga! I got memes.
>can't trust roasties (5+ romances) to be fair in the inevitable divorce and roasties are all we see
>banks won't loan out to us
>entire life of gouvernment hatred for the car + being raised by the state instead of parents
>haven't been taught to face consequences
>haven't been taught to commit to anything other that the state
>deep down we know these things are true, so we travel to 'forget them' and to virtue signal to everyone in an attempt to have a sense of belonging for once
That's why.
We value freedom over slavery. You wouldn't understand. The slaves love their chains. By all means buy a Benz to virtue signal and take on a 20 year old mortgage while being a slave to your whore wife who I fuck in the ass every time you go be a slave to your employer whom I also fuck in the ass every time you go back to your whore wife.
commitment assumes trust. trust only happens in a healthy society
Deary me, houses are expensive, are they? Oh snowflakes, cry me a river.
Recently, a friend of mine was talking on the phone to his millennial daughter. She was enrolling in her second degree and asking her employer to cut her part-time hours down to almost nothing. This way, Centrelink would help pay the rent on her cute Melbourne apartment in a trendy inner-city suburb.
It was difficult to get the balance right; her earnings had to be precisely reduced to receive the most welfare possible. The calculations were a little hard, and woe upon woe, her maths weren’t the best. Could her dad help do the sums? He feigned an urgent matter to attend to and put the phone down, disgusted.
“I’m so embarrassed,” he groaned to me down the phone afterwards. “I didn’t work my guts out to spend $400,000 in after-tax money on one of the best private schools to end up with a daughter who is a bludger and a Centrelink scammer. She has been given the best of everything; why doesn’t she just grow up, get a proper job, buy a little house in the outer suburbs like we did and get on with life?”
because when you commit you are destined to die old, fat, ill, bald, broke, divorced, disposable, neurotic and depressed like your dad, like my dad, like everyone's dads
I took his call while covered in red mud and autumn leaves. Between my huffing and panting, I attempted sympathetic noises. It had been a heavy few hours in the garden.
For your information, autumn is the best time to relocate plants and Paulie the gardener helps me out. We had been scouring the beds, shovels in hand, digging up and replanting oak-leaf hydrangeas. As we worked, we had been scoffing at the latest trendy whinge of the moment: the so-called housing affordability crisis.
Paulie has two daughters, both in their early 20s. Recently he helped both of them with $30,000 each, on the proviso they spent it on a house. “Don’t expect anything in the will,” he said, “this is all I have and there is nothing more to give.”
Both of these girls are now homeowners, with mortgages, on properties in Dandenong, an outer suburb of Melbourne. Paulie could afford to help them because neither of the girls went to private schools or university. Both work full time in low to medium-income jobs and both are in relationships with young tradies. Both tradies have their own houses as well as investment properties. By the time all of these kids hit 30, they will be millionaires. Paulie and I both think this is great.
Great point.
Employers don't want to train. Employers complain cant find experienced workers...because they need to be trained first derp.
Train worker? When I can get a poo 1/2 wage and 2/3 productivity
Train worker? nah I'll just poach like everyone else
Stop asking! No means No!
On the other hand, my friend’s daughter at age 30 probably will be still working part time and chewing her nails over whether to do a PhD. She still won’t own a house, let alone have a deposit. Her father can’t afford to help; he blew his dough on her stellar education, thinking this would lead to a solid work ethic, a good job and a great income. What a fool. In hindsight, he sees this as a hideous mistake. The $400k could have been used to buy a house.
A Chinese proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” It is almost never too late to start on the housing ladder and it is possible for almost anyone to buy a property, right now.
Want to live in the inner city of Melbourne? There is a studio apartment opposite Flinders Street Station on the market for $169,000. Want a house? Try leafy upper Ferntree Gully, 32km east of the city, on a train line, where modest houses on big blocks can be purchased for under $600,000.
Perhaps you are in Sydney and truly, literally, cannot afford to buy a single thing, not even a one-bedroom dogbox out in Woop Woop. So sad, but too bad. Don’t ask the government to help and don’t agitate for measures that will punish everyone who doesn’t live in Sydney or who does but isn’t as unfortunate as you.
This affordability crisis is the construct of activist groups who have created a social campaign to assist federal Labor. This campaign is being given oxygen by a Sydney-centric media. Now we have commentators calling for national tax arrangements on investments, in place for a century, to be changed — all because precious types are bleating about the price of luxury housing in premium suburbs.
A “crackdown on negative gearing” will make it only harder for ordinary people to create their own wealth.
Another friend of mine is a property investor. Not that long ago, Marlene became pregnant while not in a relationship and kept the baby by moving back in with her mother.
She saved a deposit and purchased her first property, in a semirural location, to rent out while her only source of income was the single mother’s pension. When people talk of greedy investors and negative-gearing rorters, I think of Marlene. Marlene bought her house via sheer grit and determination; also, she left her pride at the door, where it belongs.
Dear little snowflakes, KPMG recently revealed that the poorest 20 per cent of households have enjoyed growth in “investment income” of 8.5 per cent a year across the past decade. Since 2006, the number of low-income households with a second mortgage has doubled.
So, if houses are so unaffordable there is an affordability crisis, why is it that the working poor and people on welfare can afford to buy them? Here’s a tip: if you want advice on how to afford a house, look to the class of people who serve you daily as you go about your privileged existence.
Next time you summon a car to take you home from your favourite new restaurant, ask the person driving. Ask the person painting your nails, the bank teller who serves you, the person who cuts your hair or the person who mows your parent’s lawn. Many of these people will own a house and some will own several.
You broke everything
>let me fuck it all up buying a house instead of renting
Rental payments are same as mortgage payments except you're your own landlord and actually have something to show for it at the end. If you can afford a house, but are still renting, you're either lying or retarded.
>i'm not a slave
You're a fucking fool. Every single one of us has had our rights gradually sold down the river since the 1930's. You think you're free because you get to run around in the yard while the others are stuck in general pop but a prison of any size is still a fucking prison.
this. it's still fucking america. poverty has been more normalized though.
This guy is clearly a deluded weirdo virgin; Let him weirdo virgin in peace.
I was too young to get married
Car all paid off
I don't need loan
No time to work, I was at college all day. (Sometimes I make money fixing electronics)
I don't live in my parents basement
Property owner
Nothing wrong with traveling.
A big problem that is not talked about is choice.
There are so many choices for the 100+ IQ white person. The opportunity cost of locking oneself down with a commitment when something else may come along is too great.
House, spouse, Children.
The loss of utility from committing is greater than gain in utility from committing,
I'm a millenial in the process of closing on a little house, same job 9 years, never missed a payment, hates traveling considers it waste of money(traveled every weekend as child).
Nope, I get to run all over the world largely doing whatever the fuck I want because I put in the effort to create a network of clients for whom I can work from anywhere.
All you cucks masturbating to the 1930s and 1950s have no idea that this is by far the best time in history to be alive and you can get the most of anything with the least effort, be it women, money, drugs, real estate, whatever your heart desires. Yeah I'm sure people had a better footing back when sending 70 million people to die in the most brutal killing fields of all time was no big deal for the elites.
Why on earth would anybody gamble half their assets and imcome on the whims of another person?
>Enslaving yourself to (((Bankers)))
Only cityfags dont have cars
Why pay for something before you have to?
What exactly is wrong with this?
Not many want to get married if they're not financially stable. Women like to think they're good looking and valuable enough that they can marry a guy that is financially stable, while men may not want to have the burden of the financial responsibility put all on them. Meaning they'd want to marry a woman that also can add a nice amount of income to their home or at least provide value in other ways (raising kids, cooking, or whatever), which many women don't feel should be all on them.
Creates conflict.
Money problems.
Money problems.
Money problems.
Seeking greener pastures due to believing lies about what kind of jobs are available to others.
A lot of people want to be able to travel and it's one of those things you want to do while you're young enough to enjoy it. It's also relatively cheap to travel and live a bit like a bum in different places while partying at some bars/clubs.
These all seem like money issues.
As well as a problem of perception when it comes to what kind of jobs could pay well. Everyone is chasing the same sort of jobs.
It sounds nice to be a programmer making six figures, but most of the people doing that were able to get in the ground floor at some business a decade or two ago. Now pajeets are brought in as programmers even if they're mildly retarded, which has brought down the value of entry level positions to where you may as well be delivering pizza.
Similar story with most jobs people are seeking. They see some goal that they want to work towards, yet don't realize that no amount of effort will ever help them achieve that dream.
>there's never been a better time for meaningless hedonism!
I want to find a good company to work for in a field that's fulfilling or at the very least not completely soul crushing and work at said company for 30 years and then retire to a nice pension. That is a goddamn fantasy today. It will never happen. I've been working at my current company for 8 years, but if I want to start making respectable money I'm going to have to jump ship pretty soon. It's all about incentives, and there are currently almost no incentives to be loyal to anyone or anything in this world.
Poverty when you're used to not being poor.
Oldschool poor people save all their money, foolishly thinking they won't be poor some day. Millienials have no such hope.
Man, I've been married going on 12 years....and I want to shoot myself in the face every fucking day I wake up, and the only thing that keeps me from doing it is my kid.
What's really sad is that I knew it was a mistake to marry her, and I didn't see the facade come down till T-minus a few weeks before the wedding....after waiting seven years to make sure she was one.
I don't give a fuck how well you think you know a bitch, cause you don't know shit.
Seven fucking years, and I thought I knew her well enough to make an informed decision on if I should marry her....and I still got fooled.
You know when I knew I was in trouble?
When I realized I hadn't had my dick sucked in months since we got married, and when I asked her what a guy has to do to get some head, her reply was, with the smuggest cunt attitude she could muster:
> I don't do that anymore
Yea...If I had only listened to my dad when I told him I was going to marry her:
> Son, don't do it
Heed those words kekistanians....I wish I had.
Everything was great till the moment we got married, and it all went downhill from there.
Just lots of irresponsible people from all generations.
There was a story that came out not long ago saying that roughly 50% of adult Canadians were within ~$200 of not being able to pay their monthly bills.
Crazy to me when I'm 33, have about $75,000 saved (in mutual funds, and savings account) as well as a small home almost paid off and a ~3 year old car completely paid off, and no other debt.
I dunno, I don't even feel I'm particularly hard working or successful, just "average" doing my thing, working, fulfilling my social adult obligations. Blows my mind that so many people are on the cusp of being broke ass niggers all over the world.