Name ONE (1) success Drumpf has had since taking office

Name ONE (1) success Drumpf has had since taking office

Protip: [spoiler]you can't[/spoiler]

He fired comey


Caused le pen to lose



>firing Comey
Theres two

Check and mate.

How many layers of bait is using spoiler tags on this board?

only real bonus here

made libs cry


Pissing you off

Supreme Court confirmation.

>Illegal Immigration decreased dramatically
>unemployment to lowest level since 2007

why doesn't /leftypol ever respond to these posts?

he endlessly triggers the lefties.
its literally the only reason he was elected.

He's destroyed almost every part of Obama's legacy in less than half a year.

Not quite. Obamacare is the last of it.

he past an executive order approving the Key Stone Pipeline, he fired Comey, He signed an executive order requiring two regulations to be undone for every one regulation passed, he launched the largest non-nuclear weapon at ISIS, and he put Neal Gorsich as the supreme court nominee.

>there's 5 for ya

>Fired Comey
>Opted out of TPP
>Keeping NK in check
>ICE is improving and Illegal Border Crossing is down
>Backing the Syrian Kurds while giving Erdogan the finger
>Making the Left and MSM lose their shit and look more and more dumb each passing day.

Just to name a few. I am a fucking Leaf and even I can see his positives. Keep sucking on Trudope's dick in /leftypol/, cuck.

>pol is breaking apart on Trump
aside from not understanding proper english, does anyone else realize how fucking retarded this sounds?
In his own message board, where people are discussing going on pol to shill, he's using their own shilling as an example that their tactics are working

Two scoops of ice cream

Every single tear the libs have shed because he is president is a success. That's a lot of success famalam


bait is bait

Obamacare is all that is left. The AHCA is just Obamacare minus the taxing.

Either go with Rand Paul's idea or sack the whole concept.


Leaked Intel to the Russian

>not quite

>Pigs are Intelligent, Emotional, and Cognitively Complex

Stupid thread but OP's pic actually made me laugh. I'm a big Trump fan but I can admit it's pretty funny and well shopped. Even the mouth is proportionately in the correct place.