What is money?

I know this is a strange question, but what exactly is money? Like, where does it get its value from? It seems strange that when we think of most of the world's "wealth", it's just pieces of paper or, more now, numbers on computers. Would it be possible to establish a nation without actual currency and to just use things of actual worth (food, materials, minerals, energy, etc?)

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The Federal Reserve can print as much as they need.
The US surrendered to the Jew in 1913.

t.Middle East


It IS worthless. ALL currency is worthless, including gold, diamonds, etc. It only has value because we assign value to it. Nature doesn't assign value to any element or compound above another. It might be more rare, but that doesn't make it valuable. Monkeys don't give a fuck about diamonds. Fiat currency is just a means of control.

No inherent value except what we, as humans, place in it. I've heard it described as potential energy, but that's a more esoteric definition.

If you are young, avoid debt as much as possible.

Read economics. Money is an instrument, like a water flow that transports goods from one place to the other. You can have what you said, but it would be extremely complicated to manage and could only work on a tribal level.

>where does it get its value from?

An iou from the government as a token of your contribution to the free market in relation to the countries contribution as a whole.

It gets its value from the fact that 99.9% of people around the world will accept it as currency and exchange goods for it.

My economics teacher told us that money is a unit of energy that stores value. This isn't even true. I asked him to define value and he said pretty clothes, vacation home, anything that matters to you. I told him that nothing really matters to me; he replied that nothing really matters (this is the entire point). I agreed.

Some things, like gold, have enough unique and useful physical properties and are resistant enough to corrosion that they will arguably never lose their value short of a nuclear holocaust.

This. Your labor in the US has worth when brought to and exchanged for local currency in other nations.
In contrast, work in Zimbabwe isn't worth a single shit.


If nothing matters to you then money has no value to you and thus the system still works.


It's easier to agree a piece of gold is worth something than to cart around a fuckload of shit and barter for everything.

Means of exchange and store of wealth.

Your teacher was correct and you're a contrarian faggot. Value is derived by wants/needs. No matter what, you need something. Even if it's just food, so your need creates value. Wealth is a function of the value we place on things. Whether you like it or not, we all need things simply in order to live.

Money is a representation of the value of your work * the amount of time you work.

God gives you time, you sell your time to an employer.

Money is time and labour condensed into paper.

Correction. I think that * should be a &.

Money is created via bank lending, through the Federal Reserve System. In other words, private non-gonverment entities have free reign to print money. The U.S. Treasury borrows from the Fed the vast majority of its spending money, and the Fed then sells the debt to private entities.

TL'DR U.S. Government and citizens are forever in debt to private banks. The U.S. government has been totally broke for a long long time.

Because money is easy to trade. So instead me giving you milk for your eggs, I just bring a piece of paper instead.

Our money is part of the Matrix.

>Jews take over American currency
>Jews given all the real shekels
>Jews print paper vouchers for the people
>Promise them it has value
>It actually has less than no value
>The People forever in debt to themselves
>Give Israel trillions of $$$
>Convert it to precious metals and crypto-currency
>Literally enslaving the American People without them even knowing
>hand rubbing commences!

pic kinda related

“Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 - Mike Maloney”


OP think of it like the Universe. Sure, people know the federal reserve creates money, but where does it really come from? Is it a unit of energy, is it a unit of space? Does it cross time, does it communicate in different languages? These are all questions that world's leading experts are trying to answer at this very minute.


Money is an accumulation of energy or life force in quantitative form.



True, but there has to be value placed in something in order for society to be cohesive.
The Gold Standard is a good idea in theory, but naturally it went to shit.

>but what exactly is money?
It is a placeholder to basically show that you have done work in trade for goods or services.

why don't you give me all your money if it's worthless?

>mfw taloned to death by huge fucking bird

you've just described what i think is true communism. its literally just a meme

Get ready, nigger. You asked for it.

Greenbacks, the trade-currency of the world, is actually an esoteric tool used to steal time from the future in order to create time in the present through debt. Before we go any further, you must understand: greenbacks are not designed to be a system that lasts forever. It is more like a spell that is supposed to short-circuit reality; see the Keynes quote about everyone dying, except instead of dying a tiny number of people achieve immortality. Man 1 God 0. Greenbacks only need to be plausible for the amount of time it will take to achieve transhuman synthesis. After that, nothing matters anymore.

So, how have they been doing this, you might ask? It starts in the 90s with our generous friend Alan Greenspan and his "money genius" ways which amounted to clogging cracks in the facade wherever they appeared with big handfuls of freshly printed money. This had the effect of financing the tech bubble which burst in 1999 and set the stage for the next great disaster: 9/11/2001. After 9/11, the coffers were eternally open for stimuli of all sorts. We had to keep America shopping or else the terrorists win and whatnot. The hidden secret is this: while all that money was entering into the economy, vast amounts were being diverted both publicly in the form of student loans and privately in the form of R&D to facilitate vast amounts of technological advancement. Everything else was a cover for this, and continues to be.

We all know what happened in 2008, and we have all been living the new normal now for a while, but do not lose sight of the fact that it is all built on a trick. Who will pay back all we borrow? WE WILL. It has been the plan all along. It is an esoteric transaction. If it completes, it will cost countless lives. This is the price of borrowing against the future. It means some tiny few get shining forever bodies, and the rest of us are rendered so much rust-colored mud.

It used to be a measure of purchasing power. Like if a sheep is worth 10 dollars and i have 5 dollars i can redeem half a sheep's worth of stuff anytime from someone who participates in this system. But of course theres not always sheep available. So it became backed in gold so instead of sheep u can redeem gold from the govt any fucking time u want. Then they delinked the gold standard do now money is worth nothing.

>but what exactly is money?
there are a lot of opinions but I like this
>pic related

Hah the ol' greenback economist theory approach. I've heard of that. One of the first things you learn in Finance is that you only make an investment based on the present value of future cash flows. The idea you can know the present value of any sum of cash flows makes no sense because nobody can even predict inflation or rising interest rates.

Jewish fraud on paper.

Money is a legal guarantee
Without somebody there to enforce the value of money, and without people believing in that legal guarantee, money is only worth the materials it's made of, which is fuck all.

Ask Gadaffi or that dude Saddam Hussain

Money basically represents time and labor. Whether it's gold or fiat currency, money represents the trading of time and labor for goods and services. The problem with fiat currency is that there is basically a finite amount of wealth in the world. Every time a government prints more money, it devalues the currency. Economists call this "inflation" when in reality it's planned devaluation. As long as there's inflation, any money you have loses its value over time so to keep even you have to invest and put your money in the bank.

This ones pretty good


It used to be a guarantee. Every dollar can redeem its value in gold from the government and there is enough if everyone does that. Now that they delinked the gold standard its literally worth nothing except what you think its worth

this It's essentially a number to represent how much of the products of society you are entitled to.
If you want a better explanation this is pretty good for a short answer investopedia.com/terms/m/money.asp

The value of money comes from the global acceptance that it does indeed have value. Hypothetically, if virtually everyone in the world decided that money had no value, it would be true.


Money is literally good boy points

A measure of power


Amazing how they don't black bag you guys for exposing the truth.

nice try but you can't beat the bogpill

A barter system wouldnt last very long. Eventually people will get tired of having to always trade food for an phone charge or whatever. Someones gonna be like "I've got an idea. How about we trade for some intermediary object which can in turn be exchanged for almost everything else? Now we dont have to act like cavemen anymore."

Then we have money again.

That's why its a legal guarantee enforced by military force and the economy of the nation.
Gold in itself also isn't worth anything.

This guy is closes. Paper money used to get its value from being backed by gold or the like. Now its value comes from the issuing governments ability to guarantee you can use that shit to get other shit you might want

A barter system would work if you had a leader that ruled his nation with an iron fist. I guarantee you that Hitler could have easily brought the Germany economy to life by replacing his failing currency with a barter system. Barter amounts are the same forever (exchange milk for a bag of cereal will last through type and space), money amounts change over time. With a strong leader you could easily be shielded from a crashing dollar even in a Great Depression hyper stink economy so long as you have someone that calls the shots.

it gets its value from our inherent greed as humans. we can't trust each other to fulfill an equal trade, so we make up the idea of "money" in order to trade labor to each other.


Wew lad

It all comes from ancient Babylon. Iraq. Semitic territory.
It's funny that all these edgy larpers always scream about the "joos" and yet still they advocate the original kikery magic of society.

You're all dumb faggots.

Barter is inherently inefficient.
At the end you would just get private money popping up since people wouldn't want to spend hours per day in the market.


Doesn't change the fact that it would be a major pain in the ass and people would start using some form of standardised currency. Be it metals coins or whatever. And at some point in time people will start trading in IOU's because carrying around a lot of coins is a pain in the ass. And then we are back to money.

No, not at all. You'll essentially be trading one currency for a hundred. Every tradable object will become akin to different denomination of currency.

Besides, the values would change depending on demand. If more people want milk one day than usual, then the "price" of milk will go up. And if nobodys feeling cereal at the moment then you cant buy shit with millions of gallons of milk.

Greater transaction costs would cripple the nation and the economy. And all it takes is one guy to say "lets have an intermediary, it'll make literally everything easier" and the system is ruined. Also a strong ruler wont be able to pay for loyalty in butter and straw. The guy who proposes money will easily usurp him.

The Money Masters is the most important red pill documentary of all time.

Also watch Money as Debt when you're done:

The problem with a barter systen is, when someone expects ITEM_A for ITEM_B and you only have ITEM_C that nobody seems to want or trades less than what you feel its worth.

Using your example, I want milk, you have it and expect cereal, I don't have cereal and can't get it because the guy who has cereal wants a blow job and I'm not giving it to him. Get it.

Money is a promise you can hold in your hands
Lent Money lets you take a chance
to make your stand
Money isn't evil or good, it's just a tool
But a nieve lust for money can make you a fool.

On every dollar bill you'll see this sentence written :
"This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private"

Money gets its value from debt and is created throw debt. Everytime you go to the bank and ask for a loan, the bank doesn't land you money, the bank creates new money. So the more debts there are, the more money will be in circulation. That's basic economic but it's taught nowhere because the system is way too outrageous to be talked about.
Don't believe me ? Do your own research and you'll see how we got srewed from the start

>Monkeys don't give a fuck about diamonds.
you can't eat them or breathe them

oxygen has more value than gold if you don't have any

money is supposed to represent labor

Here's a report from the central bank of england on it.

damn, i wanted to post this
tl;dr: money=debt

Money is essentially a mass IOU, created by the government for the use of its people. Imagine what life would be like if it didn't exist; you spend a day being a wagecuck and then what?

Does your employer pay you in whatever goods (say for example, bread) the business produces? Well what if you need shoes? You'll have to go trade bread for shoes, but what if the shoemaker wants eggs? Then you need to go to the chicken farmer to trade bread for eggs for shoes. And what if they want something else too? It's endless, it's inefficient, it's a waste of everyone's time. Money speeds up the pace of transactions immensely. This is important; without money, you'd have to barter for what you need which is slow and inefficient.

The only value that money has is as the collective means by which a nation speeds up the pace of economic exchange between its populace. In other words, the whole point of money is to make buying and selling things easier because there's always one single thing that everyone always wants.

The place where it starts getting complicated is with banking, loans, and investment. It used to be that rare, durable, and difficult to fake items were used as currency, gold and silver being the most recognizable ones (though others like salt, jade, and ivory did exist). Banking started when people realized that walking around everywhere with a pocket full of gold coins was a fucking stupid idea because they're easy to steal and people are more than willing to feed you your guts for more physically tangible money. Bankers would keep your gold for you in exchange for a small fee, and they'd hand you a note that said you could return at any time to get your gold back. Eventually people started trading the notes instead of the coins themselves, and then you have your first representational currency. Eventually governments would take over the role of printing notes.

With all the gold in town just sitting in their vaults, Bankers had to do something if they wanted to stay in business, so they decided to try and lend out the gold that nobody was using to people who needed it. In exchange for paying back more than they borrowed, people could get the funds they needed to start their own businesses, consolidate their debts, or just be dumbfucks and buy things they wouldn't necessarily be able to afford otherwise. Crucially, when the bankers lent out money, they did so by just writing new notes, not by physically giving out gold. Thus was born fractional reserve banking.

Remember what I said before about money basically being lube for the massive economic orgy that is human life? Fractional reserve banking is basically the dilution of that lube. A little bit here and there can make life a little easier for everyone involved, but too much and all of a sudden your lube (banknotes) is useless and people want to go back to straight up pussy juice (gold). After a few repeats of this cycle, every government with more than two brain cells forced all commercial banks to maintain a certain ratio of cash on hand to the amount of money they lend out, thus preventing the money from becoming useless when everyone realizes there's too much of it going around, and still maintaining people's ability to get loans and start businesses.

But now there's another problem. While all this shit was going on, the rest of the world was advancing as well. All of a sudden there are a thousand times the number of people buying and selling the same crap as always, but there isn't enough gold backed currency to go around even if every single bank lends out the maximum amount of money they're allowed to. So what now? Option A is to go to war (both economic and military) with other countries and drain them of their gold so that your economy can stay nice and smooth, which is what the major european powers did for a while after the renaissance. When even that turned out to be too little considering the sheer number of people around, they went with Option B: just printing more money, but very very slowly.

So now we have government backed inflation; imagine dividing a line into 10ths, with each 10th being equivalent to a loaf of bread. After a few decades of inflation, you're dividing the line into 20ths, but each loaf of bread is still worth about the same as before; 1/10th of the line. This doesn't mean anything on the scale of a single person, but for a country as a whole, it's the equivalent of busting out more bottles of lube. Now more people can get in on the money orgy without anyone who was already there having to give up anything. There's more coming after this, like how eventually the US just gave up on the gold standard entirely, and how things like taxes and government spending end up changing how high the inflation rate is from year to year, but that's not what you asked and I can't be bothered to type anything more.

tl;dr - fuck you faggot, tldr is the entire reason why the country is going to shit. Get your lard ass away from the computer and drown yourself, you worthless mockery of real human life.

>nation without actual currency and to just use things of actual wort

That's called a barter economy and it's very inefficient.

Below is the biggest redpill you will ever take. The petrodollar system and the resulting USD hegemony enslaves the world.

Money = Claim to labor = Claim to life energy

1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV)

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.




I thought 666th avenue was a fine edition

Economists define money as any object or record that serves four functions:

1. medium of exchange
2. store of value
3. unit of account
4. standard of deferred payment

As such, money has many useful properties, such as durability, liquidity, and fungibility.

At its core, money is data

the fact that so many people think of money as just paper is the fucking essence of the kike brainwashing of this country. You people are fucking zombie retards.

a controlled and consistent (at least in form) symbol of the value we as a society place upon a resource. Ex. Corn is not as expensive as a fridge because it's easier to grow corn than it is to gather the materials, knowledge, and time to build a fridge.

Time is money.