How do we go back to becoming a World Superpower?
How do we go back to becoming a World Superpower?
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Can't really invade new countries because of NATO and nukes.
Pretty much stuck to this one small island.
Could we ever create a new 'empire' by countries consenting to give us their sovereignty?
move to America
If you can convince our Government to join the Commonwealth, we'll hand over military gibs
Real political union with the old Dominions. The rest of the Commonwealth is trash tier wastes of space.
Unfortunately, this will never be. Englishmen have turned their backs on kith and kin, and our leaders will never sacrifice their own amassed.
Amassed power*
Best answer
Sorry, bud, your time in the limelight is over. Best you can do now is preserve your culture as much as possible before Londonistan becomes the norm for the whole country.
how about we just melt a few ice caps so you faggy brits sink into the ocean?
> Could we ever create a new 'empire' by countries consenting to give us their sovereignty?
Welcome to the EU.
two word ideology: Classical Liberalism
look up the impact it's had on the UK
i dont know maybe the first step its reconquer uk and kick all the multiculturaids.
Spain knows whats up. You guys need a brit reconquista.
Destroy all African Warlords & their camps.
Campaign yourself to Africans as heroes.
Claim all the shitty land, rebuilding proper infrastructure, education & the like for the dumb Sahara niggers. Keep snowballing your campaign into the middle east.
It's a win-win for everyone.
ISIS won't even expect this super dooper secret move.
CANZUK NOW!!!!!!!!
Remove kebab.
You don't. Muslim countries do not become superpowers.
Restore the monarchy to complete political power.
not possible, england is fucked enjoy the last stages of the fall of Britain. From Northern Ireland, the last white country in Western europe :)
Get rid of the US
Russia just got a tad bigger; it should be easy to do what they did by sending "little green men" into some politically unstable country
please take the world over again England, every country you once had was so much happier back in the day. Gandhi didn't know what he was talking about.
Allowing for the EU to fuck us for my entire adulthood hasnt helped.
>thinking the EU is the reason for your problems
Fuck you're dumb aren't you Ahmet
I truly wish the US, Canada, Australia and all other white anglosphere countries would unite, remove kebab, and establish a new English empire.
>this idiot thinks any anglo country is white
You're an idiot. And anglos are baboons.
Under the rule of Great Britain obv
>Be leaf
>call people dumb
Choose one.
How about the fact that we propped up their monopoly money with our proper money. The cunts fucked the pound. It's almost as shit as the dollar now. We're almost as poor as Americans. What the fuck, man.
You have to go back
just give it a few years m8
Nah, I think I'll stay right here. You anglo baboon faggots are paying for my welfare, as well as the welfare of my 6 kids, after all. Why would I leave :^)
Now US would have to be head of our Anglo empire...
but it's ok, great Britannia will still dominate the world
>Anglo Union
>any country dominating it
No, it must be devolved.
How did you do it before?
Get on a boat, sail the seas, raise your flag wherever you land and shoot everyone darker than you.
Like this
t. zhang
Honestly you have to go up against China in Africa
Only problem is their people don't care about human rights abuses
this picture is disturbing delete it
its just wrong, im not triggered but europeans got much more sexappeal than muricans will ever have.
Nope. My name is Muhammad. And you dumb Anglo baboon subhumans are paying for my welfare. Thanks guys :^)
Economic envy for step 1.
And you'd better do that before you have to explain away your decrepit royal family.
take back South Africa.
but Trump would be our emperor
so decrepit lmao
Grow stronger ties with The Commonwealth and become their puppetmaster. Also you should totally let us in because we love you.
Not a picture I'd hang on my wall, don't know about you.
you probably wont have any room with pic related having a permanent spot on your wall :^)
Deport all muzzies
>wanting to preserve the ashes instead of the flame
Are you having a laugh?
user, Britain is dead and cucked. London has a Muslim mayor. Brexit was the last backlash the remaining decent Brits will have.
Petition Congress to become the 51st state
Quite right. The only time I see the awful "royal" family is when I'm waiting to get processed through the grocery isle.
You know what else I see? Niggers, fat women, shouting twats, and more tabloids about how to make your woman have the best ORGASM! right at eye-level of the children. It's disgusting.
What you never see is anything to do with the Jews. Only marriage gone wrong and how to make shekels over dumb goyim problems.
Convince Democrats and Republicans to abandon the Declaration of Independence, that'd do it. But every good, god-fearing, gun-loving 'murican wouldn't let you.
fuck off pajeet
unless you are from hong kong GET THE HELL OUT
What do you have against the Declaration? Please cite it, since I keep one of my copies at arm's length.
They're ultimately going to get cucked all right, but how does a bangladeshi fag want muzzies/katuas to be deported? You hindu by any chance?
Want a way of doing it whilst not destroying the US. I like the country.
Fucking Kek @ that pic
I don't have anything against the declaration. It's one of the best documents in history and our country is by far better for leaving. But its a fact that its unanimous abolition is the quickest and surest way the Britain would regain its empire.
>the Britain
*The British, fuck me.
yah, you pretty much nailed it.
that's exactly what i see when i go get groceries. the niggers are more of a new thing where i am though. they are slowly invading.
Fuck off nigger
Reminder that marxism and postmodernism are continental faggotry
You lost that status because you just had to destroy Germany and when they rebuilt them selves and told you to fuck off you just had to finish the job, you won but it cost you everything
I would suggest that the migration of niggers should be a sign for you of the population displacement objectives of the Jews.
The kike cunts are currently destroying my town as an an example of how best to Jew the goyim for shekels in the name of total and utter destruction. The one thing I like about living here is that I'll be able to tell you what it's like when they flush the toilet lever of filth in to your town.
It would not necessarily destroy the country if the demand for reunification was great across both countries. Though it is incredibly unlikely since that would mean Britain reforming their government by an extreme amount to appeal to the American populace. If there was a system were the American people could have equal representation and hold onto the entirety of our constitution I believe that something could be arranged, as unlikely as it is.
You poo in loo by any chance? Or is it street for you?
Fucking Quebecer cunt, you all look like inbred mutants
Become the 51st state of America you soft sack of vegimite
The West was built on the concept of the balance of powers. Besides, if they bin knives then we want nothing to do with this line of thought influencing our politics.
Refer to
Leverage the love of normie Americans of the royals and general unpopularity of Trump to convince them to adopt dominion style government. Then just merge with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to create an Anglo Empire
Only by going back in time. The future looks grim for you, my british friends.
Kick all cucks from the parliament like Scottish Party. Stop giving up about your annexed territories (independence), like northern Ireland and Scotland. Kill Sturgeon and annex Ireland.
oh boy! i can hardly wait.
keep me posted
A Jew professor from Tel Aviv recently wandered in to my office. I know how awfully terrible the local Jews were about trying to maintain social interactions.
I've never seen something so autistic. I don't even know what he wanted to do other than to sneak off.
CANZUK union
Iceland is whiter than NI though
Honestly, the world would be better off if you lot dusted off the old red coats and did some colonizing again.
Brexit was a start. You had your throats under Germany's goose-stepping boot for too long.
>TFW we get to tag team Germany together one last time :'-)
It made me stop and think about my childhood. I grew up in one of the Jew-infested parts of the US.
It was strange. I didn't even understand why they were like the way they were. I thought they were just other kinds of people.
Theres no point puppeting the commonwealth; we r a cultural union and play commonwealth games; no trading or geopolitical strategy involved
give it another 2000 years or so, assuming you survive the islamic horde.
You insulted Muslims earlier, dickhead. How could you be Muslim? You live in fucking Canada, which is like the Ned Flanders of countries.
Wealth & Force Projection.
LOL. Good luck!
>Most powerful nation in the world
>dethroned by a breakaway nation from its empire
how do non anglos even compete?
>Brexit was a start. You had your throats under Germany's goose-stepping boot for too long.
And now they can focus all of their energy to lick the other boot (USA) that sends them to Iraq but leaves them alone when the Argies invade the Falklands.
How is the United Kingdom's military power, anyhow?
>Theres no point puppeting the commonwealth; we r a cultural union and play commonwealth games; no trading or geopolitical strategy involved
Sir, India is at Britains's command.
Our first immigrant chancellor was from Austria. Checkmate!
All Germany has to do is to shed light on the Jewish banking schemes crushing it since WW1.
But Germany doesn't do that. It just hires Stasi Merkel again.
We did not leave them alone. We let them use troop carriers to ferry their troops, and offered to let them use an aircraft carrier, which they declined. Learn your history, kraut.
Plus it's not like Argentina is exactly a challenge to overcome. If you gave the Wiggles a handful of AR-15's they probably could've taken the Falklands.
Less nukes, less numbers, more technological superiority compared to yours.
By willy-posting
God Save The Queen
And for the love of all that is holy, dont let your governments let the Krauts rearm themselves. We will be in a world of shit (all of us).
Those headlamps are fucking qt
A eugenics program breeding super eternal Anglos.
>Technologically superior
That's a good one.
By the way, how are Angola and Mozambique doing?