Time for Republicans to put their money where their mouths are.
Time for Republicans to put their money where their mouths are
Your fake news was already BTFO shill
No it wasn't, honey. It's been confirmed by multiple news outlets.
>news outlets.
all in due time, my dear
A turd calling another turd a turd. Much logic.
I voted for Trump because he said he would work with Russia, I'm more upset Putin hasn't been invited to Mar-a-Lago yet
>misunderstanding the difference between hacking the machines and hacking documents to release to influence an election.
Oh sorry, I guess this was your news source.
If you actually looked at Russia's economy and relative lack of military prowess, you would realize how bullshit the Russian narrative is.
>McMaster described the Post's story as "false."
you fell for more fake news op
What's wrong with Bannon?
This 'anonymous' guy sure gets around
>hacking is a very inexpensive form of warfare
>"a company at a physical and financial disadvantage would never hack!"
we are always getting lied to
>we must invade iraq to keep america safe
>russia is blah blah blah
McMaster is a puppet.
so you mad bro because someone told the world what Clinton was up to? I just hope you don't stroke out when he fires shit bags like comey and live to see the full 8yrs
>people who were verified to be there have all released statements saying that no classified information was saved, let alone classified military activity
>"nah, i'll trust the nameless source on this one. fuck drumpf."
OP is a faggot
If you were seriously concerned with hacking, then you'd be pointing fingers at China.
Exactly. Anudda Cold War guise, Russia is out to get us.
terrible shitposting
spokoynoy nochi
>DNC emails
I'm afraid that as much as you would like it, the DNC is not a part of the US government and their emails are not classified.
we're all pawns here
They are all just saying "WASHPO SAID SO", are you retarded?
He is the head of the military. If the head of the military doesn't have full intelligence authority then what is the point
The president also has the authority to discuss classified information with foreign diplomats
Let's look at the Cuban missile crisis. The whole thing was sparked by the US placing missiles in turkey that could hit Moscow. This left the Russians at a disadvantage because we could wipe them out before they could respond and hit us. So in response they placed missiles in Cuba. The whole thing was deescalated by an agreement that we move our missiles out of turkey and they move theirs out of Cuba. The US public didn't know this though and many still don't. Those missiles and their capabilities were classified. Still, in order to even have the discussion JFK would've had to have discussed highly classified material with Nikita Kruschev
It is normal for a president to do this. Almost every single one has done it. They have to do it many times when talking with other countries.
The NYT and WaPo are being deliberately dishonest here when they write a story like this and the only reason they're doing it is to imply that trump is using his position to give the Russians US secrets. That isn't true but they can sure imply it. This is done to mislead their readers and cause faux outrage in people who are ignorant of the thing they're pissed off about to begin with
Let's not even get into the fact that they're writing the article based on "anonymous White House source" which means "my ass" to them.
The details of the presidents private conversations with other state representatives are classified though so if this was a private meeting and someone leaked that to wapo then THAT would be illegally leaking classified information.
Multiple fake sources, cutie pie
> hacking documents
Phishing a password of "password123" is now "hacking"
McMaster was one of the few that the dems were saying is a great choice because of his integrity.
Nice try though .
just for funsies, let's just say it's true. let's just say PRESIDENT trump shared whatever info with whatever foreign diplomat.
did you see how i capitalized PRESIDENT? that's because PRESIDENT trump can DECLASSIFY information whenever he wants, so long as he deems it in the best interest of the country.
in summation: even if he "did it" (he didn't), then it's 100% legal since he, the literal POTUS, decided it could be declassified.
time for you to fuck off back to your tumblr safe space you ignorant retard.
I used to hate trump. Now I feel sorry for him.
Yeah, Unnamed Source is truly the greatest investigative journalist of our time.
Hello sageblue, update your topics.
far better than worthless cucks who don't take their job seriously
reporters are not like movies and television portray them
Also, it hasn't been confirmed because those "sources" are compromised.
Nice try though, you really don't realize where you are... People won't believe your bullshit here faggot
OP is getting so fucking wrecked I think it's gonna /an hero soon. Probably too dumb to understand how dumb it is though.
Adios shill post
Trump "SHARED" classified info with an ally (Russia) in the fight against ISIS.
Hillary violated the law by having a private server and had classified info STOLEN by a foreign government(s).
Listen, sweet tits, the President can classify and declassify what he wants. Clinton wasn't President or in any position to give classified info.
Donny proves the main stream media is fake, yet again.