Prove to me that god exists and that Christianity is the truth.
Prove to me that god exists and that Christianity is the truth
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Prove it isn't
there you go sage
You claim there is a higher power therefore the burden of proof is on you
t.christian fag
I truly believe that Christianity is the best religion in the world and that it's principles are perfect and co-exist well with western values. I intend to raise my children with christian values.
However I cannot get past believing in the man in the clouds. I just can't.
>You either love your fellow human beings; or you look at them as food.
great read thank you
> my wife sandnigger hippie kike son religion is the truth
Fucked jesus in the ass yesterday
>nonreligious people are ok with cannibalism
love it. give me more of that logic
Only thing I can prove is how meaningless your life is and it's a waste of time proving anything to a slide shill such as yourself
You can't prove God, you can't explain it but you can find him within yourself.
Trying to explain God to someone is like trying to explain an emotion to someone who never felt it, it's impossible unless the person experience it by himself
There's way more interpretations of God that just "a man in the clouds"
My favourite reason for god existing as posted in that lameass post you made:
1. Human beings really need God.
2. What humans really need, probably really exists.
3. Therefore, God really exists.
HAHAHAHA omg youre really serious you think this is a good argument!
You can't "prove" anything. You can only use inductive reasoning to realize that God is most likely real. But why wouldn't you want him to be? Civilizations under God flourish, and that's something that IS proven.
What's wrong with the current arguments?
Oh, you put in zero effort and you're not sincere...
I honestly wish i could believe like you do. Really, it must feel comforting to know the biggest badass power out there is watching your back, despite knowing he flooded the world and genocided so many nonbelievers but that you are safe cause you are among the chosen
But i cant just force believe out of nowhere. If he exists he made me this way.
These digits don't lie.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
entanglement with quantum mechanics
off the top of my head these things point towards us being in a simulation, therefore we would have a creator.
not proof, but science is beginning to toy with the concept. One day someone may find proof...
>everything that moves is a result of another mover
>there can't be an infinite chain of movers
The double think is so fucking beyond me I think I just propelled myself onto the spectrum
I can't speak for god, that is a matter of faith. But the acceptance of Christ and his sacrifice, that you are born with sin that he has absolved you of allows you to accept, without the impediment of your pride, the helping hands of your community. You have faults and anyone may save you from them if you are willing to accept it.
This is not to say you cannot do so without Christ, but to abandon the concept he offers is to live in constant doubt of the helping hands around you. Either you and everyone around you offer their helping hand from the goodness of their hearts, or none of them do and you must return something to them to equalize the burden you have placed upon them.
>I honestly wish i could believe
>But i cant just force believe out of nowhere
i've never understood this
i can believe whatever i want if there are no incompatibilities with other propositions i hold to
and it's not like "there is an invisible unicorn next to you"
there actually is argumentation and evidence for the existence of God, though they themselves do not give you absolute certainty, it does give you justification for holding to it
You imply that there isn't. It's up to you too prove he isn't real.
Fuck you limey cuck
actually, no
>man in the clouds
>80's meme
well, youre almost 40 years late mate
First : I don't believe anyone is watching my back except myself, I don't believe God flooded the world and genocides are about men killing men and not "the biggest badass power" who suddently killed them.
So, countrary to what you think I don't believe just because I want to believe, in fact when I was younger I was an atheist too, but I began to question myself and tried to seek my own truth within myself. That's how I found myself and within myself I found Faith. That's not something you can understand unless you experience it.
People often think that Faith is blind because people think that "you believe just because you want to believe", but it's simply not true. Faith is consciousness. It's true that some people blindly believe, but I'm not talking about believes, I'm talking about Faith. The more I seeked within myself the more I was aware of my true nature and Faith has grown as I was discovering my inner self. Faith is not granted just because you want it to, that's why I make a distinction between Faith and believes.
There I hope you'll understand why I say that's something you must experiment, that you can't communicate to others because that's something you'll find at the end of a journey within yourself
this one is better
Read up on Our Lady of Fatima. It quelled any doubts I had. Also google "poland eucharistic miracle". It's amazing.
>1. Some things are moved
>2. Everything that is moving is moved by a mover
>3. An infinite regress of movers is impossible
An infinite regress of movers is possible if the universe has always been there and is infinite in time
p1: in the atheistic worldview, the truth value of moral claims do not exist beyond your personal opinion
p2: it would actually be wrong if your mother was raped by 8 black men
c1: therefore, atheism is false
c2: therefore, God exists
only if an actual infinite could possibly exist (it can't)
see also i didnt link to that thread i linked to this one also he probably exits outside of time and doesnt need to follow physics. Fedoracucks believe breaking physics is impossible.
>energy cannot be it because i say so
top kekest
aquinus is an idiot you are better with descartes if you want to argue god
Are Adam and Eve alive? No. An evil snake killed them. Right in the vagina. And Christ is the final Adam. Do you question your shitposting abilities? Then why question your Creator? When Lisa Simpson made those tooth people they worshipped her. They didn't make themselves believe they were infallible, like you are doing. Prove YOU exist. I think therefore I am is not a sentence. Is it secular? It's probably a lie. Good work
>also he probably exits outside of time and doesnt need to follow physics
is this a marvel comic ??
>energy cannot be it because i say so
where did he say that? also not responding to
The slit experiment proves that intelligent design in the programing exist therefor there must exist a "programmer" or God, sidenote the Christ consciousness is the only way like it or not. You are either with the dark or with the light no middleman bullshit.
>The slit experiment
whats that
If God exists outside of the universe and outside of time then who created him ?
>Muh 'Maybe it always just was'
>System has evident internal temporal function
Maybe this system just runs in defiance of it own temporal statutes.
He always existed. He is the only thing that has always existed.
The old argument of atheists was "lol the universe has always existed" but they were proven wrong. The big bang theory supports God more than it supports atheism.
He wasn't created, things that don't begin to exist don't need a creator because they always (as much sense as that makes without time) existed
stop reading dawkins, the man is a shit philosopher
he always has been there and always will. He isnt "hurr muh sky fairy" like you fedoracucks think. The Father doesnt have form. The Son does though.
Also again you fedorafags don't believe you can break physics so how did the stuff for the big bang get there? Something needed to create it.
Things only need creators when they have matter.
Things only need origin when they exist in time.
Things only need energy when they are bound by rules.
>How could an intelligence exist outside the rules of OUR universe.
>it's principles are perfect
You completely failed to name one principle. The Bible is so horrible that christians completely ignore it.
>energy cannot be the primal mover because it depends on blahblahblah
energy doesnt depend on shit and if it one thing we know about the origin of the universe is a huge energy expansion took place
>disproove my idiotic youtube videos
what do your badly edited videos even proove
He only does if need him to.
No one can prove God exists.
That is why it is called faith.
Yeah no, ignore the fedora faggot.
>be on /x/
>fedora comes
>give me evidence
>here, summon this demon
>summons it
>demon bites his dick off
>it was a mental process, not a demon!
And so on...
Prove it to yourself. It's your ass that's roasting, not mine.
If you look at a human DNA strand and think this was created from one cell 4 billion years ago, now this does include 3 billion of cooling, leaves one billion years to go from goop, to ONE CELL, and survived to divide, then two cell divided, and survived, taught themselves how to eat, and survived, then these cells "decided to stick tigether" " mate with itself, survived, etc, etc.
What does it take for you to realize GOD the Creator, designed the whole deal.
If you were taught the word of God, Jesus, you would know the science of God and creation.
All God ask is that you declare with your mouth, before Men, that Jesus is Lord, and be Baptized.
Then when your Biological Earth Suit dies your soul and spirit goes to Heaven and eternity. There God will assign Angels to teach you his Science if Creation.
. But if you do not confess before men and be Baptized you will lift up your eyes in Hell and remember these words.
STOP being lazy, just what Satan wants, and read the Bible for yourself. Then when I see you in Heaven you will think about what I posted to you. Then we'll eat a bug Pot of shrimp Gumbo and a few burgers as a side!
An experiment crucial to the theory of quantum mechanics. Particles behave differently when we observe them. When we don't, they are in a state of superposition. Other user is being retarded though. Observation only causes the particles to behave differently because there is an exchange of energy that the instruments used to observe the particles cause. It's not God fucking with us because he has nothing better to do.
whether or not that passage is actually talking about rape is arguable, but let's say it is
that was a good deal though for the victim in those times, the guy would have had to take care of her and their child for the rest of their lives.
she would have had a difficult time finding a husband since she would've been a non-virgin
Prove to god that you exist.
I'm going to live eternal life by the technologies which are evidenced by the bible. I will force all humans live. I will be a God.
Therefore I am proving God exists.
You want me to hold your hand whilst you cross the street too, google it my man. Short version is they shoot protons at a slit and it behaves differently when its being observed from when its not indicative of reality being self aware or sentient.
>i dont know how the universe started
>therefore it was the father and his son yibus
argument for a creator is no argument for christcuckery
why not a simulation the universe started when ti guy pressed play
Do it yourself you lazy faggot.
Aw man, I thought my response was kind of clever.
"He only does if need him to."
You already know what word was missing, and it's who God is because YOU need him, too.
1. The bible has never been proven wrong. All prophesies were fullfilled within its pages And are also being completed today. It took science hundreds of years to discover that earth did not hang from atlas or a tortiose, that blood had life quality or that light emits sound when the bible already describes it
2. Jesus Christ lived, even secular figures Like taciturn And pliny wrote of his life
evidence for a simulated universe saving processing power when not consciously observed
“If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, 29 then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days.
A just law since the woman would be convieved with child, and if even if she wasn't, she would no longer be desired by anyone in the jewish community. Since she is not betrothed no body will marry her otherwise. So he is now hers.
She would be condemend to be desittiute all her days because of one foolish night.
That doesn't need ot happen and the man would understand that he is now responsible as caretaker.
Nobodys going to marry a slut.
god is nature. see Deism.
The one TRUE INFINITE CREATOR is an energy not a man.
God is Real
>Old Testament
>god is nature. see Deism.
that's pantheism you dumb nigger
Also: Quantum mechanics is the science of discovering God.
3. It is a conceptual truth (or, so to speak, true by definition) that God is a being than which none greater can be imagined (that is, the greatest possible being that can be imagined).
4. God exists as an idea in the mind.
A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, other things being equal, greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind.
Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is greater than God (that is, a greatest possible being that does exist).
5. But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God (for it is a contradiction to suppose that we can imagine a being greater than the greatest possible being that can be imagined.)
6. Therefore, God exists.
>To start: God may or may not be a white man with a beard in the sky. More realistically, though, God is far beyond any concept we have of it.
All observable matter and energy obeys various rules and are made of fundamental units.
Any explanation that does involve creation must pass through the tunnel of "All of the rules created themselves and then all of this matter eventually, too, came about and then all of this just 'happened.'"
For all of this to have just happened, it means that all logic and reason, the very tool you are using to making and digesting this post, comes fundamental from non-reason and non-existance. From a realm of no rules, no matter, nothing. Perhaps this universe was generated by another universe, but then the problem set simply continues. There are no rules, there is no origin. All of this is a fluke.
Neither the atheist nor the theist believes this universe did not arise from a source beyond the rules of our universe and beyond the limitations such as depth, width, length, energy and time. The only difference is that the former believes all of this arrives from meaninglessness and the later believe in meaning. The theist believes the existential ‘ort cloud’ beyond the river bestows order and purpose and thus meaning to the pattern it observes. The atheist believes only, in the end, of nihilism and its derivative solipsism.
In the absence of any fundamental rules all logic is meanginless. All mathematics are meaningless. The perception you are experiencing is false. All of the order and patterns you are experiencing all amount to nothing. There is no universe, there never was a universe. There never even was a (you).
In conclusion, OP, there is no inherent argument to be solved in your question. If a God, a prime origin of logic, does not exist as science and atheism currently state there is no logic in your question nor could any logic be given in response to it.
>energy doesnt depend on shit and if it one thing we know about the origin of the universe is a huge energy expansion took place
Where did the energy come from?
>what do your badly edited videos even proove
Sorry when I meant slut I meant she was you know "thoroughly used"
I'm sorry I meant to be discrete
You can bet the house that this clown has studied z-e-r-o other religions in forming his opinion that christianity is the best religion.
First the experiment is crucial to quantum physics but when it comes to the meat and potatoes its energetic interference, and not indicative of sentient behavior. Do me a favor pick a side and stick with it dnt mold shit to fit your viewpoints its biased and against logic.
Was his asscrack as fetid and putrid as I suspect it is?
>belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.
>Pantheism is the belief that all reality is identical with divinity
nature != existence.
see fags/abominations etc
you sir, are the dumb nigger
which god?
I really, really need a bottomless bowl of dim sims.
There's either one God or an infinite number of Gods.
The choice is yours.
First see this before calling me an atheist fedorafag.
I believe God has always existed but I don't understand why you make a distinction between God and the universe. God is the great whole so is the universe, you can't think about God outside of the universe as God is everything that exist.
And for the big bang you guys are being mistaken : it's a popular belief that the universe was born with the big bang but the only thing we know is that at some point when you look back in time the universe was way more compact but as we don't have any theory that would describe how the 4 great forces interact when the matter is in such a state we can't tell what really happened until we find a new theory
where did the god come from?
Daphne was a tree to keep Zeus from putting the root in her.
Burden of proof, faggot.
Here you go. If youre not a Christian in 2017, you're retarded.
Ok who's or what is running the simulation, what intelligence programed it, there is absolutely a higher authority whether you choose to believe or not. O and its a hologram to be clear but simulation word work as a synonym in this case.
Why cant every one just except that they know fucking nothing about how reality works?
And before anyone says quantum physics well we still no nothing when it really boils down to it, we still have no fucking clue what matter is and what is beyond matter
>I believe God has always existed but I don't understand why you make a distinction between God and the universe.
because the universe began to exist
because otherwise you'd have an infinite temporal regression of events, an actual infinite
>why wouldn't that apply to God?
because God was not in time before He created time
>There's either one god, or an infinite number of gods, or zero.
>The choice is yours.
I read what you wrote.
But all I saw was a bunch of words.
He did not "claim" anything. OP is asking for proof. Proof cannot be given by fellow man.. Proof is spiritual faith and it is received from Jesus Christ
I'm sorry your miserable.
But trying to convince anyone there isn't a God isn't going to make you happier.
Donald J. Trump is president.
>rape is arguable
Stop lying. Of course it's about rape. If you are trying to defend the Bible, then you are doing a piss poor job of it. Saying it's "arguable" means that the Bible is so obscure that it's completely useless.
>good deal though for the victim in those times
"Good deal" by the low, low standards of jewish barbarians running around the desert. Like I said. The Bible is so horrible that even you ignore it.
>I'm sorry your miserable.
>But trying to convince anyone there isn't a God isn't going to make you happier.
Making shit up on the internet. Do you think your god approves of you fabricating stories?
>Where did the energy come from?
no one knows yet
pls stop this delusion those videos arent even watchable