Wouldn't the master race be asians(intelligence) mixed with blacks(raw, godlike strength and sex appeal)? You never hear about mentally ill blasians shooting up schools like whites and white-asians.
Wouldn't the master race be asians(intelligence) mixed with blacks(raw, godlike strength and sex appeal)...
A low iq ape that can't open its eyes all the way
The true master race is Ashkenazi Jews (115 IQ, higher than all asians) and blacks.
mixing with blacks to get intelligence is a dice roll and gambling with genetics. to really succeed in making a master race you'd have to select for intelligence, strength, and beauty and cull the rest. or if you want to be humane, sterilize the rest and allow them to work in the mines.
man, I don't know I feel like you're gonna get dumb and weak kid from that.
>your literally canceling both traits out by doing that
all your left with is a kawaii hoodrat femboy
Despite the memes, most niggers are manlets and skinny weak cucks.
No. Niggers are dumb and useless. Go back to Africa nigger you only exist in the US becuase your great grand parent was a farm tool.
That's not how it works nigger
When you mix an asian and a black you get a dumb clumsy mess
>destroying Asian intelligence by mixing with inferior African intelligence
>destroying African sprinter muscles with inferior Asian muscle genotype
Admit it that whites are the best mix possible with best balance of intelligence, strength, and creativity
Their average IQ would still be below 90, which if you believe Molyneux is still not enough to run a shaky form of democracy.
Dominant genes fight to come out on top
You would get a dumb blasian manlet
BMAF = master race gods
We should have picked our own cotton, fuck you nigger.
>Smart with Literal Retard
>Feminine with Masculine
I guess you must be closer to the "retarded" spectrum because that only makes average.
>blacks(raw, godlike strength and sex appeal)
subtle cuckpost
Show me the miracle child with a happy mother and father, or this is fake and gay like your racial superiority.
Out of the many people I've known, I've met a grand total of one person who was half Black and half Asian. I had the misfortune of working with her for a couple of years, and mind you, this was a decade before the SJW insanity we have going today. She was hands-down the most hyper-sensitive emotional basket case of anyone I've ever met, and the ONLY reason she was able to keep her job was that HR knew that firing her would mean an instant lawsuit. She was so eager to take offense that her co-workers would literally inhale and roll their eyes in an "oh boy, here we go" gesture whenever she entered a room. She eventually left on her own to go and torture people at other Fortune 500 companies, praise Kek.
Yeah yeah, the plural of anecdote is not data, but if that's what the master race looks like, they're going to be so fucking fragile that they'll never get anything done.
Black Americans are already the master race