Putin finally did it.
He finally achieved his goal set so long ago by his KGB superiors. His goal to utterly destroy the USA done in the most devious way possible - by planting an unlikely president candidate who does not even realise that he is just a pawn in the games of powers that be. DJT is the straw that will break camel's back.
All you had to do is to listen to Yuri. Now you crash.
Sayonara, faggots.
Putin finally did it
Just like niggers blaming white people for their misfortunes, same as Democrat's blame Russia for theirs.
Trump isn't destroying America, Liberals and their media are trying to.
Putin didn't do nothing.
It was the right wing media apparatus put in motion in the 1980s that killed the US global empire. Trump isn't a plant, he is the logical outcome of conservative rhetoric. Kant once said that even villains must have virtues, such as wisdom or courage, but in Trump we have a man completely devoid of ANY virtues. Much like many Americans these days. America is too powerful to die of anything other than its own cancer. It's vanity for Russians to think that your propaganda did this.
>Liberals and their media
Where their left-drifting ideas come from?
I shouldn't even call it conservative. There is a thread of identity politics tying most of the right and some of the left to horrible beliefs. Pure tribalism. It's not really conservative or liberal in character.
>It's vanity for Russians to think that your propaganda did this.
It is not just our propaganda and it is not just propaganda. It would be silly to think that the USA could be manipulated without any help on the inside - and clear social rifts produce powerful tools to manipulate.
There are methodical sublime stabs being done to the USA as a country and as a society in a slow but effective fashion by a group of co-conspirators.
Subvert divided and divide subverted - soon antifa and BLM will become radical centrists compared to things to come.
So Russia is doing exactly what leftists want to do to America? Why are you complaining then?
>Trump: What's it like in there?
> Putin: What do you mean?
> Trump: In your brain. I mean, for me it's like, when I think really hard my brain starts making connections and then those connections start making other connections those connections make other connections and it's like a bomb is going off.
> Putin: It's more like a beehive. And every bee has a brain like yours.
Trump plays 4D chess.
Putin plays 4475839572D chess.
You and OP on tag team duty? Gtfo faggots. Your shit is scripted and lacks vitality.
Are you shills stupid and getting desperate
Or desperate and getting stupid?
It's not too powerful to die at all.
If Americans weren't such pissy faggots and actually led the world by example and sensible leadership the whole world would love them.
But instead its divide et impera policy ever since they started playing the geopolitical games in 1918. Secondly their whole society is based on antagonism, fucking over
others, and uncontrolled exploitation. Such a society is inevitably unstable in the long run, and Trump is only the sign of their politics degenerating even further, even though he is not such a bad guy long term speaking.
American hegemony over world politics, was never a given.
this russian is right. It's pretty telling that Russia wants to bring down the west by electing right wing retard candidates like Trump, Le Pen, etc. I guess even the Russians know that Republicuck policies always end in disaster.
People take Putin for granted. But he is a political mastermind. And potentially the most skillful politician in the world.
remember, no russian.
Putin's a fag.
>implying we didnt elect Trump to goatfuck your slushland.
Victory goes to the whitest.
Apparently China has a chance to become the whitest.
And like how Sup Forums blames the Jews for their misfortunes.
In order for your implication to mean anything, you'd need to believe in white genocide already. 1/5
this Russia shit either is going to end on its own or we are going to do it for you Gestapo style you fucking faggot snake
>you fucking faggot snake
This snake always tries to eat it's own tail.
LOL, yeah i wonder what other numbers look like when you don't scale the y axis, of course they don't even register
People at the bottom save 100% of their income, it just isnt' anywhere near what the top 0.1% save, even if they're only saving 0.001% more than they currently are. They make hundreds of millions of dollars per year.